Finally, annual meet Dallas update!

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You know, I've been fortunate in that I could attend the first three Nat'l Meets....and I may do Dallas too, even tho I don't own a Trac now. I do find in this thread a real and continuing negative about the change of location. Those of us in the East were indeed lucky to be so close to Louisville; others in the West were at a distinct disadvantage. We still have had people come from the West coast, the Northwest, the Rockies and the Southwest, as well as Canada and Miami even, to enjoy the Louisville events. Those folks had long and expensive hauls. Maybe it is now time to really support this National Sport Trac Owners Meet, despite its move from L'ville to Dallas. Dallas is a much more central venue for many Trac owners who weren't able to visit L'ville. Rather than list all the reasons that we can't attend....lets be positive about the opportunity to meet and enjoy the members of this online family, and take advantage of Ford's hospitality too.:)
What Jim Thompson said. There is always a bit of sacrifice involved in these meets. I have yet to be disappointed, and I've driven some distances for several meets.
I can understand that, Sure would have been nice giving some more original notice. Many have to plan vacations. So when its been a given that it is going to be one place year after year people plan. Or at least some do. I have yet to go to one so its not a big deal for me other than the fact that I did plan for the Louisville date this year only to find out that the date and time changed from summer to fall. Not to mention that it is after school starts so to me its hardly a family affair anymore and that is how I viewed it. A family vacation that is. So if helps people to vent a little then so be it! Its just ones opinion.
I can understand that, Sure would have been nice giving some more original notice. Many have to plan vacations. So when its been a given that it is going to be one place year after year people plan. Or at least some do. I have yet to go to one so its not a big deal for me other than the fact that I did plan for the Louisville date this year only to find out that the date and time changed from summer to fall. Not to mention that it is after school starts so to me its hardly a family affair anymore and that is how I viewed it. A family vacation that is. So if helps people to vent a little then so be it! Its just ones opinion.

Thanks, joe. To be honest, my opinion isn't negative as much as it is disappointment. Once school starts, I cannot take the time off to drive to Dallas. Moreover, the distance from Philadelphia to Dallas would warrant leaving one day earlier, something that is completely out of the question. My only wish was that Dallas was last year when my schedule had a little more flexibility. Had the event occurred earlier in the summer, I would have been there in a heartbeat.

I do wish a successful, enlightening, and overall kick-ass meet for those there, though. It sounds like a lot will be going on, and I wish I could be there.
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I live in grand prairie, which is about 7 miles to the west of Dallas! If anybody has any questions about the area, please feel free to email me and ill help in anyway i can
To Joe and Adam,

This issue was discussed at the ATL meet by Rich and a few members who are "active, regular" L'ville attendees. The pros and cons of L'ville versus Dallas were discussed and it wasn't an easy decision that Rich had to come up with. The pre-planned vacation issue was discussed but all things considered no matter which decision was made there were going to be disappointments. Some members complain that L'ville is too far, now Dallas is a more centralized location, and at least judging by this post and the <a href=""target=top>roll call post</a> interest/participation seems to be a bit less than it would be for L'ville. It's still early and I'm sure some folks are still trying to work out details for making the trip. The timing of the trip obviously creates a timing issue for members that have kids in school or go to college. But this should really be offset by members that are closer to this location that wouldn't go to L'ville.

You just can't please everyone, and some of us are fortunate to have a flexible schedule or not so strict vacation scheduling. No matter when this thing would be scheduled there will alway be people asking for a different date. You really can't consider them, I set up a decent sized meet here in miami a couple of years ago and the date was due to a member that was going to be in town. That's the one guy that didn't show up. Yeah stuff comes up, but that's why taking everyone into consideration just doesn't work.
The pre-planned vacation issue really is moot anyway. I found this out when I planned the OKC meet. I had over twenty people tell me they absolutely were coming. Fortunately for me, I had gotten really busy at work and didn't pre-purchase the food I planned to serve, because only two people showed up. None of the other folks gave any indication that they weren't coming.

After giving three months notice of when/where the meet was, apparently 90% found something more interesting to do with their time. I am sure Rich and others that have planned meets have found out the same thing.
That's kinda my point Nelson. With a much bigger event, that at least in theory, has more benefits than one of our localized meets. And since it's "National" if people are going to make any attempt at making it, advanced notice for vacation planning is a must. I was fortunate at my first (and only) planned meet and we still had about 15 different tracs show up through out the night.
It is sad. I wish I could make it to Dallas, but unfortunalty, I won't be able to. You won't hear me complain about it being in Dallas. It will give the opportunity to some of the west coasters to attend, along with sime w and NW Canada members to attend.

