DIY Subwoofer Enclosure for Gen II ST!!

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got some work done today - nothing crazy, but thought i'd try tacking up my original idea of both subs on the right side sharing the enclosure.

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you can see above that i cut the rings in the main plate at 10 5/16 and the inner rings at 9 3/8 as per the specs so that i can flush mount them. i also took some pics to show the depth the two subs will have also to show the proximity of them together.

i spoke to the tech support line at kicker as well. they said the ideal situation would be the partitioned box, however, if 2 were to share an enclosure, it would not be a problem at all as its more commonly actually done that way.

i'm just trying to rationalize between doing it this way - which will be another hour or two of work and no cost - i have lots of mdf lying around, versus partitioning it and probably another couple of days+ of work and $60+ in fiberglass cloth and resin.....confused....:unsure::huh:
partitioning it should cause no more work than what you just did. take the face off with the two holes side by side space the wholes out on a new front. cut a wall the same shape as your sides but smaller to fit in side the box and put it all back together.
Wow. So my 13TW5-3 sub doesn't play. We tried my 300.1 amp and a JL 500.1 and an Alpine 600.1 and nothing worked. The dealer thinks it's defective and is sending it back to JL. On the plus side...The box to house it cost me $20 at only .83 in airspace.

Lance gave me a full refund on my sub and to be completely honest....I don't know if I'm going to get another one at $500. I think I may go back to my original idea of using a Kicker driver instead.

Back to square one!
If you go back to the kicker and use the CVT's then you only have one option with the .83 cu ft enclosure. and that is one CVT 10. you dont have room for anything more. For a $500 sub from JL i would expect nothing but amazing sound so im really surprised yours messed up. But i guess nobody is perfect
im looking into the earthquake sws 12's they are a bit cheaper than the JL's like $200 cheaper and they have been around a while since they were the original shallow sub. but i cant find any reviews on them. i found a box built specially for this sub ported with only .35 cu ft of airspace. if thats all this sub requires i could almost put three 12's in the back of the trac. i wouldnt but i could

.35 cu ft for ported for even a shallow mount doesn't sound right. The 13TW5 can't even play in anything less than .8 sealed. and the 12TW5 is .6 sealed. They on'y have a depth of 2.5".

These subs your talking about can't be 500w cont.?

Edit: Looks like the 12" model earthquake sws 12's are 600w max not cont like the 13TW5s 500w cont.

Not a bad sub at all though.
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They also have over 2" of excursion so that means you need 5+" of depth where as the W5 has a 1" excursion putting it at 3.5" of depth.

For $200 less though...not bad. I actually have a pair of JBL GTO1202D subs that have the same mounting depth and 1200w max.
The mounting depth + excersion amount listed in the product description. That's the "real" mounting depth.

Doesn't do any good having a 3 inch woofer with 4.5 inches of space before tham ram your rear seat back because the excersion is 2+ inches.
I can't believe my dealer doesn't have a single 13TW5-3 in stock other than the non-operational one I ordered.

I think I am going to go ahead and order another one and place an order for a JL500.1 amp at the same time.

I have a paid off Capitol One credit card with 0% for 10 months that I can use. Doesn't make sense not to use it since it doesn't cost me anything lol.

I just found this but this price is a lot cheaper than anywhere else i have found this sub. think its legit? if so ill probably be ordering this. as soon as i verify that it will fit.
I think my JBL 1202Ds are better and they cost less even still :p

After getting a better look at my STA's room when installing the box for the 13TW5-3, my go-to-guy claims to have a way for me to fit both my 12" subs behind the rear seat with in their sealed specs.

I have no clue how this is possible but maybe he can bend the laws of physics!

I have an apt Saturday at 4:30pm with my installer. He said he will build me any box I want for the material cost.

So We are going to do some measuring and buld some options for a hour or so after normal business hours.
