What kind of country do we have?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2002
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Sugar Land, TX
Border Agents Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos are reporting to prison today. Call the White House (202/456-1111) and tell Bush what a ******* he is for not pardoning these guys. I did. I'm really sorry I ever voted for that clown.

If you have never heard about this, see some videos about it here or google it.
Last I heard they would have to request the pardon themselves. Have they done so?

Pretty sparse info provided in those links.

Why would you expect the President of the United States to have the faintest idea about this criminal case? It's probably sitting on some low level staffers desk...

Yesterday, Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) delivered petitions for their pardon directly to the White House. This happened in his own backyard. You can bet he knows.
O.J. -- Innocent

Border Patrol -- Guilty

I guess no one is perfect. Can't blame the President for this one. This falls on the judge. I'm sure there will be an appeal and this will be overturned. :(
This falls on the judge. I'm sure there will be an appeal and this will be overturned.

The judge is no doubt on the "take" from drug lords. Yes there is an appeal process in the works but in the meantime these agents are going to jail. Here's something You may not know if you haven't been keeping up with the news here in Texas: The drug smuggler who received immunity for his testimony was caught a second time transporting drugs into our country but because he was testifying, he got that charge dropped also. This sends a great message to our border guards. No wonder no-one wants the job.

Yes, I'm from Texas and voted for Bush twice. I blame the Democrats for not giving me a better candidate to vote for. Kerry? Come on. Who in their right mind would vote for him? This is what our nation has come to. Voting against the worse of two evils.

This is what our nation has come to. Voting against the worse of two evils.

I've been doing that for the past 25-30 yrs. The last President that I know of that had integrety was Harry Truman.

Peter Drucker said that Harry Truman had the charisma of a dead mackerel, but his staff practically worshipped him. It was because his integrity was impeccable. Harry always said what he meant and meant what he said.
Yes, I'm from Texas and voted for Bush twice. I blame the Democrats for not giving me a better candidate to vote for. Kerry? Come on. Who in their right mind would vote for him? This is what our nation has come to. Voting against the worse of two evils.

Even still, say there are 2 or 3 doors. If I walk through a door and say step into a trench full of dog $h!t, say 7 feet wide by, well let's just say there is no way around the enormous trench o' $h!t and your foot is stuck... then 4 years later someone throws you a rope pulls you out, hands you a change of clothes, a bucket of water, a bar of soap, and gives you a chance to pick one of the other 2 or 3 doors. What are the chances that you would pick the same door which already had the vast canal of fido poop?

Consider the analogy of the plentiful fecal matter runneth over in said non-negotiable pit of despair with no paddle the Bush administration.

I mean, I'm not a betting man, but when I saw die hard republicans turn on Bush with jaws dropped, saying "Okay, we were wrong", I thought even Al Sharpton had a shot at winning.

Now there's going to be a woman and a black man running on the D side. This is going to be good. I'd like to see the R put up a homosexual, an Iranian-American, and a goat to really make it interesting. I bet the goat wins.
Yes, the Democrats will put another Republican in the White House if Hillary is their canidate. I voted for Bush... twice, because the Democrats had NO ONE worth voting for. And I'll vote Republican (or ANYTHING ELSE) if Hillary or Obama turns out to be their canidate for president. Then again, I'm not for the government taxing the hell out of me to give the money for government programs for people who SHOULD be helping themselves... but choose to live off government programs instead.
"A Texas jury convicted the pair of assault with serious bodily injury; assault with a deadly weapon; discharge of a firearm in relation to a crime of violence; and a civil rights violation. Compean and Ramos also were convicted of four counts and two counts, respectively, of obstruction of justice for not reporting that their weapons had been fired."

Looks like 12 people from the great state of Texas found them guilty, and of quite a few charges. Why is this President Bush's fault?

Speaking of the 2008 Democratic presidential candidate, I think that Lieberman would make the best candidate, and president, better than Hillary, Barak, and all the rest. Only problem is that a Jewish president would tick off the entire Middle East, and likewise, a large portion of our country would never vote for him (I hear dueling banjos playing).
I'm really sorry I ever voted for that clown.

True, but consider the alternatives. Remember too that Dog The Bounty Hunter from TV went to Meh-he-co to bring back a convicted rapist, Meh-he-co wants to put him on trial for kidnapping, and our government is going to let him be extradited. Nevermind that they never let US bring anybody back here for trial.

Only problem is that a Jewish president would tick off the entire Middle East

I think they're ticked off anyway. I wouldn't worry about it because Lieberman is too centrist to make it through the primary.
Looks like 12 people from the great state of Texas found them guilty, and of quite a few charges. Why is this President Bush's fault?

The jury was not allowed to hear all the facts. Such as the man that they shot was an armed and dangerous illegal alien smuggling in a million dollars worth of drugs at the time of the conflict.

It's not Bush's fault they got convicted. It's Bush's fault this travesty of justice is allowed to go forward.
Everyone calm down for a second. Why is everyone screaming for presidential pardons now? Most such pardons, especially the controversial ones, come the last few hours of the president's term, not sooner.
Most such pardons, especially the controversial ones, come the last few hours of the president's term, not sooner.

True. History has proven this.
Voted for Bush twice myself. Why? Well, let's see... Gore? Extremist Whacko. Kerry? Liar, traitor and overall a worthless piece of human trash. I liked Bush the first 4 years. He's become a real disappointment.

The Candidates so far:

-Obama (D) - Illinois Sen.

-Clinton (D) - New York Sen.

-Edwards (D) - North Carolina Sen.

-Kucinich (D) - Ohio Rep.

-Dodd (D) - Connecticut Sen.

-Vilsack (D) - Iowa Gov.

-Gravel (D) - Alaska Sen.

-Biden (D) - Delaware Sen.

-Clark (D) - Arkansas General

-Kerry (D) - Massachusetts Sen.

-Richardson (D) - New Mexico Gov.

-Sharpton (D) - New York

-Cox (R) - Illinois

-Brownback (R) - Kansas Sen.

-Gilmore (R) - Virgina Gov.

-Hunter (R) - California Rep.

-Tancredo (R) - Colorado Rep.

-Guliani (R) - New York Mayor

-McCain (R) - Arizona Sen.

-Romney (R) - Massachusetts Gov.

-Ron Paul (R) - Texas Rep

-Tommy Thompson (R) - Wisconsin Gov.

-Newt Gengrich (R) - Georgia Rep.

-Chuck Hagel (R) - Nebraska Sen.

-Mike Huckabee (R) - Arkansas Gov.

-George Pataki (R) - New York Gov.

Of this list, there are (4) people I would vote for in the Primaries:

-Kucinich (D) - I voted for him last time as I knew that if he was the nominee it would have been another 49-1 victory for the Republicans.... let's do it again.

-Richarson (D) - This would be my serious pick for the Democratic ticket. I'm not happy about him taking the North Korea negotiations on without any kind of backing from the Gov't, but he at least is for closing the borders.

-Newt Gingrich (R) - My Number 1 choice as of right now. He means what he says and has a plan for just about all the big topics right now, which is more that can be said about any one else.

-Mitt Romney (R) - Would be my second choice. He's got some 'splanin to do about some of his flip-flops, but he's generally a conservative in the Reaganesk manner.

The most likely ticket I see on both sides:





That's my $.02 worth
The knock on Obama is that he does not have enough "experience". Actually that to me is a plus. Seems the longer an individual is in office, the more corrupt and single minded they come. His muslim affiliation though will probably keep him from ever being elected.

My candidate:
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