OT: Wassup with the Muslim Cartoons?

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God, I hate Muslims with a passion. It's accepted behavior to terrorize people, send women and children off with bombs straped to their backs, and chop innocent peoples heads off but make one cartoon about Mohammed and they go crazy. These people do not deserve to live.
If you think the rules of your religion supersede the laws of the country you live in, then you are a citizen of your religion and not your country. And you should find a new place to live that better agrees with you.

In a free society everyone is entitled to their opinion. They are not entitled to kill or maim people who disagree. This is why modern western society is modern western society and Muslim society is effectively stuck in the stone age and they seem pretty friggen happy about it really. If they didn't have oil no one would give a (crap) about them.

My birthday is 9/11, so don't get me started.
Wouldn't lead gas tanks and oil pans help with the radioactive oil? That works for me. :lol: j/k
Hey guys, Being Canadian I see this muslim conflict from another angle, one of why and how did this hatred towards the USA start.

First off, if it wasn't for the US and Russia there would be less guns in that area.

The USA supplied guns to afgantistan to fight off the russian army, the US supplied guns to Iraq when they were fighting Iran. That is just a start. Remember what Ollie North was doing in the Iran Contra scam?

The US is a major allie to Israel, and almost the whole middle east hates them. Oh Did you know that the israeli army fired a missle at a US Warship and HIT IT!

And talking about Oil....

Opec charges what every they want when ever they want.

Other suppiers, south america, Russia, alaska, texas, Nigieria africa

There is talk that there is more Oil In canada then in the middle east, the hard thing is getting it out,,, it is in the Oil sands in Alberta and it costs a lot of money to get the oil separated from the sands, so, why does the US allow OPEC to decide what everyone is going to pay for a barrel of oil.

You do not know? Go see the Move Syriana staring George Cloney it might help.

SO i figure that the only way to stop the US's conflict in the middle east is find other sources of Oil, and get their ***** out of the Middle east, get your armed forced to come home and protect your Soil, have your armed forced standing guard on your borders, and do a body search on every single person that wants to enter the USA. I have to go through US Customs when I fly out of Toronto going to the US, so why can't everyone else do it?

I Hate hearing about US and Canadian armed forces get hurt and killed while doing their jobs in the middle east, hell get out of their and let them kill themselves.


Don Monkeyboy

I hope i made some kind of sence here.

Your preaching to the choir Monkeyboy. We realize our country's past and present screw-ups and failures in the mid-east. But regardless of that, these people are totally screwed up and if they are not hating us then they will direct there hate towards someone else. It all comes down to blaming others for their own stupidity and problems. I think whats going on now with the cartoons is showing the rest of the world what we have been saying for a long time. These people are maniacs.

Ignorant people are easily misled. One of the factors affecting the demonstrations is that the citizens can't conceive of a country where the press is not controlled by the government. Therefore, the media must be stating the official position of the government and it's citizens.

They are truly mind numbed robots.

Also, leaders of "Islam Religion of Peace" are touring the area with the cartoons published in the Danish papers, plus three which were fabricated to inflame Muslim emotions. These three are Mohammed with a pig snout, Mo being raped by a dog and another which I can't recall. These riots are not spontaneous.
Found the pics at http://www.redstate.com/story/2006/2/8/84451/25445

The first depicts Mohammed as a pedophile, the second with pig snout and ears and the third enjoying his pet dog HAHAHAHA

THe "pig snout" picture was taken from a hog calling contest (in France I think).

THe ragheads hate anyone who's white. Period. This is nothing against the US anywyas, it's against the EU...this time. I knew it would only be a matter of time b4 Americans were attacked on an issue not even related to them, because they love the fact that now they have a free ticket to kill whitey, for the time being, and not be called terrorists. All they need is an excuse or cover and before you know it, Anglos die, and they'r ehappy. They're nothing but savage barbarians.

Q out.

Sieg Heil there Adolph...when's the next Klan rally?
>> So are numerous Catholic priests

Yeah, but the difference is that our Bible doesn't preach about it. The Koran does talk about Mohammed's girl wife.
We call 'em as we see 'em, Tabjo. Muslim extremists are the real racists here.

For the record, I don't hate on all Muslims because they're Muslims. I hate on some of them because they want to kill me....and probably you too.

I have one Muslim friend and he doesn't want to saw my head off (I asked him), so we're cool.
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Not that I like the notion of it, but back then it was not uncommon to have brides that young. In fact to this day, there are children who are betrothed at birth. There are Christian sects where men marry very young brides.


We call 'em as we see 'em, Tabjo. Muslim extremists are the real racists here.

Don't disagree with that, but its hate mongering that I take issue with.

The following statement is bleeding with sarcasm, so if you take offense, you are a twit.


Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer = One people, one government, one leader

Isn't that what ol' GW was trying to sell us last week on the state of the union.:D:D:D

Sorry, I'm kind of a WWII history nut and I couldn't resist.:rolleyes:

Tabjo - before I agree that Q is wearing his swastika today, can you point out what part of his description of extremists who support Arab terrorists is not true? I understood his use of "*******" to mean terrorist-supporting-Arab-extremist, not everyday Arabs. The kind of people who carry signs saying "Decapitate those who insult Islam", "Europe, remember 9/11", "The Fantastic 4 are on the way", "7/7 is coming again".

In the context of this thread, that is who he was discussing, correct?

Q - BTW, I don't think you ever wear a swastika

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That's what I got out of it. I gotta stand with Q on this one. Sorry Tabjo, I reserve the right to hate anyone that hates and wants to kill me. Your comparison to the Klan and Nazis is completely out of line. You can make excuses all you want for these people but I'm betting if they ever got hold of your American ass, you would loose your head (literally). It's these extremist Muslims you should be comparing to Hitler, yet strangely you seem to justify what they do.
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You might have taken it as

ragheads = muslim extremists.

I took it as rageheads = Q is a racist hate monger

And before anyone here starts thinking I am on the muslim extremists side, that is quite furthest from reality.

Who do you think this country is relying upon to infilitrate and defeat these muslim extremists, I can tell you that on the ffront lines it is not limited to white anglo saxon descendants. We are relying on the native speaking muslim Americans who are loyal to this country and sticking there necks out every day. I work with outstanding arab and persian Americans dead set on defeating terrorists, and if I ask them, there is no okay time to use the word *******.

If Q meant muslim extremists, then he should say muslim extremists as he stated in his later post.

It is just as insulting to say *******, and then follow up and say, oh I just meant the black people who I don't like.