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  1. C

    Vehicle Wanted Looking ST 4x4

    looking for an ST 4x4. Will travel...
  2. C

    Sport Trac 4x4 info.

    I own a 2001 Trac, 210k, first owner, love it. Looking to buy a 4x4 Trac. Any pros vs cons. Good years, repeat problems etc. Thanks
  3. C

    Best "Newer" Sport Trac

    I have a 2001 Sport Trac, 210k-ish miles. Looking to purchase a newer Trac. Pros/Cons of newer V6/V8 automatic. Was thinking about a 4x4 but doubt I could take it off roading.... love the truck too much. Mud/water not a problem... paint scratches too much to do a truck. Any thoughts or...
  4. C

    Parts Wanted 2001 Trac Overhead console

    I'm removing this post due to questional responses. within 3 days I recieved 3 PM directing me to "friends" that have said console. All 3 "friends" have a Joined date of 23-29 Dec 2022, all three selling for $80. I don't have enough info to confirm a Scam, I'm looking elsewhere for my parts...
  5. C

    Swamp Trac

    My 4x4 Swamp truck bit the dust last week. 1997 Montero Sport held on for 10 years. Has anyone lifted a ST 4x4 to fit 33" or larger tires. Air intake must be a minimum of 48" from ground. Got some deep water holes on the trail to camp, South Florida. Carl
  6. C

    Rough Idle, motor dies while low rpm in motion. P1121

    2001 ST job One, 220K miles. One day it's fine, the next it's jerky, burping at low rpm. I can floor the throttle and she runs. then dies when I let off Throttle. Error code P1121. checked the valve cover to air intake hose, popped the KN filter and shot some Electrical cleaner on the MAF...
  7. C

    Camber Kit ??

    Took my 2001 ST in for rotate and alignment. Was told Toe and Camber where way out of limits and required a "camber kit" installed. I had ball joints and tie rods replace 2010. Was told this is common. Is it? Carl
  8. C

    Timing chains, replacement

    My 2001 ST has just over 220K I've been working through all the timing chain & tension replacement threads. At 220K miles, is it time to replace the Chains&Tensioners? Thanks, Carl
  9. C

    Tonneau cover locking parts

    Long time no see.... Way back and not coming up in the Site Search, I found info a Florida supplier for the locking mechs on the OEM tonneau cover (2 piece, fiberglass, 2 locks - one center rear, one left front) Does anyone have current info on where to purchase? Thanks Carl
  10. C

    Transmission Seal question

    My 2001 ST tranny (5R55E) is leaking from the rear seal. Where the drive shaft couples. I had it "replaced" today... right...... Took them 3 hrs to "find" the right seal. well, not the right seal.:angry: Still leaking. or something else going on??? Any other suggestions? does...
  11. C

    4 x 4 conversion

    has anyone done a 2x4 to 4x4 conversion on a sport Trac?
  12. C

    2001 Rear End Whine

    I posted here before describing the whine coming from the rear of my Trac. 2001ST, mileage just over 72K miles. I've replaced the tires, shocks, wheel bearings and rear brakes. Still have a whine that starts at 25mph and increases in pitch the faster I go. If I let off the gas, the whine...
  13. C

    Rear End Singing

    In the past 5 or 6K miles, I have a "singing" sound coming from the rear end on my 2001 ST. I've got 68K on it. This only happens while applying power or while under power at cruise. No noise while Decelling. Door Tag says Axle with a 42 underneath. /TR with a D...