Finished TRUE Cold Air Intake...(well for now anyway!!)

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thats ok im a little more goofy like adam anyway and im willing to try anything once any way.

C.L.......the stock box is sort of a cold air intake but you still draw heat from the engine bay

where as in the fender well the engine bay heat is blocked a little more by the inner fender well. here are some numbers and air temp inside and outside the engine bay. we data logged the temps before even doing this to see if it was worth it.

Before: Idle and taking off - 90-95 degrees F Cruising - 65-85

After: Idle and taking off - 70-80 degrees F Cruising - 50-55

paul h
How does it draw heat from the engine bay when it is pulling air from the grille outside of the engine bay? Take the temp inside the stock air box or from the inlet in the grille.
CL on the Gen 1 ST the little hair horn sticks out of the side of the rad support and kinda points toward the headlight... That horns dia is 1.5 inches or so... One that is a restriction, and 2 it still can get hot air from the rad and engine bay mixed in...

Also most performance people that put on an intake to gain some HP now have an issue of getting cold air due to the location of the intake. Thats where this mod comes in..

Yes on the 07 the design is better, BUT the MAF and air box on the 07 is very restrictive, so yes the STOCK air box gets some cold air. I data logged the intake temps and found that the Cold Air I have still keeps the intake temps 20 degrees lower..

Todd Z
That makes about as much sense as all you folks saying they don't like IRS for off road. Apparently they don't do that much off-roading or really don't think they are off road unless they are being tossed around in the cab .

How much difference will be realized by sticking the air filter in the fender well ? You still have all that metal tubing from the well to the intake gathering heat. and I agree with Clarence, where was these measurements taken ? Inside the tube or just placed under the hood near the intake. Sorry but I'm not sold on the time and trouble verses the results.

Gene, likely taken from the ST's computer, which would be from the MAFS, which would be the exact numbers the truck uses to calculate fuel.
Paul H states temps were from engine bay and outside of engine bay no mention of getting temps from computer. And you may have noticed almost all military vehicles have IRS wonder why? Some of them even have fully articulated chassis. I just think I can stand 20 degrees in air temp versus dirt mud and water in the fender well.
Right, they "data logged" a regular cone filter IN the engine bay, the "data logged" their design. The term data logging when applied to a vehicle usually means you're tapping into the computer and reading what the sensors say.

Would you like me to do this project and data log before and after and show graphs?

[Broken External Image]:
Interesting that in the old days (1970's and '80's) cars used to have a "stove" that heated the intake air, drawing it from around the exhaust manifold.

Exhaust manifolds often had a thermostatic spring dealey that routed hot exhaust gas through a passage near the intake manifold to help warm the incoming fuel/air mixture.

What a difference computers and fuel injection have made!
So you're saying this test was not stock air intake versus the fender well installation. So we don't know the temperatures of factory cold air. Does this make it a valid test ? I can see where putting a cone filter under the hood would run hotter. I never knew why people wanted to do that anyway other than they think it looks cool. I am not faulting what you did, just wondering why. Were test test done the same day at the same outdoor temperatures ?
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Gavin The exhaust intake crossover was for 2 things, EGR and to warm up the fuel and air on cold mornings, a carburated car can not atomize fuel until it is warmed up properly, which is not like a fuel injection engine... Look at all racing manifolds, they eliminate the EGR and the exhaust crossovers... ALSO back then MPG and emissions were not the way they want it now..

ASK your self why the ST has a coolant hose wrapped around the PCV valve... WHY do the 02 sensors have Pre heaters on them, all for emissions crap....

all that stuff does HURT MPG badly....


The tests we did were the MAC air kit vs. the true cold air setup.

YES, they were not the STOCK OEM air box and horn VS the true cold air intake...

That can easily be done if you would like.. AND I still bet the temps will be lower with the true cold air over the STOCK OEM box.

AS for dirty and water, all the Mustangs use the in the fender design for the true cold air, and none of them have water or dirt issues....

AS for the test we did, we drove the truck for 20 miles from Paul's house to mine, Immediately data logged the truck and then we stuck the hose in the fender with the filter and clamped it to the MAF. the truck was not off for even 5 min...

We then drove it the same and data logged it again...

THE data logging uses the trucks AIT sensor which Jeff said is what the computer uses to calibrate a/f.

I am willing to bet the filter in the fender gets cooler temps that the OEM stock AIR box. Also it will increase the air flow and increase MPG and performance over the STOCK OEM air box.

Todd Z
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the truck was data logged which i stated in the first place READ CAREFULLY ITS THERE! yes on the same day at the same outside temp. this is just a new post to show the finished version. i posted a couple of weeks back the "rough in" and also gave the numbers the data log stated. sorry we didnt have a stock intake around as for everyone we know has an after market intake. Gene if you are interested in the intake temps in a stock box then take the ride to my house here out on the island considering you are only about 50 or so miles away and we can data log your intake temp and compare it to mine.

CL if you are going to quote me then say it right...dont put words in my mouth. here is what i said: "we data logged the temps before even doing this to see if it was worth it." and CL if you look into my fender well (i took pics of it)ive owned my trac 6 years and never cleaned in there and it was spotless. no dirt or grime, and drove through 3 rain and some snow here since i put it on and no probs. i even went as far as to take the fender well plastics down in the rain just to check if water was getting in there and guess what......NOTHING WAS WET!!!

also this isnt a mod that I or Todd expect everyone to do. Its just something we put some thought into and ran the numbers USING A DATA LOGGER and saw it was definately worth it.

so in closing i hope you all enjoy the mod i know i will.

paul h:D:D:D

Sorry Paul I am in North Carolina or I would make the trip. I really would like to know the difference between stock and your cold air installation.
I know Mathew at the dyno day was close, Maybe I can data log his truck....

HMM, I wounder if George C would put his stock intake back in and we could data log that,

I do have all my stock intake stuff ???.....hmmmmm ???

Todd Z

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Sorry Gene i was confusing yo with someone else my bad....

At this point Todd and everyone else i am wiling to take my wholw setup

apart and data log stock air box vs. after market intake with cone filter vs. mine and todd z's design of the true cold air intake. hopefully it will be nice out and we can get this done soon. maybe george will do this for us?

paul h

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