"Joke" Solution to rising gas prices

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THe $$$ the illegals make, most of it goes out of the country, so it doesn't support our economy. Also with them being *poor and illegal, they have a disproportional use of services like hospital for free medical care, police, ete,ete.

I have nothing against illegal' per se, but if they live in this country, try to learn ENGLISH, the language is the glue that holds the society together. Back in the last century, the people coming here had to learn english. Now there is no incentive to learn english, when the government prints bilingual documents for the illegals and I have to press#1 on a phone:angry: to hear english, I have a problem with that.

Have a good one

I like the part when employers use the excuse, "I can not hire people to work as cheap as illegals do".

Isn't capitalism all about checks and balances. If you can not hire people for $5 bucks an hour to mow someones lawn, maybe you should pay more. If you have to pay an employee $50.00/hr to mow the lawn and you can not get customers because you charge too much, then you find a different field to work in. Let the consumer decide what he or she wants to pay for a service. If it is too expensive, Sears sells lawn mowers, they can do it themself. If they do not want to do it themself, then the only other choice would be to pay someone $50.00/hr.

If an employer can not hire someone to work for what they think is a fair wage, that means what they want to pay is not a fair wage. Allowing them to hire people from other countries undermines our government.

How is that American?

You guys follow what I am saying?

The title said "joke" so that's what I took it as. My solution to many of this country"s ills would be to do away with welfare. Then a large number of people who don't work because the government is paying them not to would be required to work to eat and might actually take the jobs they won't take now and there would be no jobs for the illegals.
Caymen said
Isn't capitalism all about checks and balances. If you can not hire people for $5 bucks an hour to mow someones lawn, maybe you should pay more. If you have to pay an employee $50.00/hr to mow the lawn and you can not get customers because you charge too much, then you find a different field to work in. Let the consumer decide what he or she wants to pay for a service. If it is too expensive, Sears sells lawn mowers, they can do it themself. If they do not want to do it themself, then the only other choice would be to pay someone $50.00/hr.

Capitalism does have it's checks and balances. The "problem" that I assume many have isn't that capitalism isn't working, nor is it that the "free market" isn't setting the wages. I say that because you seem to imply that the market is not setting the wages, and the capitalism isn't working. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In actuality the market is defining the wage, and the "availability" of the lower-waged employee (the illegal) is keeping that wage low. So comments like "If you cannot hire people for $5 an hour..." are simply incorrect as with illegals and by employing people under the table you CAN find workers at that low wage or at similiarly low wages.

That's the reality. Some would say that illegals keep those wages artificially low; that by having the lower wages the small business owner that hires them is simply making higher profits, and that if that owner had to pay more, he would just make a little less profit and/or raise prices a little. Well, that's sounds good on paper, but we really don't know, now do we, because this isn't really anything more than a "thought experiment" (look it up), with no real data to show would happen if illegals didn't have these jobs.

I have said it time and time again. It is largely small business owners that hire illegals. They don't work for themselves. And most of these owners are incorporated or an LLC, and most file the correct federal and state business taxes. It wouldn't take much forensic accounting to show that for many of them, they are paying people under the table. Audits would be easy to conduct. Yet, we don't do it....why? It surely isn't because the "Small Business Alliance" lobby is so powerful.

Anyway, I agree, wrong is wrong, and if you pay someone under the table you are breaking the law....yet I suspect there isn't a person here that hasn't been paid by someone, at some time, tax free.

Also, this is much more than just a landscaping industry issue. There are illegals in all industries.

What would it look like if they were all gone, and we filled those jobs and paid people legit? I don't think the wages themselves would go up that much...slightly, but not a lot. The extra burden of taxes would be the big hurt for most small businesses. Instead of paying an illegal $10 and hour under the table to lay pavers you might pay some other guy $12 or 15 with taxes and unemployment comp.

You want to know who I blame for this? Again, I will blame parents. Look at a lot of the jobs held by illegals; often it is labor jobs, often summer jobs. Why can't Joe and Jane 14 to 21 year old work those jobs? Why can't little Jimmy mow lawns, or lay pavers, or swing a pickaxe? Why can't Susie bus tables, or load the dishwasher?

No, folks, I think the reality is that there ARE jobs out there that by their nature do and probably should only pay up to $8, $10, or $12 an hour, and they are hard working jobs, and there was a time in this country where they were considered "filler" and "stepping stone" jobs for our young adults.

I've talked with small business owners. They can't find any "kids" to work for them. Do you think there is a coincidence in the rise of illegals the past twenty years along with the same rise in our own affluence and coddling of our children: buying them cars because "they deserve i
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In actuality the market is defining the wage, and the "availability" of the lower-waged employee (the illegal) is keeping that wage low. So comments like "If you cannot hire people for $5 an hour..." are simply incorrect as with illegals and by employing people under the table you CAN find workers at that low wage or at similiarly low wages.

In other words, breaking the law is a good thing?

That's the reality. Some would say that illegals keep those wages artificially low; that by having the lower wages the small business owner that hires them is simply making higher profits, and that if that owner had to pay more, he would just make a little less profit and/or raise prices a little.

Illegals are breaking the law. They are artificially keeping the wages low because they are unable to work for a fair wage since they have no rights.

What would it look like if they were all gone, and we filled those jobs and paid people legit? I don't think the wages themselves would go up that much...slightly, but not a lot. The extra burden of taxes would be the big hurt for most small businesses. Instead of paying an illegal $10 and hour under the table to lay pavers you might pay some other guy $12 or 15 with taxes and unemployment comp.

Welcome to the real world. Lets just say it goes the other way.

Lets say a company produces a product and sells it. Is it acceptable to bring in buyers to buy the items, therefore artifically raising the supply and demand to keep the prices high?

It goes both ways.

Also, this is much more than just a landscaping industry issue. There are illegals in all industries.

I was using landscapers as an example, but I am aware it is like that everywhere.

You want to know who I blame for this? Again, I will blame parents. Look at a lot of the jobs held by illegals; often it is labor jobs, often summer jobs. Why can't Joe and Jane 14 to 21 year old work those jobs? Why can't little Jimmy mow lawns, or lay pavers, or swing a pickaxe? Why can't Susie bus tables, or load the dishwasher?

I agree. The question is, are you planning on paying for your children's college education?

Think about it. Could it be that so many parents pay for college, the kid has no incentive to actually work for a living and is taking the easy way out.

My wife paid for her own college education. She worked hard to buy books, tuition, and gas for her car.

How many kids do that today?

I still say let the economy decide. "Allowing", or I guess enabling, someone to hire illegals are artificially keeping wages down. If it costs us more when we buy stuff, then that is the way it is.

Supply and demand works both ways. It is not a one way street.

If there is not enough supply, then there will be a greater demand. If there is not enough money, people will look elsewhere. Give them a reason to look your way.

A buddy told a manager at my previous employer when they told him they wanted loyalty in an employee.

"You want loyalty? Get a dog! You want me to stick around here? Open up your wallet and pay me. If not, I will go someplace else."

Enabling an employer to hire illegals undermines that.

Caymen, said:
In other words, breaking the law is a good thing?

Tom, please, in personal email I have asked you to stop doing that! Stop saying "In other words..." and then saying something I clearly didn't say. As a matter of fact, I specifically said: "I agree, wrong is wrong, and if you pay someone under the table you are breaking the law." So, how you could assume that I say breaking the law is a good thing is pretty strange.

Caymen also asked:
The question is, are you planning on paying for your children's college education?

Some, sure, like my folks did for me...but not all, probably not even half. Most of it they will pay for, and they will be given all the support my wife and I can give them so that they have the opportunities to have the summer employment that makes up the difference, so that they can pay for college themselves.

I paid my way through college working construction each summer, and then, once a 3rd year, working jobs in my field.

