Yes, I think most Top Guys know that, but it is often the lower level guy who are tasked to get the job done which might involve doing all the "Necessary" dirty work to insure the top guy's goals are met. They do it as a form of loyalty to shield the top guy from the gory details and the top guy can never be accused of doing anything illegal or even knowing something illegal had occurred. That is kind of why we all see our government officials an bureaucrats as being totally incompetent. It's because they are deliberately kept out of the loop as to what is going on, for their own protection.
The politicians in Washington know how the game is played, and that is why they always try to follow a trail of "Who knew what, and when did they know it"...This is intended to penetrate this loyalty shield that surrounds the top guy. That is pretty much the way the Mafia operated and why it was so difficult for the FBI to get any charges to stick on the mob's top bosses....It eventually took wire taps and informants to bring down the big crime familys