"Joke" Solution to rising gas prices

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I thought most of 'em jumped in the back of the contractor's truck at Home Depot. No extra gas used as the contractor was going from HD to the job site anyway.
LOL...Fred and TJR, the illegals here in Atlanta tend to load up vans and minivans like clown cars. So, 11 per vehicle might be right.
Honestly. I think the best way to handle this would be to eliminate income tax and only have a fair tax.

Here are my reasons.

No need to file tax's. So if you are illegal, you are working tax free, just like I am.

You spend your money, you pay tax's to the federal government. I spend my money, I pay tax's to the federal government.

You make $5.00 and hour, I make $10.00, (i.e.) doing the same job. You keep $5.00 and I keep $10.00. (As it stands, I make 10.00 and keep 7.00 of it, you make $5.00 and keep %$5.00. My employer spends double for me)

I get a prebate check once a month, you get nothing.

I pay into SS, you pay into SS. I get to collect it, you don't.

What incentive does an illegal have now to work under the table?

Problem solved. No burden on our shoulders. No need for a corporation to file corporate tax's. The cost of our goods will come down about 20%, but we get to keep ALL of our paycheck if we want to eat Ramen Noodles 3 times a day.

The illegals, well. They will pay tax's. They will pay MORE tax's then those legally here do. They will pay into medicare and SS, yet not collect a dime of it. They will help pay for schools for their kids attend. They will even pay for fire, EMS, and Police protection.

It is a win-win for those that live in this country legally and it will level the playing field for those that don't.

I'm all in favor of the fair tax but last year alone the money sent home to Mexico was 20 billion dollars. How do we tax that?

They still have to survive by buying food and clothing.

Illegal's don't usually run back to Mexico to buy stuff.

TJR, we have a lot of illegal immigrants in Missouri, but I don't know how much of a problem they are. They only work jobs that others don't want to do, and they do very good work. They are mostly very honest and crime-free. They have very strong families who take care of each other and help each other out.

Sure, some have kids in the school system that have to be served, but at least the schools are helping these kids out, giving them a chance to become successful in life.
TJR, BTW, all the organizations listed lobby for their members. Nearly every professional organization has a lobbiest--that is why these organizations exist in the first place--they band together to do what they can do collectively what they could not do individually.

Special interest groups and their lobbiests pretty much run the legislature.
TomT, that 20 billion wouldn't be taxed under a fairtax program, only the money earned that is spent in the US, and as Caymen points out, the illegals do spend a lot of money (not tons, but quite a bit). If there is some of their income that they choose to send to others, or save, or otherwise not spend, they should be able to do that under fairtax.
