Illegal Immigrants. Your opinion.

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They don't deserve anything free. I did not get free health care. I had to earn it. Sure, if I could quit my job and get stuff free, why shouldn't I? I don't envy them, I just don't feel it anyone should get anything free if they never earned it in the first place.

They are breaking a law. Just because a law isn't enforced, or hasen't been enforced, does not mean it is no longer a law.

Can anyone quantify that burden, in real dollars, in percentage of taxes paid by the average family?

Like common sense, as you put it, says that arresting a person that is drunk in a bar WILL reduce drunk driving, those here illegally cost us money. The damage our roads from them using it. When they get hurt, the stick the hospitals with bills that the hopsital must pass on to future costs. It is common that in communities where there is a high percentage of illegal immagrants, crime is higher. Look at South Florida. Those "criminals" cause our propertiy values to go down.

Can you prove otherwise?

TJR, good points. As I said before, I don't have a problem with them comming here to try and better thier lives, nothing wrong with that, just do it LEGALLY. My opinion is that there is no fine line in illegal. If you rob a store without a weapon is it still illegal? Yes. If you rape someone and use a condom, is it still illegal? Yes. I know I going to the extremes on comparisons here but there to me is no fine line. I know 99% of them are actually good people that wouldn't do anything to anyone else. No problem, then do it the right way. How many come here every day that actually go through the system the right way and work hard. Why do they have to go through all the trouble when the rest just sneak across (I use that loosely since most can just walk over), get a job and stay here without having to fill out the papers and get away with it? How fair is that? Not to fair to me. I'm not picking on you TJR. I know that this is an emotionally charged topic. But with your second question, "Is a law that is not inforced, still a law?", my answer is YES. If you break that law, it's illegal. Again with the fine grey area.;)
Yes, stone, I agree. But why do you think our government turns the other way (for the most part), and has done so, when it comes to these "lawbreakers", and the law breaking companies that hire them?

As I said, actions speak louder than words. It sure doesn't SEEM illegal.


Maybe the lawbreaking companies are lining the 'turn the other way' politicians' pockets. Just a guess.
Maybe the lawbreaking companies are lining the 'turn the other way' politicians' pockets. Just a guess.

I tend to doubt that, Fred. I assume that a majority of the illegals are employed by "the little man", not the big corps with their lobbiests.
TJR, to answer your question, the government turns the other way due to the fact that it is a "victemless crime" and they don't have the resources to deal with the problem. Due to the state of our borders, we can't put a man or women every 5 feet to keep them out. In that order, we also can't keep an eye on all the "small businesses" that hire these people on. You are saying that since the government isn't acting like it was illegal. I agree with you. They don't act like downloading music for free is illegal either. So does that make the fact that some people still do it, legal?
Stonemiser thats B.S. the government can't crack down on this... They don't have to look far nor do they have to look hard to find companies hiring illegals... it's simple and in your face and once you set the example and trend that there will be consequences than I bet it would stop. But be careful for what you wish for.

Q the flag waving be immigrant groups has always been a sign of solidarity and not a disrespect for America... I see Irish flags at parades, Italian flags at parades and italian legions and the whole nine... Flags are just letting you know htese people are Mexican Americans or Irish Americans and nothing more... I think! I do think that people want to just harp on them to try and negate the issue and make it something else....

For everyone ageeing with Q I pose one question if we are the police of the world then why has the continent of Africa suffered the worse ethnic cleansing the planet has ever seen without a bat of an American eye?

Travis the constitution needs a change when a flaw becomes evident... The forefathers did put together a pretty decent little document that for the most part has been a shining example of freedom, every now and then though it needs to be tweaked... And like you said now that your all settled in and are comfy and warm doesn't make it right for you to now forbid anyone else to have a piece of the pie,,,,
joseymack, before you call what I say "BS". Then read my post again. Where did I say it could be done? I said the problem was it can't be done. Don't let your emotions blind you. The only way it would work is to crack down on the businesses that hire them. But even then it's a task that probably would fail. Can someone here just answer me one question? Why are they illegal? Why don't they go through the proper channels to become citizens or to even work here? WHY? How hard is it? What do they have to hide? I'm sure they could get someone to translate the paperwork for them since they have no desire to learn english.

