whoda thunk it???

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Tyler has been on "here" for about three weeks and already he is deciding who should be here. I would suggest to you, Tyler, being the young, immature child that you are; you suck it up and deal with it. You can bet that if you write like an idiot here, you will hear about it here. Just a fact of life kid.
i am tired of all these people complaining about punctuation...if it hurts you that bad to think a little tiny inkling of sense then you don't even need to be on here.... Just suck it up and deal with it, my god! I know ya'll are gonna try to say it is constructive critisizm...bull crap your just tryin to find something wrong with something to make someone else mad. don't get mad at someone not putting a period or comma were it is supposed to be becuase your wife didn't give you any last night.... just go on with your life and stop being english teachers!

That pretty much sums it up now doesn't it!

When I read a quote like that I think in a broader sense and ask: "Where is personal responsibility, and the ability to take blame and to accept criticism in today's society (especially in our younger generation); all without deflecting it, and blaming the problem on others?"

"Where, where I ask, where?" :eek:

The issue, Tyler, is not about English, but about respect (for self and others), growth, dedication, doing what's right, and all that.

Did you ever hear the old saying: "If something is worth doing it's worth doing right?"

That goes for school, team practice, and even posting on a board.

Oh, and Tyler, don't take the criticism too personally, but recognize it for what it is. There are many of us on this board that are a little older than you, and several of us that have children nearing your age. We see your comments and your style of writing as generally disrespectful and lazy; two things we see as chronic problems in today's youth. You and your posts are the lightning rod that draws our concern about these problems...and make no mistake, they are real societal problems!

Good luck to you.

De acuerdo todo el mundo, tengo una pregunta acerca de mi Sport Trac, pero tengo flojera de escribir en Ingles, asi que es su deber ayudarme sin pedirme que escriba en Ingles... Despues de todo para eso es que estan ustedes aqui!!!

[Broken External Image]:
Google language tools didn't help me much this time. :lol:

In agreement everybody, I have a question about my Sport Trac, but I have flojera to write in English, so he is his to have to help me without requesting to me that it writes in English… After all for that it is that you here estan!

Ok everybody, I have a question about my Sport Trac, but I don't feel like writing in English, so your duty is to help me out without asking me to write in English... After all that is why you're all here!!!


I thought this web site was for people who had questions reguarding their ST.

Now that I've said that, I think it's great that all of you are trying to help Tyler, but it appears that he is young and knows more than us.(I know I did when I was his age). Just hope one day that he can reflect on his life and say to himself, boy I wish I listened to those guys.

It takes some people longer to "grow" out of that stage.

c :cool:ya,

Now if only Q and Ape would come here and bash everyone. Sometimes I think Q and Ape are the same person.

Nelson, now is your time to comment on everyone's spelling because we know that the spelling was never the original concern.

i have a question. I just read the thread again, and i relly don't see anywhere were there should be any type of punctuation i didn't put there. I am just saying please just answer or give your input on the question asked. I just asked what i should do and i might as well asked for a english lesson.
The problem appears to be 'tyler' is trying to type on a keyboard the same way he does on his little cell phone. Spending a small amount of attention to detail when it comes to communication skills will pay off big time when you grow up.

Do you think an employer would even accept an application written in such pigdin English? Like said above, you should pay more attention in English class than worrying about grounding subs in 'yo wack Trac' or whatever the heck that is supposed to mean.

TJR your spot on.

i am tired of all these people complaining about punctuation...if it hurts you that bad to think a little tiny inkling of sense then you don't even need to be on here.... Just suck it up and deal with it, my god! I know ya'll are gonna try to say it is constructive critisizm...bull crap your just tryin to find something wrong with something to make someone else mad. don't get mad at someone not putting a period or comma were it is supposed to be becuase your wife didn't give you any last night.... just go on with your life and stop being english teachers!

Suck it up and go to practice instead of whining about it!
i have a question. I just read the thread again, and i relly don't see anywhere were there should be any type of punctuation i didn't put there. I am just saying please just answer or give your input on the question asked. I just asked what i should do and i might as well asked for a english lesson.

Jeez kid, if you can't see the obvious errors in that paragraph, it is time to head to the nearest Sylvan Learning Center.
Tyler, the only reason your supposed question was not answered is because most could not truly interpret it from your original post.

As for the "English Lesson", well, you need it. No one, that I can tell, is trying to offend you. And it is not that you don't want to see the truth, as evidence to your last post. However, your grammar is poor. If the last post was your attempt at sounding educated enough to defend your previous posts, then you really do need to reevaluate your priorities. Suggestion, drop the sub installation and pick up a book. Believe it or not, you can educate yourself, without a teacher.

You are still young enough to impress a few people with your ability to read and write well. I guarantee you will be taken much more seriously in life.
Tyler, you have two choices.......put up with the comments about your poor communication skills or, stop posting. For one thing, nobody here cares about your long narratives involving detours, shortcuts, sound effects and your sister. If you need advice, briefly describe the problem in a technical manner using reasonably good english. That's all anyone here is trying to tell you.
Jenn D didn't say that, Darin did.

I guess it's not only the writing, but the reading that needs help.

Serisouly, don't worry about basketball, don't worry about trying to have the baddest ride at school, pick up a freakin' book and learn basic English. You'll be thankful in the end. Well, I take that back, your dream may very well be to be Manager at the local McDonalds, in which case, you're well on your way.
thw whole point of me posting this thread is to just tell a story of what happened with my sporttrac. Isn't this a website for sporttracs? I have seen threads on here with stories and noone said anything about how long it was. This is mysporttrac.com right? I had no problem going to basketball prctice except for the fact i was in the middle of siliconing boxes. And i passed English with a 92 average. i was in a hurry when i was typing this thread(that is why there are so many errors). I am ver deeply sorry if i hurt anyones feelings fromtrying to type faster than my fingers would go.:(

thw whole point of me posting this thread is to just tell a story of what happened with my sporttrac. Isn't this a website for sporttracs? I have seen threads on here with stories and noone said anything about how long it was. This is mysporttrac.com right? I had no problem going to basketball prctice except for the fact i was in the middle of siliconing boxes. And i passed English with a 92 average. i was in a hurry when i was typing this thread(that is why there are so many errors). I am ver deeply sorry if i hurt anyones feelings fromtrying to type faster than my fingers would go.:(
