Headlights not Working

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Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
Charlotte, NC
Hi all,

Both of my headlights have stopped working on my 2002 Sport Trac. I replaced the bulb and they are still out. I also checked the fuses and all are good. Also, it is not the wiring problem in the steering column b/c I had this fixed a few years ago. Even when I turn the headlights to "high beam" the little blue indicator light does not come on. Has anyone had this issue and how did you fix it.


I'd use a voltmeter to check power in/out of your headlight switch. If both lights are out then it has to be something common to both. Replacing the switch is easy-peasy, and the part probably isn't that expensive.
There may be a broken wire, bad ground or switch that can cause this without a bad fuse.

There is a schematic in my library (link below) I created to help with fog light installation that includes the OEM wiring. It may help focus on what components and wiring these have in common.

<a href="http://www.mysporttrac.com/library/10521/Fog%20Lights/FogLightsSch.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.mysporttrac.com/library/10521/Fog%20Lights/FogLightsSchSm.jpg" /></a>
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Vic and Yardsale thanks for your replys. You are not going to believe this.

I took it to dealer. He claims it was a relay under the hood and it then put current to it. There was an extra draw coming from daytime running lights which caused a module to overheat and fried it causing a fire that in turn caused more computer module problems. He told me to contact my insurance company because they might be able to help with about a 1600. bill or maybe even more. Does this even sound possible?
More incredible bad news. My insurance company got involved because my final bill was going to be $ 2,200. With a thousand dollar deductible this made sense. There was trace of animal chewed wires so act of God and my rates won't go up. now my insurance company says truck is total right off because not worth fixing. What should i do now? I love my truck and it was in immaculate condition with 183000 kilometers

So, your insurance company wants to take $1000.00 from you and then scrap the vehicle? You can scrap it on your own for free.

My math is 2200-1000=$1200 cost to the insurance company to repair. Challenge them to find you a functioning, comparable vehicle for $2200.00. They'll claim that they don't have to find you a vehicle, and they would be correct. However, they can't simply give you handful of cash and expect that it makes you whole. Get prices for replacement vehicles.

Total write-off doesn't mean they aren't responsible to restore you to a functioning, comparable vehicle. Read your insurance policy; find-out what is their obligation.

Almost seems as if it's their way of making you pay for the repair. Ask around to see if you know an attorney or insurance specialist that can guide you. If you have them, check with governmental agencies for guidance.

You don't have to scrap the truck. You can take the $1200 from the insurance company along with your $1000 deductible and get your truck fixed !

I would also get a second opinion. Rats/mice generally don't chew on wires if the vehicle is used regularly...That's something that happens when vehicles sit unused for months or years? Also, I am suspicious of their claim that the relay overheated and started a fire???? What was burned in the fire, and did you see the fire damage and chewed wires with your own eyes or are you just taking their word?

A relay and computer should not cost $2200, and you did not mention if they plan on replacing a wiring harness or just fixing the chewed wires?

Thanks for your replys and advice Yardsale and Richard. Here is the latest. My insurance adjuster couldn't find much evidence of animal chewed wires due to extent of fire damage to wiring caused by dealership, but decided to go along with their assessment. My insurance company's final pay out to me is around 2600. after deductible. I need your help. I think the dealership is totally at fault, what recourse do I have ?
Did the insurance adjuster define "much" in the context of evidence? Seems that any evidence is sufficient. If they are trying to decline coverage, they need information to do so. You need to provide whatever information you have (that benefits you). Will the dealer provide a statement that they saw evidence of animal damage? That is better information than what then adjuster claims to have found.

Wait - so now you think the dealer caused the fire? Please be specific in what you mean by "totally at fault" - at fault for what?

What do you mean by "final payout"? If you no longer own the vehicle, I'm not sure what you want from the dealer, as you have accepted a "payout" that supposedly makes you whole.

If you want some compensation from the dealer for what you claim is damage caused by them, you're going to need evidence. Unfortunately, you have the dealer claiming the damage was caused by an animal and the insurance adjuster not finding "much" evidence of this and, if you no longer own the vehicle, you can't have it inspected by a third party.

They are both trying to avoid liability. My guess is that, if the insurance is convinced that the damage was caused by the dealer, and think they prove it, they will pursue being compensated by the dealer for their loss (their loss, not yours).

Or, did I miss something?

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