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  1. B

    Home A/C question

    If adjusting the vents do not close off more than 25% of total. It will bind the evaporator fan otherwise.
  2. B

    Ford: Cut labor tab 30%

    Lets not start pinting fingers. Both parties are to blame. Anyone remember the 2002 UAW/Ford contract? The company gave them everything they wanted, I mean everything. Now just 4 short years later and the tables are turned. The union has nothing to leverage, nothing to negotiate. It takes years...
  3. B

    Who is Girl Trk

    That would be my wife...:angry::angry::angry: Just kidding...I dunno!
  4. B

    "SVT" Adrenalin, not dead?

    I agree, I doubt this is an Adrenaline package. Ford has bigger fish to fry and focus on right now. Probably the new model as the assembly plants are weeks away from changeover. Would be nice though...:cool:
  5. B

    OT Stopped smoking 4 days now...

    My only side effects are crazy dreams, one including and old GF...but won't go into that here. The chemical addicition seems easy to beat, the habit comes around more often. This is crazy simple, to quit so far. Waiting for a small episode, but I won't falter!
  6. B

    RANGER to retire?

    I doubt they would get rid of the Ranger in lieu of F-100 name. See: Taurus coming back because if its legacy nameplate. Diesel is not an option with emmissions as of yet. The first would be the the 4.4L CGI block for the F series/Expedition. Then a small 4 cylinder could follow, maybe as soon...
  7. B

    OT Stopped smoking 4 days now...

    Stopped on Friday morning, 2 days before my 40th B-day. Feel good, strong. Appetite is crazy. Snacking all day on healthy stuff. Took prescription Chantrix for 9 nine days prior to. It seems to help alot. Any other quitters out there?
  8. B

    OT: BBQ/Party Saturday

    Hey I am only 40 miles or so from there! Already have plans, thanks. Maybe in the future?
  9. B

    I can't wait to see the next generation of Fords

    Fascinating read. It rang too true, as I am involved with Ford as well. How come the article is dated June, 7 2007? Am I in a time warp? ;:wacko:
  10. B

    Being Muslim may not be so bad

    I see it much differently! A Reading from the Book of Armaments, Chapter 4, Verses 16 to 20: Then did he raise on high the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, saying, "Bless this, O Lord, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the people...
  11. B

    Worst Ford TV Commercial EVER!!!

    I saw it last week, first time. My thoughts exactly. And here I thought it was just me. :huh: If you are gonna brag about safety, you better be definitive! :angry:
  12. B

    Support unemployment

    TRJ, do you ascertain that the underachievers are the reason why American cars are not selling?
  13. B

    2,500 miles since Last Wed. in my '07

    Howdy neighbor! I love road trips. Wife bout fell out of my 04 when she saw an 07 the other day. C'mon down to NE NC we don't have that traffic. HWY 168 is only bad June-August. I hate driving in Chesapeake Va Beach...
  14. B

    OT Website costs

    Wow never expected so many response so quickly. Her site is blank except for the under construction thing. (We) I got suckered into this thing, need a builder that is easy to talk to. The monthly changes to be made could be done by her (I would hope) Its a real estate site. She has some other...