OT: Wassup with the Muslim Cartoons?

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India is overwhelmingly dominated by Hindu, followed in varying degrees by Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhists, Zoroastrianism, Islam, Christianity, Jainism

Hinduism (80% of population)

Islam (14%)

Christianity (2.4%)

Sikhism (2%)

Buddhism (0.7%)

Jainism (0.5%)

Other incl Zarathustrians (0.4%)

One problem with this in the US is that most people don't know differences between Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Muslim, etc., and therefore lump them all together in one category. When a few members of any one of those groups do anything wrong, the American public tends to not only find their entire religion guilty-by-association, but even finds all those groups guilty-by-unfamiliarity.

(I'll admit that the first half of the first sentence even applies to me--I do know that they are different religions, but couldn't even start to tell you what the differences or similarities are.)
Islam and Christianity are monotheistic, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism are not. Zarathustrians were inspired by Zarathustra, the first to propose the dualism of good vs evil.

Jainism worships a chick down at the local Hooters named Jane.:D

I think JohnnyO meant Pakistan, which was once a part of India. It is mostly Muslim, but it is not nearly as developed as India. They are one of our best allies in the GWOT though, so they're not all bad. :cool:
They are one of our best allies in the GWOT though, so they're not all bad

Only because we're bribing 'em with a ton of $$$! If they are such a great ally in the GWOT, why don't they send a bunch of troops into the mountains to hunt down and kill OBL?

Their dictator only decided to side with us after 9/11 and we started sending him a ton of money and aid. If we cut that off, he'd turn on us in a heartbeat.
I didn't mean that India was mostly Muslim, just that there were a lot of them (14% of a lot is still a lot), but as far as I know the Muslims in India don't go blowing up cafes full of Hindus.
Well, there you go then. :rolleyes:

This same discussion is going on another board I belong to, a dude made the point, "Uh, lessee, they're upset over cartoons that portray Islam as violent killers, so in response they have violent protests and kill people". :wacko:

That would seem to be the case, yeah.
From Neal Boortz's web site today, 10 February 2006:


In case you missed this, we heard from one of the EU commissioners yesterday about the great mad Muslim cartoon controversy. It seems that the European Union is ready to consider some restrictions on freedom of the press. Now, to be fair, they're referring to these new rules as mere guidelines and suggestions, but I think we all know what eventually becomes of guidelines and restrictions. As soon as they get out of sight around the corner they become requirements and regulations. The ultimate goal of the guidelines would be to prohibit newspapers in EU countries from printing material or images that would be offensive to the wonderful, peaceful religion of Islam. So ... instead of trying to educate the Islamic world about the nuances of a free press, just start reigning in the media to please the Islamic world. Make no mistake .. the mere suggestion by this EU weasel is a major victory for the Mad Mullahs and Imams who have been whipping their semi-literate herds into a frenzy over these cartoons.

By the way .. you do realize that these cartoons first appeared about five months ago, don't you? And you do realize that they were also printed in an Egyptian newspaper. Why the demonstrations now? Who no demonstrations in Cairo? Simple ... because this whole scene of "outrage" over these cartoons is being orchestrated by radical Islamic clerics to keep the West off guard and to further advance the Islamic jihad; and it's working better than they had ever hoped.
A friend said that Islamists are like your ex-wife. They are compltely irrational, often poorly educated and make your life difficult, but you are forced to deal with them becasue they could REALLY screw up your life if you don't.

One has your kids, the other has your oil.

It would be great to ignore them, but you just can't.

Unless you kill them. (WARNING - I AM KIDDING!)
Another interesting piece on the the Muslim situation in Europe:

Will Europe become Eurabia?

By Mona Charen

Feb 10, 2006

"Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder." -- Arnold Toynbee

As Danish embassies and European Union offices smolder in Beirut, Damascus, Gaza and Tehran -- the result of a junior varsity jihad -- the time could not be more apt for Bruce Bawer's "While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within," due out at the end of this month. Bawer is a gay American with a flair for languages who moved to Europe in 1999 to escape what he perceived to be the narrow-mindedness of the Christian right in America.

