Keep track until the nightmare is over

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Tom Schindler

Well-Known Member
1st Gen Owner
V6 Engine
May 30, 2002
Reaction score
Akron, OH
For the majority of Americans that are sick and tired of the tyrant in DC, you can get this handy clock to keep track of the day that we get our freedoms back.


I thought this was a clock for me counting down to my wedding day !!! (10/27)... LOL:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Todd Z

Mine was 09/30/2006. We just celebrated our 1 year anniversary. We did it in the Dominican Republic. It was a great place to visit.

Honestly, I do not think any Republican has a snowballs chance in hell to get into the White House this time.

If there were any good third-party candidates this time, I think this is the election when one actually has a chance. The Republicans are taking a beating in the liberal press and so far the Democrats haven't found an electable candidate.

Yes, you are completely correct. This would be the best time for a 3rd party to get things moving.

Honestly, Obama or Hillary will be the next president.

Neither of them could be any worse than what is in there right now. If anything, Obama or Hillary can speak in complete sentences and they know how to read.

As a registered Democrat I don't beleive I'll be voting for any of the candidates that we have been given to chose from. I do know one thing, and my wife has said the same, I WILL NOT BE VOTING FOR HILLARY! When the general election rolls around I'll probably be voting for MIT. It'll be the first time I vote REP for PRES since the first GWB ran against the guy from Mass or some place in New England(I can never remember his name, he was short and had dark hair). Not real impressed with any of them.

Mine was 09/30/2006. We just celebrated our 1 year anniversary. We did it in the Dominican Republic. It was a great place to visit.

LOL, yeah I know, I replied to your "were back" post... ;););)

Todd Z
For anyone fed up with current politics, check out Ron Paul. If he's on the ballot, I will finally vote for someone I want, instead of voting for the person I think will screw us over the least.

Ron Paul is a constitutionalist.

Ron has never voted to raise taxes.

Ron has never voted for an unbalanced budget.

Ron has never voted for the Iraq War.

Ron has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.

Ron has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.

Ron has never voted to raise congressional pay.

Ron has never taken a government-paid junket.

Ron voted against the Patriot Act.

Ron votes against regulating the Internet.

Ron voted against NAFTA and CAFTA.

Ron votes against the United Nations.

Ron votes against the welfare state.

Ron votes against reinstating a military draft.

Ron votes to preserve the constitution.

Ron votes to cut government spending.

Ron votes to lower healthcare costs.

Ron votes to end the war on drugs.

Ron votes to protect civil liberties.

Ron votes to secure our borders with real immigration reform.

Ron votes to eliminate tax funded abortions and to overturn Roe v Wade.

Ron votes to protect religious freedom.
I will be happy when the current Bozo leaves office but if you think things will improve with Hillary then your living in a dream world.
I'm telling you-- Rudy is the only viable candidate right now. He appeals to most of the middle on both parties.

Hillary is DOA. We had one Klinton, and sure don't need another one.

Obama looked good at first, but he has quickly run out of steam--there just isn't any experience or substance under the top few layers.
This election is about as bad as any in the past have ever been.

I am near an absolute loss on who to vote for. I so sick of the double talk that is is beyond funny.

I am certain that no matter who gets into office, from the perspective of John Q. Public. in some cases things will get worse to much worse and other things will improve. It comes down to the specific angle that it affects you as a consumer of the American way.

And Tom, sorry to throw this out there, but sure it could get worse. I am not standing up here beating my chest saying Bush is the man. I am looking at it another way. Bush will be leaving and we will be getting an unknow entity. By that, the double talk will get them into the little round room, politics will keep them there but at the expense of you and I my friend...