I've written this response three times now!! Stupid computer!
When a Christian husband leads well and a Christian wife actively and creatively supports his lead, you don't notice who's doing what because roll play is not the main point that lingers in your mind. What you notice is what kind of fluid and God-glorifying life they forge together. When done well, it's a powerful, graceful, and intimate creation of gender harmony that is uncommon and electrifying. It makes others want to know your secret of your engaged marriage because the blessings they witness are palpable.
There are biblical texts that tell the roles of the genders, specifically Ephesians 5:22-33 and 1 Peter.
In 1 Peter, Sarah (whom the bible calls all women the daughters of Sarah) calls Abraham "lord" not in a master/slave relationship but as a means of honor and respect.
Ephesians 5:
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. (22)
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body. (23)
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it (25)
So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.(28)
My wife and I are continuing a long lineage of Christian Principled, Bible centered marriages. My parents have been married for nearly 31 years. My in-laws just celebrated their 31st year. My dad’s parents are at 60+. My moms – married until the day one died. Same with my wife’s grandparents.
In fact, the genealogical records show that there is not (1) divorce in my or her family as far back as we can go. The only second marriages come from when the first spouse died.
What do all of our history and our marriage have in common? Biblically Centered roles, responsibilities and models.
The church is oft referred to as the Bride of Christ and as such, gives specific roles for each of us to follow:
Man: Provide for, Teach the Word and Teach Life to, Love, Protect, Respect
Woman: Nourish, “Raiseâ€, Love. Support
My wife and I are equal in our relationship.
Do you feel that you moreso than your wife is better equipped or capabile of making the final decision on issues of importance in your family and if so, explain why?
My wife is the smartest woman I know and one of the smartest people I know. Not only is she a degreed engineer, but also has a background in literature. She has read more that I can only dream of. She has educated herself on things Biblical, social and parenting. She has taught me more than all my schooling has. We have been together for nearly 10 years (come November) between dating, engagement and marriage (1-1/2, 2-1/2 and 6 years respectively).
Is she capable of making the decisions? More than I am in many cases. However, I will be held responsible come the day of reckoning. Legally, my name is always before hers. Her name is not on out mortgage. Our investments are in my name. Why? I am ultimately responsible for all of these things.
2. If not, and you assume you and your wife is equally capable of making the decisions for your household, why do you think that YOU alone should have the "final say" on decisions?
This is not a “dictatorshipâ€, but it is also not a democracy. We talk and discuss, but ultimately I am the final word. This is not the “modern†Head of Household definition, but rather the biblical definition. Our discussions are proportional to the level of the decision. Naming our son due in June is something that we have discussed long and hard. What’s for dinner? She’s the one at home, barefoot and pregnant (literal). She gets to decide that one. No one’s better, no one’s worse. We know our roles and we stick to them.
It’s not coincidence that the rate of divorce has increas