Turn Signal Issue with Tilt Steering

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Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
Charlotte, NC
I am just wondering how many, if any, has complained about the turn signal issue with the tilt steering. I put in a complaint at http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/ivoq/ but I am sure it will take more than one complaint to get the ball rolling. Just wondering if anyone has taken the time to do this.

I haven had the problem, but then again I never tilt the wheel, and I'm the only one driving the ST...

I have not seen that many complains (like 10, tops?), but who knows, there may be the silent ones... :)
<a href="http://www.zjstech.net/~library/7804/HelpFiles/MFSwitch.zip"target=top>MF Switch.zip</a>

It has been a somewhat common issue, though not lately. Should be the multifunction switch. There is another current thread dealing with this. If you're under warranty, take it in, if not start by downloading the above zip file and take a look.
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UNCCgrad, yep, it is a problem for me too. Some have complained about it and tried to find a resolution, and some help has been posted here. AAMOF, Spacemann posted a procedure to remove the collar shroud that surrounds the steering wheel that will get you to the obvious/probable cause of this fault, so look at his library to find it. I have an 01' that I bought new back in 01' and that problem didn't arrive until way after the warranty was up. So if someone tells you that your brake light is out, it may just be b/c of that switch or multifunction lever. If you feel mechanically inclined to try it, be cautious and aware of the procedure to get it back together.
Rodger (& Georgia), Me too. The downswept turn signal arm seems to be the problem. I think it would be better if it was straight.
it is a safety issue, maybe the nhtsa can do something about it. Mine was already fixed, but some folks may not even know there is a problem...... I didn't since I keep the wheel all the way up. DW drives with it down and I happened to be behind her one night and noticed no turnsignal. Called her on the phone and had her try it with the wheel up and it worked.

I had replaced the bulb two or three times, every time I did, I got in the truck to test it (raising the steering wheel) and it would work. Then a few days later she would drive it and the turn signal would not work. I was pissed. They originally zip tied the connector or something inside the column, and ordered the switch. They say they replaced it later on, but I am not really sure (the dealer was having issues locating the part when I went to have it put in and magically found it when I started asking for the GM even though there was not one in stock supposedly)
Please elaborate on what the issue is.

For a while my turn signal lost that 'crisp' snap into the up/down (right/left) which might've been attributed to adjusting the tilt and/or through use of the signal stem while turning the wheel. I've stopped using the turn signal 'on the fly' and no longer find the need to adjust the tilt and now for the most part the stem snaps crisply into either position again.
The porblem only existed in the early 2001-2002 models and I don't think it's considered a "Dangerous Safety" issue. So that is probably why nothing has been done.

On my old 2001 Sport Trac, it caused intermittent starting problems. Others have had problems with the turn signals, brake lights and the horn acting irradically.

Rich, I disagree. It is a safety issue, if the turn signals quit operating, even if only on one side, the possibility exists that you could have someone try to pass while turning (or some other thing) and it could cause an accident. Minor, possibly. Still a safety issue.

I don't know how many ST's it affected, but I know it did mine and one other I saw. I told the owner what was wrong an he took it in.

Okay, so what is the solution to this ? Is it the multifunction switch (ws wiper, turn signal, dimmer switch, etc, or the electrical connectors inside) or the design of all the functions intergrated into one part, or ......? I have the same problem with my 01' and it is very frustrating and irritating. Warranty or not, Ford should at least offer to look into it for the sake and safety of the driver as it does relate to a safety issue. They could at least have you come in and put a tie wrap on it to do whatever it takes to make it work properly.

I agree that it may be a safety issue to you an me, but to NHTSA that is a minor incovenience not a safety issue. NHTSA only considers things that cause emminent danger like brake failures, ruptured gas tanks, fires, etc.

If you turn signals are not functioning or operating irradically, that is no excuse for changing lanes without looking. Just because you use the turn signal does not mean it's proper for you to turn into someones lane without giving proper clearance. So if you do that, the turn signal is not make it any safer. And if you know your signals don't work then it would prudent to ensure the lane is clear before you enter it.

If kyour brakes fail, there is little you can do to make that situation less dangerous. If you vehicle catches fire, there is nothing you should have done to prevent that. If your wheel falls off because the spinle broke, there is nothing that you could have done to prevent that. Those are the things that NHTSA monitors for frequent failure rates and then investigates for possible recall.

PS: The problem is caused by insufficient slack in the wireing harness that goes up the steering column. When the wheel is tilted, it can pull on the wires an pull the main connector (called the multi-switch connector) apart, and even pull wires and pins out of the connector, and causing irratic operation of all the accessories that go through the connector. The cure is to pull up a little more slack in the wiring harness and if necessary hold it in place with a wire-tie.


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