Would MLK vote for McCain or Obama?

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Actually, precisely, this is all about building a post-election narrative aimed at delegitimizing a Barack Obama presidency by claiming he won fraudulently.

You mean like when Bush won in Florida? You really think that the Democrats are above that sort of behavior? If so then you're turning a blind eye to your favorite party, and that makes you the worse kind of voter.
In all actuallity, it doesn't matter who gets voted in. Once they are IN, the promises are OUT and forgotten, and it's time for their own agenda. Beside, the pres can't do very much unless the crooks in congress and the senate approve. They are out for themselves too. IMHO One heck of a vote choice,, the Devil or the Devil's brother..........:rolleyes:
Since we know when the government gets involved things get screwed up. Savings and loans, welfare, no child left behind, sub prime, etc, etc. ,etc. When the executive branch is of a different party than the majority held in congress, little gets done. That's exactly what we need, to have very little done by the government.

BTW Frank where is the list of all the great things this Democratic congress has done. Well Frank I'm waiting.

As low as the favorable rating of Bush is, Congress is even lower and in the single digits. Now I wonder why that is?
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Joe the plumber really backfired on McCain- don't forget it was McCain who brought it up- and here is a guy making $40k a year objecting to a plan that would actually lower his taxes- priceless. I hate it when the ill-informed and underpaid spew the "Obama will raise my taxes" rhetoric they hear. Can't McCain find someone who actually MAKES over $250k and vehemently objects to Obama's proposal in a clear and articulate manner? Oh- I forgot- that wouldn't appeal to "Joe six pack". :cool:

The notion that MLK would vote for an idiot who feels that a electing black Constitutional scholar would lower the prestige of the presidency is outrageous.:cool:
Lask1, I do not know about Obama being a true scholar, educated yes, scholar I don't know. For all his years teaching how come no one who has studied under him have come forward, Pro or Con? Where's the feedback. When it comes to debating I am sure Obama shines well above McCain. We are not electing someone solely on being charismatic or a good speaker.

A man's background, outspoken views and associations have a lot to say about them. Its called character. I think that McCain wins on this one. Obama has been very outspoken in the past as being pro Affirmative Action. I'm not. It seems to me to be reverse discrimination. Am I in favor of helping people get ahead that are disadvantaged, yes. I am in favor of doing this by discriminating against others, no.

The US has tried to "raise the minorities" status through special programs and give aways. It has not helped. In fact it has hurt the minorities tremendously. Hand out are not the way to help. Its like the old proverb, "give someone a fish and he is fed for one day. Teach them how to fish and they are fed every day." Education is the way to achieve this., but they MUST fish for themselves after that.

Obama's method is the handout method which we have seen doesn't work.

Joe the plummer has been the main reason McCain is creeping up in the polls.

The media smears against him and the attacks that they have unleased on this poor

guy is rediculous. He seems like a regular guy to me. Descent hard working guy.

What's the left's problem with him..?!? Obama simply answered his question without a telepromter, Spread the wealth...what does that really mean?

Obama will raise taxes on businesses. We do not need to do this during a recession.

If Obama came up to my driveway, I'd ask him how in the hell did you raise so much money?

and is it all legal? how much was from foreign donors? Why are there irregularrities in the donations? Is foreign money buying this election?

Another example of why Obama isn't the right man for the job. He is bought and paid for my foreigners, When is he going to answer to the lawsuit about his birth certificate?

Joe the Plumber showed Obama's true objective... rob for the rich and give to the poor.... by government mandate. This is called Socialism:

From each based on his abilities, to each based on his needs.

Capitalism is much better... To each based on their needs, by their own works and abilities free from government intervention and involvement.

Here's a hint.... don't believe the polls yet. This is FAR from over.

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