2-3 Slip - Scared Newbie Needs Some Guidance

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Gary, the 2/3 flare with a low mileage Explorer....wow, less than 28k miles. If only that were an isolated instance. It's a pretty common story on this board and others like it.

Which meaning do you mean?

Main Entry: 1com·mon

Pronunciation: \ˈkä-mən\

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English commun, from Anglo-French, from Latin communis — more at mean

Date: 13th century

1 a: of or relating to a community at large : public <work for the common good> b: known to the community <common nuisances>

2 a: belonging to or shared by two or more individuals or things or by all members of a group <a common friend> <buried in a common grave> b: belonging equally to two or more mathematical entities <triangles with a common base> c: having two or more branches <common carotid artery>

3 a: occurring or appearing frequently : familiar <a common sight> b: of the best known or most frequently seen kind —used especially of plants and animals <the common housefly> c: vernacular 2 <common names>

4 a: widespread, general <common knowledge> b: characterized by a lack of privilege or special status <common people> c: just satisfying accustomed criteria : elementary <common decency>

5 a: falling below ordinary standards : second-rate b: lacking refinement : coarse

6: denoting nominal relations by a single linguistic form that in a more highly inflected language might be denoted by two or more different forms <common gender> <common case>

7: of, relating to, or being common stock
Not only did the 01 have the flair, while I was in 4 wheel in a snow storm, the front axle ground itself to shreds and had to limp home 75 miles in 2 wheel making lots of noise.
Gavin, you asked, so I think my use of the term "common" fits into several of those quoted definitions, including:
2 a: belonging to or shared by two or more individuals or things...

3 a: occurring or appearing frequently


5 a: falling below ordinary standards : second-rate

Those seem to all fit the bill.

Thanks for asking. That was my word (common), in my sentence, so I don't mind clarifying some of the more subtle meanings that it might have.

Feel free to debate if I am correct, but it does seem that low-mileage tranny failures are shared among several within this group; that they do occur frequently; and that because of these observed events the transmission itself seems to fall below ordinary standards.

Thanks for the definition.

Man, now I've got a whole new problem... like I said earlier, my Trac drove great on the way home from the shop, and I'm thinking "problem solved." Well, guess again. I went to pick up my girls from their friends' house, and guess what? The truck WON'T FREAKING MOVE. That's right, it will NOT MOVE; I can't even back it out of my garage. I put it in reverse, and it's like having second slot for neutral. Same thing in drive.

I can shift it down into 2 and 1, and it'll go into drive when I shift it back up, but NOT into reverse!!

So WTF is going on?? I'm hoping I can even get the thing back up to Miami Valley Transmission and get out of this mess without draining my bank account!!! :angry:
All the shop did was a regular tranny service and an adjustment to the EPC. That's all. Guy that did the work is the owner and has over 20 years experience in repair and build.

I did manage to push it out of the garage and down the driveway to the street. I shifted it down into 1, then 2, then to Drive. It'll go in Drive, but won't shift up out of 1st. Sucks!!! :angry:
Wow! well maybe he will adjust it back or take a closer look at his cost? xxxxkeeping fingers crossed for you.
Chris M.

That is precisely why I do not recommend doing the EPC adjustment, especially if the tranny is already slipping. I beleive the EPC adjustment should only be done on a lsipping transmission only if you are immediately driving the vehicle to a dealer to trade it in !

All 5R55E transmission problems are related to the valvebody. by upping the EPC pressure you can temporarily mask the problem, but it's not the cure. It's probably fine as a preventative measure to avoid the slipping, but once it starts, the EPC does not solve the problem, only hides if for a short while...In your case, a very short while.

It's like the guy wh gets an xray and ther doctor tells him he needs to have a very expensive operation. They guy says I cannot afford that kind of money ! So the doctor tells him for just a few dollars he can touchup the xrays !!:D

Sorry, 'm not making fun of your situation, but an $18 tranny service is very questionable. The cheap fix usually turns out to be more expensive.

The proper fix is to replace the valvebody and valvebody gasket, as well as replacing the solenoid pack...All the solenoids, not just one. That will typically cost about $500, and that's only if the clutches and bands were not seriously damaged by the slipping.


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Yep, that's the fix that's going on now... I've been on the phone twice with the shop this afternoon.

Supposed to get it back late afternoon tomorrow... will update after driving it this week.
Problem appears to be resolved after valvebody work. I posted up a new thread (see 2-3 Flair - Scared Newbie Update) since this one had gotten so long and old. I'm praying that the problem is permanently resolved. :)