You have said EXACTLY how I feel about this country and the position we are in. That is exactly why we are in the situation we are in. The damage has been done, it will take years to fix that damage. There is no easy solution to this problem.
I honestly feel Venezuela and Hugo Chavez has the same attitude against the USA as the Middle East does. Venezuela has major oil deposits in the ground and that country has been molested by the Big Oil companies with the support and blessing of the US government.
You have said EXACTLY how I feel about this country and the position we are in. That is exactly why we are in the situation we are in. The damage has been done, it will take years to fix that damage. There is no easy solution to this problem.
I honestly feel Venezuela and Hugo Chavez has the same attitude against the USA as the Middle East does. Venezuela has major oil deposits in the ground and that country has been molested by the Big Oil companies with the support and blessing of the US government.