whoda thunk it???

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Lamont Sanford told Fred, "Once ya learnt ta talk good, cain't no one take it away". A 92 average means nothing. As near as I can tell, Tyler's parents should ask for a refund of the money they've spent on his education.
Tiger says:
Gotta love America, Bill-E, free education.

No such thing.

If you own, then a huge chunk of your property taxes go to the local schools.

If you rent, then a huge chunk of your rent pays the landlords mortgage and another big chunk his property taxes, and therefore indirectly the schools.

And, if you moved to or live in a nice area that has great schools, then you probably pay more than most.

The educational system is doing a poor job, on average, across most of the US, and the reason...because parents allow it.

...you know what I mean.

You don't pay a fee to go to school every day, public education isn't like private education.

Hmm, where I live, we've got one of the best school systems in the country. I can count no less then 5 private schools within a 5 mile radius, heck, one is about 1/2 mile away, another maybe 1. Regardless, you're right, the parents 'round here are passionate about a good education for thier kids and make sure the schools do what is needed in order to provide the well-renowned school system the tools needed for a good education. Of course, said parents throw money at the schools and we have high property taxes to boot.
Right, Tiger. It's not uncommon for great school districts to have great private schools as well. The reason: Great public schools are typically in very affluent areas, and several in the upper end of the affluent scale will always seek to have their kids in private schools. Thus, the great public schools, the high taxes, and the high property values, all attract affluent people who then establish the market for high caliber private schools.

It's also why you don't see great private schools in poorer areas, and why you see so much flight from those areas.

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Tyler, If you don't write well, you will not be able to communicate in an evironment such as this. You don't have to be an English major, but proof read it before you click "submit". Nobody can help you if we don't understand what you're saying. As far as complaining about your Mom and Dad forcing you to go to practice...move out now while you're young and still know everything.:D
...i did't know what to do. S i of course popped the hood. We were riding around when we saw the main 4 way stop was shut down....

We had like ten cars behind u and i semi bought to turn.


:)Yes, this is a Sport Trac website and not English class, but if the edited posting is still hard/impossible to figure out, more effort is needed to go into trying to figure out what the problem is than on the solution.:huh:

I think what I and others are asking for is to make your posts easier to understand. If using capital letters, commas, periods, question marks, etc. is too much of a bother, too hard, not worth the effort or whatever, then expect comments about your post being hard to figure out.

:DThis really is one of the friendlier forums out there. Other forums would have ripped you a new one.

I hope you take this as it was meant; just an FYI and feedback on how your post appeared to me (and apparently to most others).
Why is it that everybody seems to be turning into the grammar and punctuation nazi's lately? He's a kid, so what. All he was doing was asking for possible solutions to his problem. If you can't understand what he's asking, then simply ask him to clarify. I think it's pretty pathetic that this crap is going on lately, seems since the Louisville meet. Everybody is at each other's throat, and it's over stupid petty crap too.

Do you really have nothing better to do than sit and critique each others spelling, grammar, and punctuation?

Edit: for language
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There's a difference between mispelling a word, not using a comma, apostrophe or period every once in a while and not being able to decpher what is trying to be said or asked. I don't feel the need to correct every mispelling or improper punctuation.

But when it doesn't make sense and then when it is pointed out that it is not clear, the originator of the post cops an attitude...What's up wid dat?

Do you really have nothing better to do than sit and critique each others spelling, grammar, and punctuation?

As far as commenting on other's posts, isn't that what you are doing?:D Don't you have anything better to do?:lol: It's all about the freedom to say something is bothering you, right?

I never get too worked up over a posting on the internet. I may make a comment, but I don't stress out over it. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter!
...and just think, I requested, in an earlier post to use a period at the end of a sentence and I was the bad guy. Even some of the same members here that agree with what others have said now agree with those, yet on the above mentioned post, they were slamming me.

Sad, sad, sad!!!

Y'all ( Dialect/Regional/Southern; United States; A Contraction of the words You and

All, or All of You) have taken the words right out of my little mouth!!!:D

P.S.... I've started some s&** again, haven't I? :eek: