OT: Was 9/11 Really That Bad?

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Respectfully I have to say that you continue to miss the point. Please read this and recognize I never desired a debate, just illumination of Adam's viewpoint.

Also, I think you missed where I more or less said I am a Republican, I agree with most everything Bush stands for in principle. With all that said, you still seem to want to debate me as if I were a liberal on specific points. You can't debate those things that I see pretty much the same as you. That would be pointless.

What I was trying to do, and you continue to miss the point of, was show that Adam's comments have merit and should not be dismissed as the babble of someone who can't be reasoned with (as was somewhat stated above).

So please, let me try ONCE more:

In Adam's opinion, Bush epitomizes anti-separation of church and state, for reasons he didn’t say. I can only assume the reasons include the passing of tax funding to faith-based organizations as well as the presidents open dialog on his religious beliefs including statements that “God told him to go to war!” (paraphrasing). You can dismiss those examples if you want, but to those looking for examples, there are many. Yes, you can debate if the 1st amendment actually calls for separation, and then you can debate whether or not the program singled out any one religion. But if you are to assume there is this "so-called" separation intent by the 1st amendment which is hard to deny because so many people believe it to exist and so many justices agree, then it isn't hard to see how tax funding for faith-based programs is one of those "political third rails"...something that is shocking, you touch it, and you are dead...or at the very least, you get polarized.

That's exactly what Bush did when furthering the faith-based tax programs, and when making his viewpoints on religion and abortion enter into the political arena...he polarized himself and pushed himself further to the right. I don't see how that can be debated.

It's not necessarily a bad thing, and nothing to be ashamed of. He is a man of conviction and that we all should admire.

But as a man of conviction and beliefs that are not universal, are not necessarily politically safe/correct, and are not pandering, he gives through accurate assessment of himself and his actions by others credible, real ammunition for his pundits. Adam spoke such ammunition and rather than accept it for what it is, some here challenged it as baseless and without merit. It is who the man is.

God Bless,


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Bush sucks. Period.

Wow, thanks for that enlightening statement.

The perception and opinion by many is that Bush is far right.

Actually, quite the contrary. When it come to Republicans, Bush is actually Far-Far Left. Big Government, Higher Spending, etc. It's typical Left/Liberal mentality. Most people do actually see this as such.

Just because he is a Pro-Life, Pro-God does not make him a Right-winger, especially a Far-Right winger.

His appointment of Gonzalez as AG is considered to be a big leftist move (Gonzalez is big time anti-gun and is not all that interested in prosecuting illegal immigration, amunst other things).

The creation of a new government entity is definately not typical of a right-winger.

In fact, the only things that I can honestly say even has traces of being to the right are the appointment of Roberts and Alito to the Supreme Court and the tax cuts made in 2001. That's really about it.

The funding of "religious charities" that give assistance to people and help fight things like addiction and the like is not new. Clinton did it, Kennedy did it, Carter did it, Reagan did it.... you get the point.

It's Freedom OF Religion, not Freedom FROM Religion. If it WAS the former, why is the 10 Commandments posted INSIDE of the Supreme Court building and has been for many decades? Why is it that the head stones atop of soldier's graves either have a cross, Star of David or Islamic Crecent? Why is it that the phase "God Save This Court" and "God Save this House" are still spoken at the Supreme Court and the Senate/HOR buildings? Why is it that there is a marker on the fireplace of the White House with a prayer on it that has been there nearly from Day 1? We can go on and on.

As far as the Pro-Choice idealism. What's wrong with that? So, if any president is against abortion, then they are against women's rights? I don't follow. I am pro-life because I am for Children's rights... namely the right ot life. And using a typical Leftist arguement, how absolutely hypocritical of anyone to say otherwise since none of you were aborted so how would you know otherwise?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

-You are required to obtain a permit to protest in many places in the US

-You cannot place a manger scene in a court house lawn without a menorah or cresent

-You cannot pray at school

-"Under God" is under attack by the courts

The list goes on. The courts and politicians have done the same thing with the 2nd amendement:

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

What part of "shall not be infringed" is not understood? It's the same thing as "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" or "nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation" or "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

We've allowed our "leaders" to pretty well have their way with the Bill of Rights. I soon expecr a judge to rule that the Consitution is Unconstitutional.... don't laugh. It'll come from the 9th Circuit...
Right, R Shek,

Bush is considered far-right by those on the left, and not "right enough" on some issue by many on the right.

But that doesn't discount that if asked to describe Bush's place on the political ideological spectrum, most people would say he is "far right" on most issues. That's simply his reputation.

