Honestly. I think the best way to handle this would be to eliminate income tax and only have a fair tax.
Here are my reasons.
No need to file tax's. So if you are illegal, you are working tax free, just like I am.
You spend your money, you pay tax's to the federal government. I spend my money, I pay tax's to the federal government.
You make $5.00 and hour, I make $10.00, (i.e.) doing the same job. You keep $5.00 and I keep $10.00. (As it stands, I make 10.00 and keep 7.00 of it, you make $5.00 and keep %$5.00. My employer spends double for me)
I get a prebate check once a month, you get nothing.
I pay into SS, you pay into SS. I get to collect it, you don't.
What incentive does an illegal have now to work under the table?
Problem solved. No burden on our shoulders. No need for a corporation to file corporate tax's. The cost of our goods will come down about 20%, but we get to keep ALL of our paycheck if we want to eat Ramen Noodles 3 times a day.
The illegals, well. They will pay tax's. They will pay MORE tax's then those legally here do. They will pay into medicare and SS, yet not collect a dime of it. They will help pay for schools for their kids attend. They will even pay for fire, EMS, and Police protection.
It is a win-win for those that live in this country legally and it will level the playing field for those that don't.