As for Africa, ever see Blackhawk down? Do you think that stuff was made up? Why do you think when I was in the Army we just called ourselves the "Salvation Army"? Since when has the US not come to the aid of another country? How do you suppose we fix that problem over there?

As for the "Tweeks" to the constitution. It's been used as a guideline for how many years? You "tweek" one thing you can "tweek" another. Where's the line? You want to take my guns?
Q said:

It's amazing to me that someone says something like "Fact: blah blah blah" and it's all his own opinion. If your going to preface something with the word "fact" at least try to put some in there.

It's obvious that "John" has no clue to any of these topics, has no concept of "budget" and the government, has no idea what world peace is all about and can't seem to seperate his far-off opinions from fact. We understand you have an opinion, but just imagine for one minute that you or even a little part of your opinion is wrong....can you imagine how many people you put down...for nothing?

Take this random quote from your blathering: "I am against spending BILLIONS of dollars to invade another country for NO reason, with NO plan, and with NO chance of changing anything "

Well, let's see. It is a fact that Iraq had no proven link to 9/11. It is a fact that the "weapons of mass destruction" incentive to invade Iraq was fiction, created by the administration as an excuse. If you have evidence that 1) there was a proven link between Iraq and 9/11 and/or 2) there actually were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, please post links and cites to the evidence. Reputable parties, please.

Second, it is a fact that we have spent over $250 billion dollars with zero demonstrable results. We are no closer to a solution in Iraq or the Mid-East now than we were 5 years ago. We have made things worse...we have destabilized the region, we have over-extended our military, and we have killed innocent civilians. Bombings continue, the insurgency is still very active. Are you saying none of these are facts? What, exactly, do you call a "demonstrable result" of an invasion? Tell me...tell me anything positive that has happened as a result of our attack on Iraq. Yes, Saddam is no longer in power. So what? Is anything better? Really, truly better? Kidnappings, bombings, beheadings, you name it, are still going on. So how are things better?

I work in project management...I can tell you first hand that if any of my projects (multi-million dollar budgets) had no demonstrable results after 3 years they would be killed and the people in charge fired. Maybe where you work things are different, that's cool. The goal, if I remember correctly, was to bring democracy to Iraq, and it was supposed to be quick. Right? Neither one has happened. You can rant all you like about "a plan" and me not being on the Joint Chiefs of Staff (DUH!!), that isn't the point and you know it.

Third, I quoted the source (BusinessWeek) for my comments about private oil production capacity. Where are your independent sources?

So, fact one: yep, fact. No proven link to 9/11, no weapons of mass destruction. Post cites to evidence proving me wrong. Fact two: yep, fact. Mission in Iraq not accomplished, original budget blown out, timeline blown out, democracy not created, civilian population still under attck, insurgents still active. Please post cites showing any of these things are not happening, or that anything originally planned for Iraq has actually occured. So, either the plan was very very bad in the first place (doesn't say much for our esteemed leaders and generals, does it?) or there was no plan. Fact three: yep, fact, with source posted. You're welcome to debate if you like.

Can I imagine how many people I put down? Sure can. It is obvious you blindly accept whatever the government tells you as truth. I do not. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong. I respect everyone in military service...I am not putting them down, I just wish they weren't fighting for something useless. If you honestly think that screwing with Iraq and Afghanistan will stop terrorism, you are sadly mistaken. I absolutely do understand the concepts of budgets...I am a professional and I manage projects with large budgets and multi-year timelines and teams as large as a couple
What is this about that we don't understand?

Subject: Fwd: LA Times

These points are from various LA Times articles

1. 40% of all workers in L.A. County (L.A. County has 10 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This was because they are predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a green card.

2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

4. Over 2/3's of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

5. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.

6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

7 The FBI estimates that half of all gang members in Los Angeles are illegal aliens from south of the border.

8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal, as you know HUD is tax subsidized.

9. 21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish speaking.

10 In L.A.County 5.1 million people speak English. 3.9 million speak Spanish (10.2 million people in L.A.County).

(All 10 of these reports from the Los Angeles Times)

Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops but 29% are on welfare. The balance are working at jobs that perhaps Americans could have.

