need some help

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I'm just as guilty as the next for mispellings and such.

I really don't think the guy meant to be ill will sounding :)

I, being female, can tell you, I was definately moody and emotional during both of my pregnancies thus making Dad think and believe I was insane! :lol:

Happy Safe Trac'n all !

I can hardly wait for Louieville!!!!:D
:lol::lol::lol: Dingo!

and Dennis I have a set of ST floor mats that are yours if you want them.

However, there is only one condition. You have to be patient, as they are in Arizona and I am in PA and I can not ship them to you until I get back at the end of June. If you don't need them let me know as I keep all my oem parts and I am only willing to give these up IF you need them. :)

if you don't see this post I will go one more..I will email you directly.

and for those that want to help them out...

he said:

i paid 4 grand for a 2001 trac with nothing in it. i mean nothing no radio, bed cover

What else do you need for it Dennis?

..had to come back and edit my typo... lol
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I may have a radio for you in a couple of weeks, Im thinking of doing a system upgrade and I wont need the old one anymore. I will let you know in a few weeks. Sorry you havebeen getting slapped in the face for your typing ability, Everyone on this site is great and funny most of the time.... so im sure some feel stupid for replying the way they did.... I hope you get some pics up of your truck soon so we can see it.
thanks guys alot..

as for the crazy prego this...she was cracking up as i was typeing it so....dont

im not young (30) but i did just buy a house a girl on the way in sept. and the sport trac.

i had to get new tires ,breaks ,and power steering pump,and still need to fix...., shocks , tie rods , 4x4 come in and out , trans shifter losse , cig light dose not work. smells like someone smoked in it. so yeah.... im kinda poor..

as for the radio i just picked one up today from the pawn shop so im almost there.

ok Dennis cool and that was a wonderful offer Brian H!

ok so you have a 4x4 Dennis? as in the email states I have a 4x2 so I don't know if the shocks will work for yours. I would think you need some heavier ones? if anyone has some shock that will work for the 4x4 laying around please help him out. and yes 30 is young :) since I"m older than you ha ha

Congrats to you and you wife! :)

edit: that is very generous that you are offering up your X plans for new vehicles Dennis! That's a pretty good savings on the new vehicles

the X plan is 4% Discount over the dealers invoice! if anyone can help him out with spare parts, sounds like the guy is willing to help you out if you are in the market for a new vehicle. ...and rebates count! Nice!

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yeah i never use them....even if you can help me out and you need one just email me im more then welcome to help out.

and thank you gm.

the 1st few post really mad me feel like junk.

but you steped up when you did not have to.thank you