We can argue whether or not that reputation is acurate and deserved, but I don't think we can argue the widespread reputation existance.

I feel like you guys are defending the town whore (hear me out...this isn't a ***). You know, the girl that if you asked most anyone in town about they would say "Yeah, she is the town whore!" I'm not debating if the reputation is deserved or accurate. Just pointing out that it is the commonly held reputation.

I personally feel most peoples fear is that the guy they voted for...twice, is actually a failure and possibly a scam artist.

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I have often wondered how devoutly religious Bush is, and how much of it is pretense to grab a certain demographic. I'm leaning towards thinking Bush finds God to be a convenient tool for hoodwinking people and justifying things he could not otherwise get away with. There are a lot of things about Bush that are very un-Christian. Consider this quote, attributed to Himself, from the book of Matthew, 19:24:

"I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God"

Now consider the magnitude of Bush's wallet, how pro-Big Business he is, and how his position on welfare and social services basically supports the idea that poor people are poor because they're lazy, and they shouldn't get handouts. Bush is a power-hungry, greedy HAVE, who spits down on the HAVE-NOTs. But the HAVE-NOTs keep voting for him, because they're either hoodwinked, or they'd honestly rather be poor than see gay people get married or women have abortions. It's all pretty incredible.

I personally don't believe that Bush is a good, moral person, let alone a good Christian. I saw a bumper sticker that hit the nail on the head, it said "Who would Jesus bomb?"

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Ok, wow. ALOT of Ainti-Bush stuff here. All I have to say is:

1. Yes. I voted for Bush both times. I went with the lesser of 2 evils in my OPINION. Would either Dem. nominee done any better? We'll never know. At the time I didn't think so. I'm neither ProRep. or ProDem. I vote for who I feel will do a better job. So, yes, it's my fault Bush is in there. (actually not because I think he lost Pa both elections):D


2. I will not be voting for Bush this time!:D

Sorry, I couldn't resist saying #2.;)
Now consider the magnitude of Bush's wallet, how pro-Big Business he is, and how his position on welfare and social services basically supports the idea that poor people are poor because they're lazy, and they shouldn't get handouts.


How can you say this, when his Faith-Based and Community Initiatives program is handing out millions in Federal funds to charity organizations for their social programs, all aimed at helping the less fortunate.

TrainTrac, your reply is relevant to the separation of church and state issue more than my comment about Bush greedy and amoral. Bush is not handing out his own salary to churches, he's giving them OUR money (Federal Funds = taxypayer money, not Bush money).

Those faith-based charities are social programs run by religious groups. Should someone have to be religious or in any way involved with a religious organization to get help with food or healthcare from the government? I don't think so! Thanks but no thanks, Bush. Real help does not have strings attached.

Consider Bush's real motives behind those faith-based funds transfers too. He's basically bribing/rewarding his religious supporters with taypayers money. That is not philanthropic in any conceivable way.
We've allowed our "leaders" to pretty well have their way with the Bill of Rights. I soon expecr a judge to rule that the Consitution is Unconstitutional.... don't laugh. It'll come from the 9th Circuit...

I thought we haven't lost any freedoms?

I personally feel most peoples fear is that the guy they voted for...twice, is actually a failure and possibly a scam artist.

Or an idiot.

I think Bush was elected by luck and stupidity in both elections, along with some help from the media.

Those faith-based charities are social programs run by religious groups. Should someone have to be religious or in any way involved with a religious organization to get help with food or healthcare from the government? I don't think so! Thanks but no thanks, Bush. Real help does not have strings attached.

Last I checked, most religious charities don't turn away people in need of help because they don't read the same book... but...

Consider Bush's real motives behind those faith-based funds transfers too. He's basically bribing/rewarding his religious supporters with taypayers money. That is not philanthropic in any conceivable way.

Bingo, I feel the same way about the tax refunds / credits he gave out to everyone, just blood money and bribes to try and buy favoritism, sounds like the story of his life.

Did it really help anyone, or did it just buy a few more gallons of milk and gas?
I still can't believe the US budget isn't bleeding too bad right now, with the billions we have spent the last several years destroying and rebuilding Iraq.

We are in a WAR and our country citizenry has hardly felt a difference. We've even had TAX CUTS during a time of WAR! I don't understand this.
Well, it will either come clear during the next administration, or the amount of money spent on the war has actually injected life into the economy. Remember, war spending makes american military contractors / companies make money. They make money and pay taxes. It causes an economic boom, and everyone benefits. Besides, I would not be surprised if Iraq is "paying for our services". Remember, they were a wealthy country.
Very often a cut in the tax rate results in an increase in tax revenue. If you tax a certain behavior then generally speaking people will do less of it.