Over 70% of the United States annual population growth (and over 90% of California, Florida, and New York) results from immigration.

The cost of immigration to the American taxpayer in 1997 was a NET (after subtracting taxes immigrants pay) $70 BILLION a year, [Professor Donald Huddle, Rice University].

29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.
This illegal immigration problem is one of the biggest reasons why the Fair Tax needs to be passed. Urge your Congressman and Senators to support the Fair Tax. Once it is passed all of the illegal aliens in this country who are working for cash would immediately begin to contribute Federal taxes every time they make a purchase of a new good or service.
Word on the street and around the water cooler is that Mexico is pretty difficult if you want to live there and/or become a citizen.


You're right. See my first post in this thread, or the link below.

I work in project management...I can tell you first hand that if any of my projects (multi-million dollar budgets) had no demonstrable results after 3 years they would be killed and the people in charge fired. Maybe where you work things are different, that's cool. The goal, if I remember correctly, was to bring democracy to Iraq, and it was supposed to be quick. Right? Neither one has happened. You can rant all you like about "a plan" and me not being on the Joint Chiefs of Staff (DUH!!), that isn't the point and you know it.

-- John

John, I have been a project manager for most of my 18 years in the military. You are correct that if a project manager can't perform, he'll be fired. However, a war is not a project, and the Commander-In-Chief or a General is not a project manager. The difference between a project and a war is that the project normally will not have an entity actively working to cause failure of the project by any means possible. Imagine completing one of your projects with a well-organized competitor bent on destroying you and everything you accomplish.
Q stop double talking on the War..... I support our troops and have family there rigth now

with siblings in the military I am on thier side... I am not speaking out against the war it's is counter productive...

But you said
-$250 Billion for a safer world? Ya damn straight! Oil is our economy, bozo. If Oil is in danger, it's gonna cost you more than $250 Billion.

So what is it are we there to fight terrorism or to secure oil?

Gavin- powerful statistics... Maybe it's time to get something fair in place to weed out the criminals and allow honest people to immigrate.. The current system does not work!

Gavin- powerful statistics... Maybe it's time to get something fair in place to weed out the criminals and allow honest people to immigrate.. The current system does not work!

Step back and take a look, and re-read. What you just stated is the entire point.
allow honest people to immigrate..

If they were ALL honest, we wouldn't be having this discussion.


you say in a rather verbose fashion, that you have respect for and support the military. Being a military member, I'll tell you it is your negative support that is hurting us more than any insurgent. It is the whiny ***** here at home giving them the fodder they need for their propaganda. And if you really think WMDs did not exist in Iraq, aske the 8 million that tasted it in the last 25 years.

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Well said grump. For John to say he supports our troops and then to go on and say that everything they have done hasn't garnished any "positive results" is wild. I'd like to know how he thinks that region was "stable" before we got there. The only reason it seem so "unstable" now is because of the media exploiting the oppertunity to show everything now due to the fact it is happening to American Soldiers. There has always been car bomb, suicide bombs and the such over there. It happens so much it has become a way of life for those people. Maybe not so much in Iraq but in every country around it. Now it is just easier to do in Iraq since the country is in "flux" right now. No WMD's? Just ask the Kurds if Saddam didn't have them. He killed how many of them with a nerve agent? What were we shooting out of the sky when I was there for Desert Sheild/Storm? Were they bottle rockets? No. Scud Missiles. The man needed to be removed either way. Just my opinion. It was just a matter of time before he did SOMETHING. Should we have just sat around and waited? As for the timeframe of rebuilding a Government. How long should that take? I don't know but since John is in "Project Management" maybe he could tell us. I know it's a fact that after WWII everyone went back to living thier lives over in Europe like nothing ever happened. Right? Oh wait, I'm mistaken. It didn't happen over night. And we are best friends with North Korea also.;)
propaganda my friends.... We could also depict saddam as a Saint if we wanted... It;s all in the spin.. Consevatives only like the media when it suits them everything else is a lie.

The whole thing with the Kurds I have seen in the news for a long time... The gassing of them.. Is that the only charge against Saddam?

Quelling a rebellion is tough work... Other countries are just as bad.... China