Okay... I have one set here and ready to go. It's the first prototype set that has been retempered and reengineered to match the second set that is currently installed on my truck. It's NOT one of the production sets, but has all of the same qualities and measurements as the second set.
The second set has just started to settle a bit. I'm not sure what the final measurements are going to be until they're completely done settling, but they should be very close to the projected 1.25" drop.
With this set, they're not brand new, but were only installed for about 6 weeks, then retempered. The powdercoat has some marks from installation, but will in no way hinder performance and will not be visible to the general public when installed.
I had planned on bead blasting this set and recoating them, but I'm offering them for sale now in case anyone's just dying to have them before Louisville. The price on this set will be $683 shipped to the lower 48. The production sets will be SLIGHTLY cheaper, but not by much and will require an approximate 6 week wait, as each set will be made to order.
Anyone want 'em?