The move changed him. It also afforded a front row seat at the clash of civilizations now flaring into flames. If American Christian conservatives seemed intolerant to Bawer, they were cream puffs in comparison with the Islamofascists who are multiplying in Europe. Theo van Gogh produced a film about the mistreatment of women in the Islamic community and was assassinated by an unrepentant Islamist who defiantly told the dead man's mother, "I cannot feel for you because I believe you are an infidel." A rumor swept the Muslim world that American soldiers in Guantanamo flushed the Koran down a toilet, and violence erupted worldwide. European newspapers published cartoons insulting to Mohammad, and death threats poured in, embassies were set ablaze, and red-faced Muslims now vow jihad throughout the world.

The Muslim world clearly is not composed solely of murderous fanatics -- but only the most self-deluded would deny that the umma is under the sway of its most radical, medieval and intolerant members. It is they who have the wind at their backs at this moment of history. Forty percent of Britain's Muslims hold a favorable view of Osama bin Laden. Hopeful Westerners continue to call for moderate Muslims to speak up. But, as Bawer asks, "[W]here were the moderate Muslims? British Muslims seemed sincerely to deplore the London attacks. But though hundreds of thousands of them had marched in protest against the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, 7/7 occasioned no sizable Muslim protest demonstration against Islamic terror . . . if that silent majority existed at all, it had to be one of the most silent majorities ever. It had remained silent after 9/11, Madrid, Beslan, and van Gogh's murder."

Europe is a beacon for Arab and Muslim immigrants, who flock to the freedom, comfort and convenience available in Western nations. There is no corresponding emigration from Europe to the Islamic world. Immigrants seek a better life, which is abundantly available, particularly in light of Europe's generous welfare benefits. But Europe does not assimilate its Muslim immigrants and does not wish to. Norway refers to its Muslim population as the "colorful community" and prides itself on keeping its "colorful" members separate from mainstream Norwegian society (in the name of multiculturalism, of course). But if a Muslim were to attempt to become an ordinary Norwegian (or Swede or Swiss or Frenchman), he would be met with rigid resistance. Multicultural cant thus covers a multitude of ethnocentric sins.

Many Muslim immigrants, Bawer argues, resist absorption as well, regarding Western society as fundamentally corrupt and unworthy. They want to live in Europe and reap the benefit of the civilization Christianity, rationalism and enlightenment have created -- but they despise it and hope to destroy it.

Into this boiling cauldron (recall the October 2005 riots in France) insert demography. Muslim families have multiple children, and European families are failing to have babies at even replacement levels. Historian Bernard Lewis has predicted that Europe will be majority Muslim by the end of this century "at the very latest." In Stockholm, Muslim teenagers can be seen wearing a T-shirt that says "2030 --
Only because we're bribing 'em with a ton of $$$! If they are such a great ally in the GWOT, why don't they send a bunch of troops into the mountains to hunt down and kill OBL?

TrainTrac, don't believe everything you read - or DON"T read. I spent five months in Islamabad and I have been to the
's office compound - not everything is the dire news we are lead to believe. When was the last time you saw news at 6 that was nothing but good?

I understand that there are many good things happening that go unreported. But if we have such a great relationship with Pakistan and Afghanistan, then I would think that there would be a much greater combined effort between our forces and theirs to find OBL. If he's where they say he is in the mountains between PAK/AFG, you'd think that we (combined forces of all three countries) should've found him by now, or at least made more progress towards that goal.

I'll admit that I don't know all the facts, Grump. Do you know, was Pakistan as friendly with the U.S. and as strong of an ally as they're purported to be now prior to 9/11?
Don't know for sure, but my feeling is not as strong as now. Just personal opinion, but I feel Pres Musharraf started allying himself more after the attempted government takeover a few years back, prior to 9/11. 9/11 just made it more legitimate maybe??

I can tell you for sure that there are some great people there and the country as a whole is making great strides.

