Video Card Question??? (PC Computer)

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hard to diagnose from miles away but

i still say no beeps during post = dead processor or possibly MB

and i would hate to see you waste your money on a video card.

if its a AMD processor i would heavily lean towards the processor

as i have had 5 come in to my shop so far this year all dead

major fan problems from their manufacturer was the cause as they

were spinning but no where near fast enough.

fortunately they were retail box and still under warranty.
And the winner is.........................

Defective mother board.....

Well, first time it has EVER happened to me. so,,, can't be too unhappy.

Purchased a pretty well loaded up e-machine for $400.00. Has things the other unit did not and it is new. So over-all, I am happy about it.

Went ahead and purchased a 21 inch flat screen at the same time.

And I must admit, that is very nice to look at by comparison to what we had here.

Thanks for the suggestions all....