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rob moore 2

Active Member
Oct 23, 2002
Reaction score
lenoir city, TN
Took my brother in law for a ride today and he wanted to see what the trac would do, so we got on the highway and i punched and all was good, got up to about 90 before having to slow down and make a turn,and everything was smooth, got to where we were going and stopped, turned it off while waiting for my father in law to arrive. he arrived, started the trac and immediately died. started again, died, started again and pushed the gas, sputterd with black smoke(stinkin smoke) coming out exhaust,finally getting it to move a little. Got mad went in the house, came out a minute or 2 later, started up and all was good. have one of waynes tune on it. anyone got any ideals why it happened?
Heated up the crap in the EGR system and caused the IAC to stick....

Could ha parked on a hill and the fuel was acting weird...

The ST computer gremlin.......

Unfortunatly this does happen with the ST.... Mine did it at 1500K miles and only one time after at about 20K.....

First time no tune, Second time with a tune....
Look on the front of your vehicle. If you have one of these "Ford" then that is your problem.

Might I remind you, your 2.3L engine in your Mazda3 is the same Engine Ford builds for use in the Focus...

Just thought I would let you know in case it slipped your mind. I know the Japanese logo in the front of a vehicle will make it run better and last longer.

Dad seen a woman driving a vehicle that looked just like an Explorer. He liked the color and said to her, Nice Explorer. That color looks great on it. Her comment? "I would never buy a Ford. They build nothing but junk. That is why I got a Mazda. Mazda builds great vehicles."

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Might I remind you, your 2.3L engine in your Mazda3 is the same Engine Ford builds for use in the Focus

My mom just bought a fusion with that motor and i was plesantly surprised with it. the milage out of it wasnt as bad as i expected to for the way i was driving it
And it's worth every bit of never seeing the interior of a dealer's service dept, or trying to figure out where the latest groan/squeak/rattle is coming from.
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Sounds like the IAC. Quick easy fix...clean the IAC, use the project that was submitted. You got some carbon and other stuff in the IAC so it doesn't open like it is supposed to. Very easy to get to and clean.

Have a good one

160 HP is plenty of power to get the Mazda 3 moving. Just because the focus has the same engine, doesn't mean it has the same performance or reliability. Afterall, the STs have the same engine as a V-6 Mustang. Those two vehicles have very different performance characteristics.

[Broken External Image]:

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