...greater combined effort...
Again, don't believe everything you read or hear on the news. The bombing a couple weeks back that was aimed at #2 didn't just materialize. Well, I guess to the locals it actually did just appear out of thin air :lol::lol:

been there,seen to much,even have a few "friendly"reminders that i wll "enjoy" for the rest of my LIFE,and friendswho are on a different "plain",light'em all up,Alluh will sort them out!!!:angry:
The American media is soooo hypocritical.

Jack Kelly: Prophet and loss

U.S. media's failure to print the Danish cartoons is craven

Sunday, February 12, 2006

The New York Times had an editorial Tuesday on the controversy triggered by publication in a Danish newspaper of 12 caricatures of the prophet Mohammed.

"The New York Times and much of the rest of the nation's news media have reported on the cartoons but refrained from showing them," the editors said. "That seems a reasonable choice for news organizations that usually refrain from gratuitous assaults on religious symbols."

The next day, in a story on the reaction to the Mohammed cartoons, the Times republished, gratuitously, an image of a work of "art" portraying the Virgin Mary adorned with elephant dung. (The painting by Chris Ofili, "Holy Virgin Mary," was the subject of much controversy when displayed at the Brooklyn Museum in 1999.) In 1989, the Times was one of many newspapers that published an image of "Piss Christ," a photograph by artist Andres Serrano showing Christ on a crucifix submerged in a vat of urine.

Washington Post Executive Editor Len Downie told Editor & Publisher he wouldn't publish the Danish cartoons because of "general good taste." Had Mr. Downie developed his good taste a week earlier, the Post might not have published a Tom Toles editorial cartoon of a quadruple amputee soldier so vile all six members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff wrote a letter to the editor protesting it.

Most in the news media don't mind offending people who express their outrage by writing letters to the editor. But when the offended threaten to cut off the editor's head, editors become more "culturally sensitive."

I wish Jyllands-Posten had not published the cartoons. Making fun of what many people believe to be sacred -- be it cartoons of Mohammed, Piss Christ or dung Mary -- crosses a line I think ought not to be crossed.

But Jyllands-Posten had a valid point to make. An author of a children's book about Mohammed couldn't find an artist willing to illustrate it. Jyllands-Posten wanted to see the extent to which artists were censoring themselves for fear of retaliation from Islamic radicals. It invited Danish editorial cartoonists to "draw Mohammed as they see him."

Threats of violence often produce the results desired. A Swedish company withdrew a textbook on religion because it contained illustrations of the Prophet. The illustrations were from 13th- and 14th-century Iraq and Persia (Iran), which indicates how phony this controversy is.

Jyllands-Posten published 12 illustrations in September 2005, under the headline "The Faces of Mohammed." There were no riots among the many Muslim residents in Denmark. The Egyptian newspaper Al Fager published some of them Oct. 17 (to illustrate an article criticizing them), and there was no rioting.

There is no injunction in the Koran forbidding depictions of Mohammed, wrote Amir Taheri in The Wall Street Journal, who then provided a lengthy list of pictures of the prophet painted by Muslim artists.

"We here in the Middle East have tons of jokes about Allah, the prophets and the angels that are way more offensive, funny and obscene than those poorly made cartoons, yet no one ever got shot for telling one of those jokes," said the Iraqi Web logger Omar.

Only extremist sects like the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia think any depiction of Mohammed is blasphemy. But this isn't reported much, because if it were, it would be clear the media's self censorship is motivated more by cowardice than by conviction.

"Let no one pretend that the reason for this censorship isn't fear," wrote Andrew Bolt in the Melbourne (Australia) Herald Sun.

Bowing to the demands of Islamic radicals undermines Muslim moderates, Mr. Bolt said.

"This refusal to publish does not represent the success of mu
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Here you guys go, I have a solution.

Lets round up all the extremists of every religion, creed, politcal view or otherwise, slap them on an island, and put one nuke in the middle. Bet that it blows up in minutes.

What will it solve? Probably not much, but would make GREAT reality TV. :blink::lol::lol::lol::blink: