In Memoriam 1950-2022
There is probably quite a bit of history here between all parties in the second video
I think Redfish has a great point
Probably is a good point. Point is the citzen was most likely video'ing to proove the locals are harrasing the citizens. Notice how many local PD cars showed up. They did this after they saw the deputy release the guy. Point is cops dont want us carrying, even legaly. Most dont like the law of concealed carry in my state.
The other point is. As Tom said, I also truly believe that some one that is out to commit crime. Is going to hide the gun until they get to there destination. Point also is, you will not be able to stop someone bent on killing someone. Just because there are laws that let you carry. The only time a cop may have curtailed a crime with a gun, is. For some reason the person carrying got stoped for another reason and arrested. Or arrested during the stop for carrying illegaly.
I would be willing to bet that this is an area with anti-gun citizens. They themselves dont like the law. So they also cause un-called for harrasment.
I was working the food pantry @ my church. One of the older ladies said. Did you know we have women in our church that have permits to carry concealed. I laughed and reminded her of a local church that gunmen robed. I was a member of that church. I wasnt there that morning, thank God. She said, OH!, But she didnt think guns belong in the church. I asked her what is the difference, in some of our LEO members carrying, vs citizens legaly carrying. She had no answer. Because of several ministries Im involved in. 2 of 3 pastors I know and meet have a Texas CHL.
IMO, anyone that will question private citzens legally carrying. Has a little anti gun in their-selves. All the reasoning in the world has no merit. Other than their own fear.
Citizens that are criminal are criminal anyway. They cant control their selves. I dont know what the stats are of citizens that have permit. That have lost control and used their guns in a heat of rage. I suspect that it is less than 1% of those that have no permit and used their gun. Because that is just who they are anyway. They have a non-permitable back ground. Even if the government was to confiscate all guns. The criminals will have them anyway.
I read an article awhile back. That since parts of the UK has conficated all guns. Some of the cops that never carried guns, have to now. Because of the criminal element with guns has increased. Some of the LEO's said, there has been an increase of home invasions and, the invaders using guns now. HMMM, I think there is a lesson to learn from that article.
To end my,:soap:. The guy in the vid was harrased ilegally. Was in his rights. Even if you feel he had an additude. The cops agreed he was within the law. It was harrasment. The video was to proove the point, of the history of harrasment. That was the point he was makeing.