shawn stonbraker 2
Well-Known Member
How about Saddam letting his kid kill people who didn't "perform up to par" at the olympics. That's excusable. The people who were killed by the gas was a Kurdish town. It was women and children. I guess then you could say that gassing the jews was the only wrong thing that Hitler did. Have you forgotten that Saddam also invaded Kuwait? They killed people that were sick in the hospital. Took Kuwaitie babies out of incubators and just threw them on the floor to die? Is that EXCUSABLE? I ask you this because I'm not going to post any so called "media proof". You are getting it from the mouth of someone who SEEN IT!!!! So when you say "is that the only charge against Saddam" and "Quelling a rebellion is hard work", I say get off the drugs and open your eyes. The man was an animal and deserves everything coming to him.