Dad Bought a Ridgeline RTL!

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i want to see the look on your face when you tell the 20,000 workers(god help them) that are being layed off in ford that you wanted to buy a rice burner truck

you think you got the guts?

Nah, if they made product that was worth purchasing then maybe I would.. well.. buy one? Imagine that!

Oh and if your so concerned about the Ford employees, then I suggest you go out and buy 2 ST's like I did! The first one was good. The second was crap! I won't support a company with a bad product. (oh and spair me the whole, "All manufacturers have..blah blah blah")
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I didn't realize that all the employees at Honda in the states were Japanese! Wow! Learn something new every day! :)
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What does Ford have to worry about when it comes to quality with some people? I mean, since it's all about "being American," then Ford shouldn't worry with quality, they should just invest more money into patriotic songs that they can play while they're laying off the many wonderful workers.

Oh, it may have problems, BUT it's American!!! At this rate, quality will never be an issue ... just patriotism!!:lol:
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I did not say that did I?

I made two statements.

First statement.

Honda is owned by the Japanese.

Second statement.

Ford hires Americans.


p.s. Just for the record, I am simply making statements that are true.
Okay, so you did. Honda hires Americans, right? Gives them a stable job, right? That doesnt sound so bad.

Ford hires Americans? Ford fires Americans. Ford good. That doesnt sound to bad either. I would much rather support Ford if I didn't make me a bad product.

Why is Ford closing the plants and laying off the workers? They make great cars and people know that. Bad planning?
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Actually, IMO, it was bad planning.

Ford spent too much time and effort on building trucks and SUV's. They did not invest in cars. The Taurus is a great car. Unfortunatly, the idiots decided to make it look like an upside down bath tub. They sales hit the floor and never recovered.

They redesigned the Escort in 1997 and followed the Taurus styling cues. Again, they lost sales. They dumped the Escort and made the Focus. Compare the Focus next to the Escort, and the Focus is a better car build wise. Better suspension, stronger tranny (Escorts used Mazda trannys, I swear they are made of glass. I have three of them in my garage so when I blow one up with 300 HP, I have extra's.

Ford dumped the Contour. So they only really had 2 cars to cover a wide range of uses. Not enough to support the average family.

The Crown Vic is a police car and an old man's car. Few families bought them. They were more of a fleet vehicle then anything.

Ford made the Aerostar. Great van. We have owned two of them. We still have our 1993. Dad has no plans on replacing it. It was RWD on a frame.

Ford dumped that and built the Windstar. I don't think they sold the Windstars as well as they sold the Aerostars.

Ford invested in SUV's. Escape, Explorer, Expedition, Excursion. They sold them like hotcakes.

Ford also invested in trucks. F-series, Ranger, and Econoline. They kept up with the F-series, but forgot about the Econoline. Ford built the best van, bar none. The Chevy's were a joke and Dodge vans were nothing to even consider. GM and Dodge revamped the van line and have taken a big bite out of Ford's dominance. Ford never responded. the Econoline looks the same as it did in the 1990's when they did the redesign. The Ranger has looked the same for too long. When Toyota and Nissan redid thier trucks, the Ranger remained the same. It is still the same today. Dad has a Ranger. Great vehicle.

When Ford bought Jaguar, Aston Martin, Range Rover, and Volvo, they again invested too much money into those companies. Sure it is great to make thousands on one vehicle, but you never forget your core buisness.

Ford did that. People did not like the new designs and decided to buy something else.

It is hard to compete when you make stupid mistakes like that.

In the early 1990's, Ford had 5 of the top 10 vehicles sold. F-series, Explorer, Ranger, Taurus, and Escort. You don't sell that many vehicles if they are junk.

Toyota boosted the Camry sales by selling another vehicle and added a name to it. Toyota Camry Solaris. I did some research years back about the Solaris. It actually shared little with the Camry. Toyota used that name to boost the Camry sales.

People want exciting vehicles. Ford has not started producing exciting cars. The Fusion is a good start, but not enough. The Fusions are selling like crazy. The dealer Theresa works at can not keep them in stock. As soon as they get one in, it gets sold within a day or so.

The Freestyle is a joke. Ford knows it. They are phasing it out.

What does Lincoln have that is exciting? The Navigator? Town Car? Lincoln really needs to go on thier own like Cadillac did. GM has turned Cadillac into something exciting.

GM hurt themselves by being thier own competition. They produced too many vehicles with too little differences between them.

The Mustang has always been an icon. Ford did keep up with it. The new Mustang is awesome. A little more HP and they are set. HP isn't everything though. The Camaro had the SN95 Mustang beat, but they could not sell them once the "newness" died off.

The new Thunderbird was a mistake. They should have made the T-Bird a performance car and not an overpriced old man's car. Anyone spending $40,000+ on a car is going to buy a Corvette. Dad's 1993 T-Bird had over 100,000 trouble free miles on it. He got 30 MPG on it and it would go o
Look what Ford has done with Mazda. Mazda was almost bankrupt. Mazda has some of the best looking cars on the road now. They are starting to produce turbocharged AWD vehicles that attract younger people.

they have the Mazdaspeed Mazda6 and from some Mazda mailing lists, they are building a Mazdaspeed Mazda3. That is also suposed to be turbocharged AWD. It is a very good move for Mazda.

