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I agree then no refund. I was thinking along the lines of if it was defective or misspelled or something then it wouldn't matter if he cut it up. Another thing that might be considered but I am sure it does not apply to this situation. I also worked for a professional art/advertising company at one time. If we reproduced a company logo and that logo was not to spec and refused according to the customers original art then we had to destroy all of our product and prove its destruction so it could never accidentally make it into the market place. I am talking about logos for up to a billion dollar orders for pharmaceutical companies. We would make hundreds of proofs for the company to sign off on before we ever started production just to be on the safe side. I did however see orders for over a million dollars destroyed because of incorrect art. You probably won't believe this but it was all for your standard everyday Bic pen. I worked for Bic, the pen, lighter and shaver company.
I agree then no refund. I was thinking along the lines of if it was defective or misspelled or something then it wouldn't matter if he cut it up. Another thing that might be considered but I am sure it does not apply to this situation. I also worked for a professional art/advertising company at one time. If we reproduced a company logo and that logo was not to spec and refused according to the customers original art then we had to destroy all of our product and prove its destruction so it could never accidentally make it into the market place. I am talking about logos for up to a billion dollar orders for pharmaceutical companies. We would make hundreds of proofs for the company to sign off on before we ever started production just to be on the safe side. I did however see orders for over a million dollars destroyed because of incorrect art. You probably won't believe this but it was all for your standard everyday Bic pen. I worked for Bic, the pen, lighter and shaver company.
Well after being in business for a while the customer is not always right but you can work to make them think they are right.In this case I would consider the he is no longer a customer, if he didn't request a new item or trade.I would say no refund because of not following the refund policy that you have. But if you feel you need to do something, I would give a refund check of 50 % and offer him the rest in credit towards the next purchse. Explaining the you could not refund 100 % due to the fact that you can not resale that item. I doubt I would really do that, but that would be one option for you.... Ron
O, a question for you, would the letters involved happen to be S P O R T T R A C. If so maybe we can talk. hahahahaha Ron
As Tiger stated

Advise him on the return policy, the condition in which the product was returned, and not give him a refund, another decal, or anything. Any other reasonable person would understand your actions, so I wouldn't be worried about future customers.

There's a difference between being a nice guy and being a guy that gets taken advantage of.

What he said
yeah try that at a store like say walmart or kmart cut up a shirt and say it didnt fit so i want to return it in 4 pieces they will look at you like your nuts
Rob T, Cool Idea, but no! (Sorry).

Area 51 sums it up...

Customers like this are customers that you probably don't want to do any future

business with, anyway. And as far as "Word of Mouth" advertising, if he's anything

like some people I know , I consider anything that they have to say just that...

MOUTH! It seems that we are in 100% agreement on this topic (rare, but nice!).

Go to sleep with a clear conscience tonight!

This guy is a real NUTSO, WACK JOB!!!!!!!!

I have a feeling he does things like this to other vendors as well.

Maybe his problem is that his mother breast fed him too long, or not long enough, or refused to breast feed him at all.

David <><
Maybe he cut his mother up into small pieces because she refused to breast-feed

him beyond the age of 21!

Hamradioextra started it!!!:huh:

I'll go take my medication, now, as the Orderlies are calling me back to my room!..
I certainly would not give any type of refund. However I am curious does this guy say anymore about the return other than it didn't fit. Has he in any way tried to explain why he waited so long to return it or why he cut it up. Does he fell that the product is substandard or a bad copy of an original manufacturer as someone has hit on in their post or is he just plain crazy.
SST, how much money are we talking about?

Instead of a refund how about a coupon worth x% off (up to some amount) on a new purchase as a gesture of good will?

A well worded letter (or email) that restates your refund policy and describes the fact that the returned items were damaged as the reasons you cannot give a full refund and because he is a valued customer you offer a coupon seems like win-win for both of you.

The amount of the coupon is up to you.

Maybe offer a replacement. It doesn't sound like he deserves a refund but I have to ask the reason for the return. Did he say it was defective? If he had only emailed you and said it was defective, would you have replaced it? I bought some hood stripes from you a couple of years ago and some of the lettering came off when I removed the backing. I emailed you and you promptly sent me a replacement so I know your a stand up guy SST and will do what's right. If he needs proof of customer satisfaction from you then direct him towards this site and we will back you 100%.
The decal is 40.00. He said two of the letters were closer than the other letters which is actually how the logo is supposed to be. It's even shown that way in the sample. The other complaint was it's too big. However, the size of the decal is posted in the description. He emailed me 5+ months later of all this. I said return it, however, it must be in the same condition as he received for a replacement or refund. So, I was already being generous. However, with it being all cut up, dirty and crumpled he won't be getting a refund. If I would of received it in perfect condition I could of used it or spliced into the decal and used it for another design locally.
SST, I wouldn't offer a refund or a replacement. But as I said a coupon, one that wouldn't have you losing money *IF* redeemed gives the guy something and is a gesture, which might keep him from bad-mouthing you.
