Fill your tanks ASAP!!!!!!!

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coming from school

passed a station 3.99 wtf... it was 3.44!?!?!?!!!

there is no reason for gas to jump that much!!!:angry:
Reaper said:
there is no reason for gas to jump that much


It only does because it can and we allow it.

Most everything else that is (re)sold in this country is priced much more statically.

My local grocer sells coffee, and beef. Those are commodities that change in price. But when my grocer fills its back warehouse and freezer with folgers and steaks, they do so having paid a given price for these items, and the price on the shelf reflect that cost to them. The next time the retailer needs to buy more coffee and beef, if their cost goes up I expect that they should and will pass that on to me the consumer.

Don't these gas stations work the same way? Don't they pay a fixed/known price for their fuel when they fill their massive underground tanks, and if they do, shouldn't the price they charge to the customer be largely static for that stock of gas?

Don't these gas stations work the same way? Don't they pay a fixed/known price for their fuel when they fill their massive underground tanks, and if they do, shouldn't the price they charge to the customer be largely static for that stock of gas?

TJR, you know they do, this is just another way for them to grab a few extra bucks. How long before some irate customer starts blowing up a couple of stations to get someone's attention ???
Govenors have already announced that if the businesses get caught gouging gas prices, they are in big trouble.

News reported that part of the increase was normal and part was due to storm. Excessive prices will be investigated and for sure Texas and LA officials will be looking into places that have been reported to them.

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