As for all of us and our govt "enabling" companies to hire illegals...again, I will ask: Since it is largely small businesses that hire them, and there are no "small business lobbyists" *WHY* do we and why does our government ALLOW this? It would be so easy to stop if we really wanted to..WHY do we allow it?

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Stop paying (welfare) to the large population of fat, lazy, American slugs to stay home and procreate and make more fat, lazy American slugs. Make them do the jobs that some claim that only illlegals will do. If they're able bodied, which most are and won't do it, let them starve.

Someone WILL do the jobs. Someone did them before we got overrun with the non-taxpaying, system abusing illegals. They are not here only to pick tomatoes. They know how to work the system and do so.

If nothing else, some of the stupid people on myst.com, myself included, can pick the tomatoes. :huh:

If turning a blind eye on companies hiring illegal aliens to perform work is under the table, the government is saying breaking the law is a good thing. Making excuses on how doing that is helping us, then breaking the law is a good thing.

As for all of us and our govt "enabling" companies to hire illegals...again, I will ask: Since it is largely small businesses that hire them, and there are no "small business lobbyists" *WHY* do we and why does our government ALLOW this? It would be so easy to stop if we really wanted to..WHY do we allow it?

Republicans like their lawn mowed for a cheap price?


Caymen said:
If turning a blind eye on companies hiring illegal aliens to perform work is under the table, the government is saying breaking the law is a good thing. Making excuses on how doing that is helping us, then breaking the law is a good thing.

I haven't made a single excuse for the behavior or even said specifically that illegals are helping us. I am just asking WHY people think it is being allowed and are there any compelling studies that show how deporting all the illegals will address the perceived problems they have created.

Caymen also said:
Republicans like their lawn mowed for a cheap price?

Funny. How many pieces of legislation to address these problems has the Democratically controlled Congress passed or even proposed since last Nov?

No, I don't think Republicans alone are to blame for this.

As I said, I am really not aware of any small business lobbyists.

Try again, Tom.


So all the self-employed small business owners that are hiring illegals in my community (those building homes, paving driveways, doing concrete work, running restaurants, etc, etc), they are either paying lobbyists or belong to larger organizations that are paying lobbyists?

You have any examples?

Also, joke or not, did anyone else catch the seeming illogic to the premise which states:

The best way to stop using so much gas is to deport 11 million illegal immigrant!

Really? That's the "BEST" way?

Maybe my experience is unique, but what illegal immigrants I have been exposed to while living in NY and PA showed me that most don't drive, they walk, and when they do drive, it's by the carload.

So how does this save gas?

Sure, I get that it was a joke (actually a rant), but ought not the premise be sound before people "cheer" for it?

So all the self-employed small business owners that are hiring illegals in my community (those building homes, paving driveways, doing concrete work, running restaurants, etc, etc), they are either paying lobbyists or belong to larger organizations that are paying lobbyists?

You have any examples?












Many many more.

Wake up, TJR!
11,000,000 illegals / 8 per carload = 1,375,000 cars

1,375,000 1978 Caprices averaging 15 mpg going 15 miles per day = 1,375,000 gallons of gas per day.

Cars, mpg's and # of passengers per car may vary.

Gavin, thanks...but please stop the insults, I am not asleep.

Yes, you have listed a few orgs. Now I wonder how many such orgs actually have lobbyists, and how many of these orgs actually recruit and have members that hire illegals. I see a list of orgs...now to figure out how strong the lobby is and how vested the small businesses are in the org and the lobby.

BTW, Gavin, do you have a big illegal immigrant problem in MO? Just wondering.


Your math is off...it presumes all 11M illegals are using their own transportation to be mobile. I would assume that to be an incorrect assumption. But that most drive Caprices is probably accurate. ;)
Yeah it does presume all 11M are using their own transportation to be mobile. That was wrong. OK, then let's presume again that only 25% of them are using their own Caprices to be mobile, we couldn't know what the real percentage is, but surely 25% is an underestimate, I presume. ;) That's 343,750 gallons of gas saved.
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