Yes, Mud Flap what you call a contradiction I call an exception. Several years ago I was driving my son to Cub Scouts. On the way I noticed what appeared to be a road-killed opposum on the road 1/2 mile from our house. It was in the middle of the road...all messed up and dead looking. Later that night when we returned home, I noticed the same animal near the side of the road. Drat. I pulled over, went over with a flashlight (it was very dark), stood over it and shined the light on it. It was clear that it was still alive, but barely, with most of its guts on the outside. Seems it spent the better part of the last two hours crawling across the road.
So, my son, about 8 at the time, asked if it was "okay" when I returned to the car. I said, "No", and we should do the "humane" thing, and not let it suffer, I backed the car up, and drove over it again, nice and square with the passenger side front tire and back tire. Then, I checked it again with the flashlight...most definately dead.
That's a mercy killing. I RATIONALIZED that the death was more humane than a short life of intense suffering, and I stand by that rationalization. I can live with it.
We all rationalize the animals we kill. That was my point. I don't, however, feel that we should consider killing for sport, or even killing for food HUMANE. Again, I have no problem with either of these things, I just don't feel the need to rationalize them as humane. We kill for a purpose...we are at the top of the food chain, we select animals that we don't mind seeing killed, and we kill them, some for food, some for sport, some to make our lives better. Just admit it, live with it, and don't get all bent out of shape when someone else kills an animal that you find cute, and cuddly...