whoda thunk it???

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tyler wright

Active Member
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
louisville, MS
ok tonight has been a long night......First off my mom and dad made me go to basketball practice and i was pissed about. Well my sister came in my truck to pick me up and when we got to the truck it wouldn't start(the lights on the overhead were dim)and i did't know what to do. S i of course popped the hood.

We were riding around when we saw the main 4 way stop was shut down because of some type of water line they were replacing so we took a short cut around. we

were coming back on the 4 way stop and there was a semi that had to take the short cut to and he was stopped but was in the left turn lane because of the tight turn he would have if he stayed in his lane. We drove up and all of a sudden

BBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR........we sqealed tires and came to a stop, i thought my sister had just slammed on the brakes because that semi was turning. my sister sat there fidgeting with the shifter and i didn't know what was going on. Then she said the truck wen't dead. i said WTF.... We had like ten cars behind u and i semi bought to turn. I told here to put it in neutral and she did, but the tires were locked up and would not turn. But after everbody and their mom drove by to see what happened we finaly got it running again... But it wouldn't shift out of first one time but i think it just needs another battery and new terminal clips.

Is that better......

can someone give some advise have a 01' st
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I sat here for 15 minutes trying to understand WTF I just read.

Then it hit me. Like a semi. With no turn signal.

Get a new battery (or, have your parents get one as the case may be/is). Unless your terminals are broken, cracked, or other wise unusable, you don't need to get new ones. Besides, the ones that auto parts stores sells don't fit over the positive terminal very well.

Make that 20 minutes I sat here, I'm still not sure WTF happened.
glad you tried to help him travis i am not even going to spend 20 mins of my time to even figure out what was being said punctuation is way over rated you know sometimes i just dont want to even try to figure out what is going on because sometimes i have better things to do with my time typing is so hard and that extra perios capital letter is so hard since you have to hit two keys at once and i will ask for help and expect every on to help with it tom

We're not "Thumb Texting" on a cell phone here on this site! You need to get your

English and Grammar skills up to par if you want us to be able to help you with your

'Trac problems! Your 'Trac may be " Wack", but you need to do a little better on the

English, Por' Fa'vor!

Little less basketball, little more English Language Studies!

Just trying to help you , DUDE!

Peace and Love Out!!! :D:unsure:

Last time I asked for him to use a little punctuation, not spelling, I was called every name in the book. Lets see if those "goodie two shoes" chastize you for the same thing.

Check the link below.

50 Trac bonus points to the decipherer of this message, to prove my point:







oneofthem :wacko:

(Do you know how HARD it was for me to type that message?:blink:)
tom you made a good point but i was just trying to help a young man out with his english grammar and punctuation skills granted when we are trying to help a fellow trac member out we cannot always be worried about proper grammar skill spunctuation and the like but it just makes it that much easier and quicker if we have some idea of what he was trying to talk about like tiger said that makes it that much easier to help them out that much quicker you just said that you would not spend 20 minutes of your time trying to figure out what he said shouldnt that be a clue were here to help in m anyways wouldnt this be one of them


You made a good point, but I was just trying to help a young man out with his english grammar and punctuation skills. Granted, when we are trying to help a fellow trac member out we cannot always be worried about proper grammar skill spunctuation and the like but it just makes it that much easier and quicker if we have some idea of what he was trying to talk about. Like tiger said that makes it that much easier to help them out that much quicker. You just said that you would not spend 20 minutes of your time trying to figure out what he said shouldn't that be a clue were here to help. In m anyways wouldnt this be one of them?

Maybe Q will set you straight. Then Ape needs to join in and some other members that will say you are the bad guy. Get real, a period here and there helps all of us out.

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You get the bonus points!!!!

I clicked on the link you gave me, and Lord! it was awful!

All of the Chaistizing, and all sorts of that.

I've not had any bad e-mails yet, but I'm sure they will be coming, soon!

Just for trying to help a young man out!!

(P.S.) I believe that is the longest run-on sentence/paragraph I have ever written in my

entire life, and I use to be, believe it or not, a Journalism Minor in College!:eek:
Tyler I really suspect you are a great kid, so please take this criticism constructively.

Here goes:

Straigten up and fly right! Do what your parents say! If you are on a basketball or other team then GO TO PRACTICE, willingly and joyfully, because that's what is demanded. The same thing with school, and other things in life. You get out of them what you put into them. Apply yourself! Do BETTER...(forget that DO YOUR BEST crap...JUST DO BETTER). Demand more from yourself because you deserve more!

Okay, let the verbal bitchslapping of me begin!

sorry bout the post i was on my sisters laptop and it don't have microsoft word or anything. I wen't to the shop today got me a new battery for $80 bucks. Now another question i am putting an amp and 2 10' subs in my truck were is a good ground for my amp because i am putting my seats down and resting the boxes and amp there.
It kinda sounds like your transmission shift program goofed. How fast were you going when it locked up? When I was testing my new shifter, I somehow threw it in park doing somewhere around 25, and the pinion gear started clanking (duh). I was going fast enough that it couldn't lock the tires, but the tranny was definately talking. Did you notice if the OD light flashed or anything?

And for a ground on the amp, you can either ground to the point where the rear seat bolts to the floor, or you can go through the storage area behind the seat. There's a rubber grommet there. You can run a cable through there to a point on the frame.
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You don't need MS Word to know where a period goes. If you do not seriously know where to place a period and a capital letter, you really need worry about school and forget getting subs in the back of your Trac.

I am serious. There are more important things to worry about in life then a nice car with sounds. Education is one of them.

You do need to work on your grammer, spelling, puncuation, capitalization and getting to your point in a concise manner. You can be the smartest person in the world; but, if you do not speak nor write in an intelligent manner, others will believe that you are not very smart at all. Not having Microsoft Word is a very poor excuse. Also, if you had searched this site for prior posts dealing with the subject matter, you would already have your question answered.

As far as a grounding location, the bolts that hold the read seat frames to the floor are good choices. Just be sure to scape or sand away any paint on the fastener so that the ground lug contacts bare metal.
i am tired of all these people complaining about punctuation...if it hurts you that bad to think a little tiny inkling of sense then you don't even need to be on here.... Just suck it up and deal with it, my god! I know ya'll are gonna try to say it is constructive critisizm...bull crap your just tryin to find something wrong with something to make someone else mad. don't get mad at someone not putting a period or comma were it is supposed to be becuase your wife didn't give you any last night.... just go on with your life and stop being english teachers!

fatboi out!

You simply don't get it. We don't have to help you. As soon as you figure that out the better off yuw ill be.

Where is Q and Ape when you need them?

youb ettercontinue wit yo bascketbaull practice causeu gonna needit! Believe it or not, a somewhat comprehensible command of the local language will determine whether or not you'll have a chance of a job that pays above minimum wage.