Adam Smith 2
Active Member
If you are in your mid to late 20s or early 30s and still working a minimum wage job, that is YOUR fault caused by your choices.
If only that were true! Sadly, not everyone gets an equal chance. If you're born a poor minority, and you're not a genius, you don't have the same chance for success as the well-off white boy whose parents put him through Harvard. Don't be so ignorant as to act like there is no racial, gender and economical bias on the part of employers. Some people are dealt a hand that is very difficult to rise up from regardless of how hard they work.
Likewise, I see no direct correlation between how hard someone works and how much they get paid. Some of the least hardest working guys I know make the most money. I personally know guys in IT jobs who are making $120K a year to basically sit on their duffs and maybe do 4 good man hours of work a week. They are heralded by society as "successful" and for every one of them, there are hundreds of low-wage, hard-laboring folks doing multiple jobs and working their ***** off 80 hours a week to provide for their families.
If wealth were handed out proportional to how hard people work, the guy who mows your lawn would totally OWN you.
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