Gavin Allan
Well-Known Member
Sexual orientation is no more a choice than left-handedness.
God made them this way, and the bible states he makes us all perfectly, and in his image.
TJR, I would have to disagree with you there. I believe that God created Adam and Eve as perfect humans. Because of sin, the one that Jesus died for, we are now imperfect. Because of that imperfection, we have those that are crippled by birth, those that have mental problems, those that are born retarted, and...lets say for sake of argument, those that have the "homosexual gene". They are all imperfections that have been caused by the original sin and not because God is 10% gay, 3% retarted, 1/2% conjoined twin, etc., etc., etc.
Like you, I know what my beliefs are based on, but I am not also naive enough to think that the bible can not have errors.
You know, as well as I know, that there may be a possibility that part, or parts of the bible have been added or removed to support one or another church's stand on an issue.
I am also smart enough to look at both sides of an issue and think for myself.
But there are many things that just offend the sensability. I don't watch movies like Saw and the Grudge for the same reasons. I'm sure they are entertaining to some degree, but I'd rather my head be filled with more pleasant images than seeing someone dismembered... which I've seen pictures of real people having been killed, murdered, suicide etc. I'd rather not have that.
If it will make you happy, I will look at your precious website when time allows. Will it change my opinion of homosexuality, "religious tolerance", and the "new age" look at christianity? Heck no. Why? My views are set based upon my biblical study. If I find something in the bible that challenges that, I will be the first in line to discuss it with my pastor, then you will be next. Don't wait up for me.
“most all destructive sexual behavior can be viewed as a substitute for healthy sexual behavior and a healthy sexual identity, and that the CHURCH and it's attitudes and teaching on sex and sexuality are very much to blame with the overwhelmingly poor sexual identity most people have today!â€
So, there you have it folks...Women aren't property
My wife and I are 100% partners in our household, however, I have the final word. That's the way it is. Now, I confer with my partner in everything, especially when it comes to decisions that affect the household.
Knowing what he wants and what is best for his wife