The best solution would be to have a new location every year so everyone can decide if it is close enough to them.

The real sad thing is if the meet was in thier backyard, some would still complain that they are unable to make it.

It happens.

Nelson, I really feel for you with the OKC meet. The only surefire way to make people attend is get money from them. That will be used to pay for the expenses of setting the meet up. Without that investment, most people really don't care about how much time or money you have involved in it. It is sad to think people feel that way, unfortunatly, people are like that. Make them pay something and they make it a point to get involved.

A large ST presence at the big unveiling will be a big PR bonus for Ford. Let's hope they reciprocate and host the attendees in style.

I'd like to see the assembly plant sometime but a new model debut could be fun. Definite maybe.

Wish I still had an uncle in Plano.
Ford has always gone out of thier way at any of the National Meets. This will be no different.


No need to explain. There's always next year.

When I do get there, though, expect a Trac load of Meguiar's, detailing, and other freebies. I'll make the first attendance a grand one for all. :)

Again, I wish the best for all those attending. Think about me, if even for a moment, as my hair turns gray in a dimly lit law library. :)
That's kinda the problem Adam, at some point there won't be a next year.<font color=red> I've already spoken to one member that, I know for a fact, puts on a helluva meet and due to his last turn-out won't be doing it any more. I also know of another meet where the person who put it on, was acting like an adolescent, and being an ass. </font>The national meets are incredibly stressful on Rich and probably somewhat stressful on anyone else that helps out. I believe Rich already stated that for the next national meet he will not be taking on the brunt of the work, and I don't blame him. From a previous post:

Beyond the 2005 national meet, I will be stepping out of the organizing role, in order to focus my energy on the next generation of the web site. I am going to ask for a small group of volunteers to handle organizing future national meets.

and a <a href=""target=top>Linkey</a> to that post.

Hence, you always have to treat the current one as the last one, at least, that's how I've always approached it. I've done the last two L'villes and I can tell you, that last years seemed to be a bit less exciting, than the year before. Part of it was probably the hotel headaches, but it also seemed like many of the "newer" members that attended were a bit shy. I spent most of my time in the hotel lobby with a few other members looking forward to meeting all the new folks. But it just seems like that never happened. I'm sure a few of the veterans that were there with me would agree. Maybe that sounds kinda lame, but I kinda thought that was a big part of doing the meet. Actually getting to know the participants of the board in person. Maybe others don't share my perspective or they were a bit shy about dealing with people they don't know. In the end I did get to know quite a few of the new attendees and I think for the most part we had a pretty good time talking trac, crap and anything else. A bunch of us went to dinner on Saturday night and we had a great time. Seems to me that's really a big part of this, at least that's how I approach it.
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Everybody can stay at my house........Pool, hot tub, and bar will be available 24hours daily......just please, no getting sick in the pool! lmao :lol:
The first day at a meet is very uncomfortable. We all have this idea what people look like and when we see them in person, they are nothing like we expected. The following morning, it is like we all get over that "shock" and get to know each other. The last day of the meet is sad, really. It is like leaving our friends.

Unfortunatly for me, I will not be able to make the meet in Texas. I only have one week of vacation, and most of it has already been used up. I quit a job that had flexibility where if I were out of vacation time, I could just tell them I am taking a week off without pay and it is not a problem. To make it to the Texas meet, I would have to find a doctor to write me up a sick slip to get out of work. I could get lucky and get sick the week of the meet and need a little road trip to to get better. Then I would be covered.

I just might have to do that...hmmm.

Anyways, a meet is alot of fun. Getting to meet people like Rich Stern & Family, Chris Wells & family, Spaceman Spiff, Larue & Rose (mmm, salsa), Booker T & Family, Russell & Selah, Laura & Ed, Richard L, Dove, ST'erriffic, etc. is worth the trip itself. I can not tell you how awesome it was to meet Ron Brezina, his wife Annie, his brother Paul & sister-in-law Adele. Also Ron's daughter.

That alone is worth the trip.

I can't forget about Monkeyboy!!!

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