Cajun Update

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Active Member
Jan 14, 2005
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New Orleans, LA
Got back the other day and it looks like I’m one of the very fortunate ones …….My house sustained very little damage and my family faired well also. My Mother’s house has a tree on it but seems structurally sound…..roof leaking. Brother lost two cars to trees …..The cars where in two different places too. I’m back in Sevierville, Tenn. Not too far from Knoxville. I not sure when they will let us go back. Been seeing a lot of Tracs up here…….can’t go 10 feet w/o seeing one ……and then it accrued to me …..DUH…..they are assembled in Nashville!

I feel very blessed……met a nurse who has taken me hiking in the Smoky Mtns and a few places in town. I’m staying in her house while she works for a week in another town. The people have been simply wonderful here….someone who is a friend of a friend of a friend dropped off 50 lbs of dog food & some doggie toys for my dogs. We have had people drop off complete dinners and have bought us clothes and food. It’s a humbling experience and has restored my faith in humanity. I don’t know what direction my life is headed right now but I am full of hope and I’m taking it day to day. .


Very glad to hear that you and your family have faired so well.

Best of luck to you in whatever future paths you choose...
bpoche...glad you guys are OK

Nelson...yeah you're right....don't know what I was thinking.....mind been kinda scamble lately.

To All... Thanks for all your prays and good thoughts .....One of the things I miss is being able to vist this site everyday. My new friend left me her laptop so I will be around for the next few days......again thanks to you all.
Great news, Glad to here it,..

Todd Z
met a nurse? is this a blessing in Great to hear you are well Cajun...
So glad you and your family are well, and that your house didn't have much damage,

Sorry about the tree on your mom's home and that your brother lost 2 vehicles.

material things can be replaced, but lives can't Thankfully you and your family are OK

Thanks all ...for your kind words!!

GM… are so right that material things can be replaced. . Even when I had no idea what I was going back to ….that fact was not missed by me.. I still get emotional when I think of the people sitting in their attics waiting for help. Or the ones who did not even make it to their attics. I have ridden out a few hurricanes before and this is the first time I left. I can’t help but think but for the grace of God ..there go I. I’m not even sure I want to go back after seeing all the devastation when I went back.

RaserX…. Yes I believe this could be fate working here……..I have never met someone that I have more in common with. She is really wonderful and everything I have been looking for. Even if I decide to go back, this relationship will continue. Also I have falling in love with this town. People here are just great and everywhere you look there is a spectacular view of the Smokey Mountains. I differently can see myself settling down here. I wake up every morning knowing that I have been blessed.

P.S. I don’t usually talk about my personal life here but I want people to know how fortunate we are to be alive and loved. Count your blessing everyday!

Really glad you're OK Cajun. One thing you better check on the nurse, does she like the Trac? :lol: Kidding.

Did you notice A BUNCH of hot rods around town when the nurse took you around? The Shades of the Past Rod Run was last weekend in Pigeon Forge and the Grand Run is this weekend. I'm going to try to go to it.

Sevierville is a nice area. I'm ~2 hours from there.

I wish you the very best.
Yes I did notice a lot of classic cars around here. I have been walking on a track along the Little Pigeon River trying to get in shape for a big hike she wants to take me on this week and I’ve seen some awesome cars. I’ve had to change my shirt several times because I keep drooling all over myself.

And yes she does like my Trac !!

Cajun, glad you made it through it safe and sound. Good luck in rebuilding your life. My prayers are with you.

And, I echo the "material possessions" comment. I remember after my Dad was killed in OK in 1999 in a car accident I went down to Perkins, OK to settle his affairs. The van he was driving was in a nearby wrecker lot and the owner took me to see it, for several reasons, but mostly just to see it.

It was an emotional sight to say the least. It was a newer conversion van and had a bunch of stuff in it for short-term camping (tv, vcr, small propane stove, etc). The van was messed up pretty bad on the front, driver-side corner, and everything inside was tossed around, like the whole van was shaken like a tumbler of Bingo balls.

Anyway, I just wanted to see the vehicle. It was totalled, and there wasn't anything in it I wanted; same with my Dad's house, his garage and the 73 Vette parked in I wasn't thinking straight at the time...;-)...I let all that other stuff go cheap in an auction just to get the whole thing past me.

But, I digress; as I looked at the wreckage, the owner of the garage and lot asked me? You want any of this stuff? And I said: "Nope! If any of it is any good to you, you keep it, give it away, I don't care!".

He pulled out the small Coleman propane stove with its banged up lid and said: "I might be able to hammer this lid back into shape and use it at my hunting cabin; the boys would like that!"

I asked him about his boys, they were teenage sons. I teared up...nothing like that father and son relationship to get me going...then or now. Then, the guy said: "I knew your dad. These were just his possessions; material things. He was a good man. We liked him a lot."

I shook the guys hand, thanked him for his kind words, went back, put a lock on my dad's house front door and garage, called a local auctioneer and told him to sell it all...then drove straight home from OK to PA (stopping only for gas and food) and hugged my sons when I got home.

Material things are what we leave behind, and when the people that owned them leave this world, they mean little to those they leave behind.

Hug your kids and your folks them if you can't hug them.


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