Who said we are not

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If the U.S. was founded on the Christian religion, the Constitution would clearly say so--but it does not. Nowhere does the Constitution say: "The United States is a Christian Nation", or anything even close to that. In fact, the words "Jesus Christ, Christianity, Bible, Creator, Divine, and God" are never mentioned in the Constitution-- not even once. NADA! Nowhere in the Constitution is religion mentioned, except in exclusionary terms. When the Founders wrote the nation's Constitution, they specified that "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States." This provision was radical in its day-- giving equal citizenship to believers and non-believers alike. They wanted to ensure that NO religion could make the claim of being the official, national religion, such as England had. Sorry fools, but the truth hurts! It really does. but its tough love.

Why try to stir this one up again? Until you read some history, I can't debate the topic with you any further. If you can't provide first hand accounts proving your point, as this video has done, you have no point. Watch the video again. Can you refute a single fact in it? Don't attack the makers of the video, attack their claims. Without such specific and intelligent rebuttals to what they claim, you're just providing the ramblings of a lunatic.
Well since I wasnt alive in the 1700s, I cant really provide a first hand account of what went on. Man u are bitter!! My previous posts do provide facts. I havent ATTACTED anyone, and I MAY be a lunatic because I keep trying to have a battle of wits with unarmed opposition.

Our country is not a Christian nation. Sorry
I'm just glad I live way out here where God is still a part of daily life, public and private. I pray daily for our nation. I push my religion on nobody but will gladly discuss it with anyone interested.

I know the facts of our history's foundation, provided through inquisitive research at a time when I was pushing toward secularism myself. Believe me, I went through fully questioning and trying God...and boy did I try it all. I was in college after all. I gave my life over after all of that was leading to certain destruction and failure and since then, things couldn't be better. I hate to have God tried to be pushed out of my life, though.

Talking down to a person for having religious convictions will get you nowhere in life (unless an inflated internet ego is a goal) and I would guarantee you don't talk to persons of faith in person as you do online. If you do, you would insult a majority of people you interact with. Maybe you are as impossible to debate with in person, though, I don't know. I have had good and serious debates with atheists who could back up their ideas with logic and reasoning. Never once did I get the feeling that they were as pretentious and judgmental about those who are religious. You provide nothing other than "your" facts backed up by nothing other than belittling those who disagree. Your arguments are witty (trying to throw you a bone on this one but tired is probably a better adjective) one liners that actually offer nothing to the discussion. Just "you're wrong and backward, I'm right and a progressive more advanced being."

Don't know why I keep feeding the troll. I'll stop. I'll pray for you tonight Frank. God bless.
We're a nation of Christians, but the country, the United States of America, is secular, per the Founding Fathers' wishes. We don't exclude people due to their religious beliefs. Nor do we require the belief of a particular religion to be a citizen.
How about the fact that when the Founding Fathers penned the Declaration of Independence, they cited 27 biblical violations perpetrated by England? Or the fact that 52 of the 55 men who signed it were active members of their churches? Patrick Henry said we were a nation founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Noah Webster was a preacher. George Washington in his farewell address, "You can't have national morality apart from religious principle." Hmmm, sounds like they thought we were a Christian nation to me!
Roger you are wrong. Drive thru a big city and look around once in a while. Freedom thrives and you can worship as you please in America. A nation of all religions. Maybe u need to go back to grammar school (public) and see if there is any organized religion being taught!! Maybe you were home-schooled ?
Roger you are wrong. Drive thru a big city and look around once in a while. Freedom thrives and you can worship as you please in America. A nation of all religions. Maybe u need to go back to grammar school (public) and see if there is any organized religion being taught!! Maybe you were home-schooled ?

Frank, as usual, your comment has nothing to do with anything. Instead of belittling someone, or name calling, why don't you dispute what Roger said, with some facts, not some ill-informed, uneducated opinion.
You asked him to drive around a city in 2012 to dispute facts about the founding fathers in the 1700s. Brilliant retort!
Well I woke up this morning and I drove past a temple (Jewish) a Mosque (Muslim) and about 10 other places (non Christian) probably, and the were all bustling with people.... Christian Nation my a$$ !

Theres your proof Les.
To test the above theory I also went driving this morning and have returned with the following collaborating observations. While I did not see any Temples (Jewish), Mosques (Muslim) or any church's, I did see lots of people driving, walking, and bustling around. Most also appeared to me to be (non Christians). Mainly based on their actions at Garage Sales. With special attention paid to one old lady who snatched a .25 item up that I had my eyes on.

While I can't relate this to absolute "Proof" . I can offer support with my findings. There are people out and about.

Frank, how in the world do you think that something you observe today has any hint of proof about how things were 200+ years ago? You're kidding me, right? Let me play:

The founding fathers obviously intended for every American to own firearms because I took a drive today and saw 3 gun shops, two pawn shops advertising guns, a few trucks with shotguns mounted in the back window and a few bumper stickers that read "Vehicle Protected by Smith & Wesson." Because of what I observed today, the founding fathers obviously meant for everyone to own a gun. There's even an amendment about it!

Your argument sir, is weak, very weak.
Les I was Baptized Catholic. Not an Athiest. Im just someone who KNOWS that our country is not a one religion nation.

Hugh.. If the US was a CN then why are people allowed to worship every known religion in existance here in our country? Keep it simple. Answer the question.

Again. The United States of America is not a Christian nation.

Your arguements are weak.
Hugh.. If the US was a CN then why are people allowed to worship every known religion in existance here in our country? Keep it simple. Answer the question.

That's not what this thread is about and I never claimed it was a Christian nation. You're changing the subject. It's about the founding of our country and the beliefs of the founding fathers. You cannot prove/disprove historical facts with observations of today. The logic is flawed.

My argument is that I know history and there are plenty of first hand sources that back up my claims. Eddie even started this thread with facts about history. You have provided nothing but your observations of today.

Let's play another one: The founding fathers fully anticipated a black man would one day president of the United States. They had no racist thoughts that were prevalent of the time. I can tell this because I have noticed that we have a black president. Using "Frank logic", the founding fathers obviously knew men that were once slaves would hold the highest office in the nation.

Do you not see how ridiculous your statements are? It makes no sense at all.

God loves you Frank. I love you Frank. I'll pray for you again, tonight. Have a blessed week.

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