An employer can help a non-citizen become a citizen. My last employer helped a guy become a citizen that way.
I came to the USA in Jan. 2000 with an employment offer, started with an 'L' class visa, my wife and I became permanent residents in June 2002.
You are correct, but do you know how much it costs?
I doubt many small business would be able to pay that for a single employee, let alone several.
In my opinion, the government is too permissive and that allows people to abuse the system and get a free ride, either by getting welfare or using their US-born childs to get gov'nt assistance, although some are really working to pay for everyday living.
Are they here illegally?
Yes they are, but I think it is unrealistic to propose to round 'em all up and deport them (we're talking immigration from all over the world, not just south of the border). I think the services could be managed better, verified who deserves them and who's getting a free ride would be a start, but that takes money, which right now is being used in Iraq (no I don't want to start that debate)
The reality is that they are already here, and some more are trying to get here. And something needs to be done... With those that are here, and those that are trying to get here.
Look, I'm Mexican, and proud of it, but I'm also thankful for the oportunity the USA has given us to live here and eventually become citizens, we came out of personal safety reasons, not economics, IMHO, assimilation does not mean that I have to forget my origin and leave behind my culture, I believe that with learning the American culture, and embracing it, I can also enrich it with my own background, therein lies my truth: Add, do not replace... I hope I'm making sense...
Anyway, as I was saying, there must be a balance point, on which those who really work and are trying to learn English and the American culture deserve a chance, but those who don't want to be part of it and can go back, peacefully, I hope.
No matter what the congress comes up with, this debate is going to take years and the solution too...
Thanks for listening...