Everyone owes me money! (and won't pay)

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Paul Maurer 2

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
key west, FL
Its really getting annoying- I'm going to go Grinch any second...

1. My lawyer- saved his butt on a preconstruction condo deal he couldn't close on- I partered in for $25k, found a lender, got it done in 10 days. He offered to buy me out last month, I got $7k, now more sob stories.

2. Laser dealer- he agreed to buy an eye laser from me for resale- we haggled for 10 min. over price- have known him for 5 years -and we made a deal. He came down and got it in October, I called twice when no check arrived- no reply. Finally cornered him- he tells me he has it "on consignment" and will pay when it sells. I reminded him of our deal, he finally admits he's short of cash and can't pay for a couple months!

3.Tenant in my commercial building- mutimillion dollar developer. Stops paying triple net 2 quarters ago- keeps telling me its coming- bill is at $9000 and counting.....I may end up letting debtor #1 work it off by suing debtor #3! I'm getting very angry...:angry:
Lasik I know where your coming from...

I have the same, well similar, issue.

Electrician down the way I did his artwork for his business cards. Comes over today and says "we haven't forgot about you just been busy, I guess I should pay you for the graphic design fee, oh, but I forgot my check" Nice!

My best customer I told him no more terms as they like to pay 30-45 days out. However, when I buy stuff from them it has to be paid when I pick it up. So, they said get the invoice in by Monday and we will pay it on Wednesday. Well took 30 days to pay it again and I told them they no longer have terms. I won't do business with them unless they pay with a credit card now. And, the thing is they have the money! Just a cheap bastard!

Property Manager where my office is buys some signs for the buildings. I told them payment is due when the job is done. No problem, 30 days later they finally paid after I told them I was going to deduct it from my monthly least payment.

And, don't get me started on all the customers that want a custom decal and don't want to pay for the graphic design work. For some reason they think a low rez jpg or gif is good enough to print or die-cut.
You might want to consider filling for a lein on their business. That way they cannot liquidate their assets and skip town with the money. You can even put a lein on someone's home or land they own.

It doesn't necessarily mean you will get your money any faster, but it is a bit of safety cushion if they ever hope to sell their home or business.

The only think you have to be carefull about is the nature of the lein and the business they are in. Sometimes there are different deadlines to that you have to file by or your request for lein will be rejected. At least that's the way it is in Texas.

We have people that owe us all the time. A lien on a car for a 250$ left on a deductible! Well gee I really didn't want to have to pay my 500$ deductible, you got the insurance check isnt that enough?

Seattle what about this ......

Can I have 250 of them by tomorrow?

If I draw it will it be cheaper?

No I dont want to pay for installation.....I messed it up, can you make me another one and I can come get it right now?

Still I love every minute of it though, take the good with the bad.

Sue - LOL you have heard some of my phone conversations...LOL

The best one - I followed the directions to a "T" and it still didn't work. If you followed them then them would of worked fine!

Or - I didn't know it was decal.

Today I got - If I peel and stick it on how do I get the thing off when I don't want it anymore?

Or - it's overlay? Where does it overlay on?

And, I love other graphic designers that know freakin everything. But, when I tell them NO layers they still do it and the artwork ends up being crap.

I know the people you are talking about. The instructions for the old LeverLift and the newer EZLift have been done by hundreds of people with no more than average mechanical ability in usually less than 30 minutes, but I still get the occassional engineer who thnks it can't be that simple to install, so lets see if I can make the installation harder and see if it works better!! Of course, they screw it up and then blame it on the kit or instructions.

Early on I had one guy who claimed he was an engineer and the kit did not work correctly for him. I asked him to send the kit back for a full refund, but he refused. He said he like the idea of the kit, but didn't think it worked as good as it should?? You could tell by the questions he asked and statements he made that he had no idea what he was doing. He wanted me to tell him the lift specs for the gas springs and he would do some modifications himself. He got a bit miffed when I told him that if he was an engineer, he should be able to easily figure out the gas spring pressures required using standard formulas based on the lift height, lift angle and mounting locations, etc. He never did return the kit, and I doubt that he ever redesigned it either.


I've lost track of how many people owe me money. A lot of them are businesses too. For instance, I'm still waiting for a refund on my GAP insurance from when I traded my ST in August.

Multiply our problems by One Million, and you have the IRS. They have hundreds of people dealing with tax cheats and deadbeats every day.
Multiply our problems by One Million, and you have the IRS. They have hundreds of people dealing with tax cheats and deadbeats every day.

They did it to themself. Eliminate the IRS and inpliment the Fair Tax. You eliminate the tax cheats, deadbeats, and under-the-table employers.

Throw in the dead-beat child support cheats and the numbers go way up. There are so many that the states can't possibly go after all of them so they raise the arrears limit to such a high level that the mother who is supposed to get $300 a month would have to wait nearly three years before any legal action taken by the state. Speaking from personnal experience. Wifes ex stopped paying. His daughter would be 18 before the arrears threshold is met. So, just have to take care of it ourselves with something called a Contempt Motion.
I don't think the fair tax will ever happen. Plus, I wonder how they are going to treat small business owners under that fair tax. Right now I have numerous tax advantages of having my business being incorporated.
I don't think the fair tax will ever happen. Plus, I wonder how they are going to treat small business owners under that fair tax. Right now I have numerous tax advantages of having my business being incorporated.

I agree. It won't happen. Anything that would eliminate tax loopholes for the friends of the elite won't happen.

SST, think of this. Imagine not having to file tax's. Imagine not having to compete with people that hire illegals and paying them under-the-table. Imagine being able to invest 100% of your profits back into your business. Illegal alien or not, we all pay the same tax. The tax's are paid when you spend your money. You put it in the bank, you keep 100% of it.

It will never happen though. Though we hate the idea of communism, many of this countries laws come straight from communism.

There's something me and Cayman agree on. :D

I own a house and window cleaning service, if someone doesn't pay me or their check bounces I can't very well put the dirt back in their house...tempting though that may be sometimes.

I filed a complaint last week at the magistrate to sue a guy for the $360 he owes me plus costs. Been more than nice enough, but I'm done waiting. Haven't lost in court yet. ;)

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