The govt taxes cigarettes so that we'll smoke less.

Some in the govt want to tax gas more so we'll use less.

Same principle, if the govt taxes income too high, we'll earn less (why bother?).

If a tax rate is too low, there is less tax revenue. If a tax rate is too high, there is also less tax revenue because people will do less of what it is that is being taxed.

If for example the capital gains tax is high, the govt collects less because people are less likely to sell stock when the tax is high. If the CG tax is lowered, people don't mind paying the govt a little less but more people will sell stock and other property resulting in a greater overall total amount of money going to the govt.

In the 90's, Bill Clinton enacted a luxury tax on yachts (yay, sock it to those rich people). Result was very little collection of any yacht tax and a lot of boat builders out of work (and not paying taxes and instead collecting unemployment) because many less yachts were sold. If someone did want a yacht, they bought a used one that was not taxed. After a few years, not wanting to admit they were wrong, they quietly got rid of it.
I thought we haven't lost any freedoms?

I didn't say that, someone else did. We have lost freedoms, but it started in the 20's, expanded in the 40's and has continued ever since.

Being an avid gun owner, believe me, I know how many of our rights are under attack. The "Assault Weapons Ban" signed in under Clinton was wrong at best and unconstitutional at worst. The Dem's are looking at it again as well. What part of "shall not infringed" is not understood?

We've even had TAX CUTS during a time of WAR! I don't understand this.

It's simple economics. It's also the fact that PEOPLE know how to spend THEIR MONEY better than the government does. There are lots of really complicated mathmatical models that explain why tax cuts not only grown the economy but actually increase the income to the government (but only to a certain point where the benefits equalize). One of the biggest reasons is what's called the "Velocity of Money". If more money is in the economy, the more that is loaned and spent. For every $1 of tax cuts, this can mean more than $10 in economic benefit. This occurs mainly though the borrow/lending cycle.

However, when WE THE PEOPLE have more money in our pockets, we spend it. We buy groceries, gas, shoes, cars, etc. So, when you spent your $300 that the government "gave" you (it was YOUR money to start with), you spent it. So did an approximate 50 million other people. Let's run through a few things:


Start: $300

Bought: Clothes

Total Spent: $300

The Store:

Start: $300

Sales Tax @ 8%: $24 Government Income: $24

Total Left: $276

Bought: Replacement Clothes

Total Spent: $180

Paid employees: $60

Total FICA Tax: $7.50 Government Income: $31

Total Store Income Tax: $28.50 Government Income: $59.50


Start: $60

Income Tax @ 21%: $12.50 Government Income: $72

Spent: $60 on Shoes

Store #2:

Start: $60

Sales Tax @ 8%: $5 Government Income: $77

Purchase Replacements: $30

Paid Employee: $20

FICA Tax: $2 Government Income: $79

Store Income Tax: $2 Government Income: $80

Employee #2

Paid: $20

Income Tax: $4.5 Government Income: $84

Spent: $16.50 on 8 gallons of Gas

Gas Tax: $.36 per Gallon Government Income: $87

Clothes Supplier:

Sold Clothes: $180

Paid Employee: $75

FICA: $5 Government Income: $92

Anyway, it all keeps going. So that origional $300 has bought one person clothes, another shoes, another gas, etc. The government taxes every sale, income, etc. The revenue the government takes in on the $300 is about the same amount but has stimulated the economy to a nearly immeasureable direct degree.

All this is IF THE ORIGIONAL person SPENDS the money. If they SAVE the money, the growth rate is huge!

Banks are required to keep around 10% of the money people put into savings accounts. They can lend the rest. So to show a basic example of this:

Deposit: $300

Lend: $270

Total Created: $270

Depost: $270

Lend: $243

Total Created: $513

Deposit: $243

Lend: $219

Total Created: $732


That is the basics of why tax cuts are esential especially during a time of declining economic conditions.

I still can't believe the US budget isn't bleeding too bad right now,

And now you should be able to see the basics of why. It's simple economics that were a part of any basic MacroEconomics course, especially in college. Anybody who has ever had "Money And Banking" as a college course should surely understand this as it is a recognized basis for MacroEconomics.

You will get to a point where the marg
How come I got no Edit button?

Anyway, since both the Dems and Republicans spend like drunken sailors anymore, if the govt runs a deficit when more tax revenue is coming in (it is), then the problem is that the bastiges in Washington are spending too much.

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