Why doesn't Ford do that with the Fusion or the Focus. Europe has an AWD Focus. The technology is there. Use it. Heck, Ford in Australia in 1990 had the <a href="">Laser TX3</A>. Looked just like the 1991 Escort GT's, but came with either 180 or 210 HP and AWD to boot. Again, the technology was there. They could have used it. They chose not to.


EDIT: Fixed an HTML tag
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Mazda hires Japanese right? Ford makes cars overseas in Europe...are those workers Americans? What about the German plant that built our ST engines or the French plant that built our Transmissions? All American workers, right? With all those plants in the US, I guess there are no employees from Mexico, or Vietnam, or any other place foreign. Are we to believe that Americans build better cars if they work in a US company plant than they do in a foreign company plant?

Ford makes some decent cars, but none of them are sold in the US. They sell them overseas instead. They sell a German-designed Fiesta and a really cool Falcon in Australia. Tom (Caymen) you hit the nail on the head when you were discussing the T-Bird -- Ford makes cars for old men in the US. They could make a quick turn-around by bringing Eurpean and Australian models to the US.

[Broken External Image]:

Australian Ford GT-P

[Broken External Image]:

European Ford StreetKa
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Last I heard, the Fusion, which is selling like crazy, is assembled in Mexico. Does Ford ship American UAW workers down to Mexico to that plant? Nope, Ford hires Mexicans.

They're also now decided to keep the Freestyle, and introduce a Mercury version, the Magellan.

Don't forget that Ford also has considerable Chinese and Japanese ownership. Look at the makeup of stockholders.

Here's something that might suprise you:

Top ten banking groups in the world ranked by assets in 2003 (in U.S. dollars)

Mizuho Financial Group — 1,265 billion JAPAN

Citigroup — 1,097 billion USA

Allianz — 1,002 billion GERMANY

UBS — 907 billion SWITZERLAND

Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group — 903 billion JAPAN

Deutsche Bank — 892 billion GERMAN

Fannie Mae — 888 billion USA

ING Group — 843 billion NETHERLANDS

BNP Paribas — 835 billion FRANCE

Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group — 832 billion JAPAN

I re read my post. I think you guys read too much into what I said. I never put the word "all" in my post when I said "Ford hires Americans"

Honda does not hire ALL Americans, they hire SOME Americans. Toyota does not hire ALL Americans, they hire SOME Americans. Those that work in the home country of Honda are Japanese. The same goes for Toyota. Hopefully this will make sense to a few here. Hyundai, hires Koreans in Korea. I know it is hard to beleve, but it is true. I can understand that can be confusing to some people.

Hopefully you will find it easier to understand.

Unfortunatly, one of Ford's newest plants is in Mexico. Again, Ford did not invest into the assembly plants in the USA. It would only make sense to build the Fusion in Mexico since that plan is most up to date.

Auto Alliance in Flat Rock, Michigan already builds the Mazda6 and the Mustang there.

You all know it all comes down to personal preference. We all know it does. If we own a Ford and it craps out, I know myself, my next vehicle won't be a Ford. It isnt because they dont hire ALL american workers, as a matter of fact it has nothing to do with the ethnic background of the employees at the factory. It has to do with quality and how the vehicle holds up. That is my preference.....

So if a person doesn't want to buy a Ford because the whole thing or a part of it isn't made in the USA so be it.....why are people arguing over personal preference? There is no wrong or is just going to be a long thread filled with non-sence and bullcrap.

Lately there is so much of this going on on this site. Someone posts something with their own opinion or preference and they get jumped all over. People argue back and forth like it is going to change opinions when all it really does is make people look like children.

I happen to like the Ridgeline. Big deal. I am not un-american and I dont hate American products. I just happen to like the look of the Ridgeline. It is something new. Just the like the ST was a few year years back.....something new. Sometimes people just can't accept change. Maybe thats just it.
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I think the RL looks great. I have a friend that just bought one. I value his judgement. I suspect I will be talking to him the next time I am looking for a midsize truck to get his personal opinion IF Honda still has the RL then.

Regarding the debating, I am guilty as charged, and yes, I often DO try to change attitudes (not necessarily opinions) in my debates. It's a hard thing though, and I have ruffled some feathers so I suspect I will do try not to do more of it.

I agree with your comment on change. Many people have their own beliefs, attitudes, opinions and rationalizations for the things in their life, and they look at anything that challenges them as an attack on them. People, IMHO, should recognize that our beliefs ONLY DEFINE US if we are unwilling to look past them and grow post them.

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Debating is fine, people are always going to take sides. Yes in a perfect world people are going to take a rational look at both sides of a topic, but in most cases we both know this doesnt happen.

My main point is that a person shouldn't be judged a certain way because of a vehicle, of all things, or a company they like.
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