Urban Rock Crawling

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Ben Poche

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2004
Reaction score
st. rose, LA
Bored at work Down Town New Orleans not going off road is killing me.It was easy I love 4x4

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I've been to that mall...swanky place. Used the bathroom there after Harrah's said no...dang casino's.

That's pretty cool, some good places to get good articulation in urban places.
Bpoche...So I guess you either own that mall or were 100% sure your truck wasn't going to crack and break-up or otherwise damage those steps?

And, the next time you're "board" grab a book on improving your spelling skills. ;-)

I did not think my spelling looked correct,and i have seen bigger trucks and equipment go over those steps. Thanks TJR
Forgive me bpoche if you were working at the time and had a legit reason to be on the steps. Seemed more to me like you were goofing off at the possible expense of the taxpayers. But, hey, I don't pay NO taxes so have fun!
i was or am at work still but it is not tax payers money an yes i had a reason to be on the steps a challenge
I'm at work now too, and the complex I work in is privately owned so any damage I do won't be paid for by taxpayers. It might be a nice challenge to see if my Trac can fit in the lobby of the front office. I think I will try it. Oh, wait...that would be both juvenile and destructive. Guess I will pass.

I wonder if you would try this on some random building front in NYC and if not, why not?

I am not trying to give you a hard time, but it seems like public property and you have a disregard for it, and since no one else chimed in to question your actions I thought I should lest others on the site get the idea that it these actions are sanctioned by this site.

But, I guess that is the old foggie in me!

Have fun, be safe, don't do any harm!

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TJR i respect you and your comments,the property i am on is who i work for my boss loved it.actual was his idea. and yes if i was in NYC i would try it their also if i ran the building and am i charge of things like i do here.
Kewl bpoche...a disclaimer like the following might be useful in the future:

Closed lot, lot owner's permission obtained, professional driver, do NOT attempt these stunts

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Tom have a stiff drink and chill.

Do not opperate equipment or motor vehichles under the influence of alchol as injury may occour.

Thank's walter. It's always good to hear from the "do what you wanna do", "if it feels good do it" crowd!

I should have known that encouraging responsibility and disclaiming what looks like misuse of public property wouldn't fit with today's morals. I just hoped it would be welcomed on this site.

Stepping down off my high horse.

No I just automaticly (allthough mabe wrong) asumed that a large majority of us here at MyST are pretty upstanding responsable adults. But yes to some degree I agree with that asumption "do what you wanna do", "if it feels good do it" crowd!" but only if it dosent adversely affect others. If I want to decorate my face with pericings, tatoo my rear with flameing monkeys or read really bad poetry while standing on a mountian top in a red speedo (I weigh well over 250 pds.) and it makes me happy then kudos to me. I would like to point out at this time though that I have never done any of these things but have considerd a tatoo in anothe location. If your not going to drink that then when I get home from work today I will and Chillllll dude. (After I go 4 wheelin in the local put-put course):p

Tom I am glad though that you do chose to show your concern and respect that you speak up for what you belive.
