What kind of country do we have?

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I think it is interesting that Hillary Clinton brought that up. Afterall, how long has she been a Senator? I wouldn't count her time as the wife of a politician as experience. That would be like the wife of a General claiming she had combat experience.
Good point, Nelson, but Hillary has decades of political gamesmanship experience. It doesn't mean she is ready to run the country, but she clearly has what it takes to be a typical politician.

By "typical politician" do you mean: corrupt, insincere, dishonest, backstabbing, hypocrite, with their own agendas?
I'd vote for Christopher Walken too, based on his website. However, if the truth be known, I would bet he is much more liberal than his website indicates...
Either side (Dem or GOP) is as bad as the other in one way or the other. I get a little sick to my stomach when ever I try and decide who to vote for.:(
His muslim affiliation though will probably keep him from ever being elected.

Obama - Unelectable. Middle name is Hussein, last name is close enough to Osama that even Ted Kennedy mixes them up. Would get votes from the Northeast and Left Coast but that's about it.

Hillary - Unelectable. Too much scandal in her past, plus at some point someone is going to ask her a tough and unscripted question and she'll go ballistic. Would get votes from the Northeast and Left Coast but that's about it. Hillary will not run if she thinks there's a chance she will lose, both her ego and agenda can't afford it. Better to stay in the Senate and shoot from there.

Lieberman - Electable nationally but would never get through the Dem primary because of his views on terrorism and national security.

The GOP would really have to screw the pooch to lose the White House in 2008, but never say never.

In a perverse way, I sort of hope the Dems win, roll back all of Bush's security stuff, and then some guys named Mohammad bomb a bunch of stuff.
JohnnyO says:
Lieberman - Electable nationally but would never get through the Dem primary because of his views on terrorism and national security.

You really think the Bible belt, Nascar loving folk would elect Lieberman? I don't.
You really think the Bible belt, Nascar loving folk would elect Lieberman? I don't.

No, but he could pick up a swing state or two. It boils down to electoral votes. Us Bible belt NASCAR lovers mostly live in less populous states with less electoral votes. Even here in PA, the vast majority of the counties went red but the more populous Dem counties around Pittsburgh, Philly, and Scranton were enough to carry the state blue in total votes. The last two Presidential elections were pretty close even though the majority of states went GOP, but the Northeast and California reliably bring a ton of votes to the Democrats.

That said, the population of the U.S. is inexoribly moving South and West toward more conservative areas. With each Census the Northeast loses population and hence seats in the House of Reps and electoral votes. This is why forward-thinking Democrats are in favor of letting as many immigrants into the Southwest as possible and making them citizens and Democrat voters.

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