UPS Raises Shipping Rates

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WXMotorSports DecalsPartsAccs

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2002
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Seattle, WA
Just received an email from UPS. In 2008 rates go up again.

UPS published small package Retail Rates will change as follows*: UPS Ground and UPS Standard to Canada services will increase 4.9%. Air and International express services will increase a net 4.9% through a combination of a 6.9% increase in rates and a 2% reduction in the air and international fuel surcharge.
USPS, all of them, it stinks, But whatcha gonna do....

Todd Z
Util company raised my rates too this year. It was cheaper to run the AC in the summer compared to the winter months. Glad I don't live in the cold states. However, my heating bill is going to be a lot this winter.
Considering the behemoth UPS trucks get 10 mpg at best (if you think they're small, go stand next to one, and realize that you could park a full length sedan in the back, and almost the trac), and ups' inefficiency, it had to happen with fuel and all that garbage going up.

Without shipping though, we'd all be in a much sorrier state, so can we really hate a necessary evil?
US Mail is always cheaper than UPS, from my experience but, I sure remember when UPS led the way for packages sent prices !

We can Thank the oil companies for driving gas prices up. Just a dominoe effect, businesses suffer, truck drivers suffer, regular folks on and so on... But OIL Companies continue to profit, * Just things that no longer make me go hmmmm.*

I was in Buffalo NY yesterday (not in my ST) and seen gas at 3.29 a gal. Deisiel was worse, Oh I was also in Niagra Falls, NY and Ontario, Canada. Outrageous what the cost of fuel is getting to.
We can Thank the oil companies for driving gas prices up. Just a dominoe effect, businesses suffer, truck drivers suffer, regular folks on and so on... But OIL Companies continue to profit, * Just things that no longer make me go hmmmm.*

Oil companies HAVE to make a profit or they will not stay in business.

Who is responsible for the price of gas? China. They are the reason oil is at $97.00/bbl.

Keep supporting the Chinese economy and the prices will go up. It is a domino effect, you are right about that. We send money to China by buying thier products. They buy energy. We buy more Chinese goods, they buy more energy. We buy even more Chinese goods, they buy even more energy. They also buy steel to build buildings and war ships. They buy wood to build houses. They compete with us to buy the things we also use. Supply and demand. Less of a supply, more of a demand, the prices will go up.

the only thing you can do is buy as little Chinese made stuff as you can. One person might not make a difference, but it is a start. The more people that do the same, the slower the prices will go up.


And, they do a trade with Iran on Arms and Nuclear Technology for oil.

That is what we know about.

The number of war ships China is building is obscene.

China could become the next "USSR". We really need that.

At least we can get our shoes cheap.

Caymen said:
China could become the next "USSR". We really need that.

I'm not sure if that last sentence was sarcastic or not.

We actually could use another USSR. The last cold war helped our economy on many fronts.

if general patton hadn't been killed at the end of world war 2, we would have done something against the russians before they were able to mount up as the ussr. Our efforts might not have been effective, but we still would have taken some. Instead we locked ourselves into a retarded ~50 year stalemate. Today we can do something about china, and we really need to.

**if canada has so much oil to export, why are their gas prices more heinous than metropolitan US areas?

canada was a cool country, from what little I have seen, but as a canadian said, they are America's Attic, so why are the people living upstairs selling goods to the enemy? Why are we letting them build a pipeline? Everyone knows that the Western Hemisphere is America's Playground. The world police need to halt this pipeline.

More seriously (that was sarcasm) why are we supporting china with massive consumer moneypots like Survivor? Cheap labor is understandable--though not agreeable--but doing as much as we can with china is retarded.

They claim that there aren't enough refineries, so that is why we have an oil "shortage". We can't build any more refineries, because of lame NIMBYs. Same goes for power plants. California will go back to the stone age with massive blackouts in due time if they don't get an infusion into our backassward power grid system, but the hippie environmentalists would rather have than than build a clean plant....likewise, they (and others) would rather have us become beggars due to the gas pump than to build a refinery. It's not as clean as a nuke plant, but who cares? It is a necessary evil. NIMBYs need to get a foot up the ass, get knocked off their high horse, and see that their petty nonsense is screwing everyone over. Controlled violence IS the answer.

We also need to start grabbing our own oil. We have alaska, and we have the ocean. Both are being protected by environmentalists, but it is time we made a choice. Alaska is pretty cool, but the ocean? Who cares about deep sea drilling? Let's get it on. It's a lot less costly to drill the seabed than to take over Mexico/Venezuela, the next closest oil bonanzas. We do have the right to pick a little fight, but why do that when you don't have to--controlled violence ;)

On a tangent, why is it that everyone gets riled up against UPS when it comes to shipping? Why are you posting only UPS profits? The USPS is NOT a government agency anymore, so you can post profits and insight against them as well. No one ever delivers hatred to FedEx, though I personally have never gotten a package that didn't arrive on my doorstep utterly ravaged from them, and no one even remembers DHL...not that they are any better. Caymen makes a good point--companies obviously need to make profit to stay in business. The fact that UPS is making a profit, against rising fuel costs, is a good thing as it means that they aren't going anywhere. Yet everyone condemns them for it. It's not like the profit just sits in a bank where the chars of the board go swimming in it in a is applied back to the company for expansion and the like. (Sure, some gets syphoned off, but that happens everywhere)

UPS has minimal outsourcing--you should be giving them props for that.....but instead you condemn them for making a profit...and that profit is rather puny for a company so massive. To ups, the profit which I infer you are saying is glaring is actually chump change.
Kevin L, UPS was not being condemed, they have to increase their cost due to what it takes in gas to deliver the goods/mail. as any other business has to increase prices. and Caymen, Oil companies make well more than their share of a profit. They know that they could lower costs of fuel and still make a enormous profit, but they don't.

We sit on our own oil so when the rest of the world goes dry...we have leverage. That is just my OP. :)

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