Monkeyboy said:
You do not know? Go see the Move Syriana staring George Cloney it might help.
Typical liberal. Syriana is a work of fiction, very very little of which is reality based. It's a Hollywood trash-rag movie, staring one of the bigest trash-rag actors around. Sorry, that's the last movie I would see to form an opinion on oil policy. My oil policy is formed by the $$$ comming out of my pocket.
Bill V said:
Read through the Old Testament a while, and view all the incest, adultery, and worse that are discussed there as commonplace occurance. If you were to judge the people described there by western moral standards, nearly all the prophets of the Judeo-Christian beliefs would be burning in hell--but instead, we exhalt them as spiritual leaders.
Ah the key here is OLD TESTAMENT. The New Testament is the New Covenant that the spilled blood of Jesus made with his followers. While many of the tennants of the Old Covenant are still applicable (tithing, love thy neighbor, etc) Jesus brought a new covenant for mankind.
In the days before Christ, poligamy was tollerated, though I am unsure if it was actually condoned by the Jewish bible. We also see that entire cities were destroyed by the sexual sins that were common place. Today, we have a word that is rooted in the name of one of those cities, Sodamize, rooted in Sodam as in Sodam and Gomorrah.
Genesis 19:4-5
4 Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."
Genesis 19:24-25
24 Then the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the LORD out of the heavens. 25 Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, including all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land.
As far as the Muslim issue, the clerics have turned the citizens into
sheeple, willing to blindly follow what the clerics say at great cost. I don't knopw if they realize how this is making them look int he world's eye, I am also not sure that they even care. The clerics are beyond two-faced. They are demaning retribution for a cartoon, yet openly promote cartoons making light of the Halocost (which at the same time they deny even happened??!?!?!!).
I stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Ted Nugent on this issue. A war is comming to America, it is a war of idealism. Us vs them. I will not stand by and let my government "make peace" with radical fundamentalists. I do not appreciate Jimmy Carter (the second biggest failed presidency since 1900) coddling terrorists and Hamas asking us to continue to fund "Palastine" (such a place was destroyed before the US was even in existance). Isreal has been promised to the Jewish nation since the time of the Pharohs. It's is our responcibilty to aid and ensure that Isreal remains and is protected. The Isreali military can hold it's own I'm sure (and has been prohesized), but that doesn't mean that we can't help them.
If that means that the Muslim world hates us? F*** them. We have nukes, they have suicide bombers. We have stealth aircraft, they have.... uh.... Ak-47's. We have M1 Abrams tanks, they have.... obsolete RPG's. We have cruise missles, they have.... rocks and shoes. It amy not be a fair fight, but we need to keep it that way. If Iran gets a nuke, who's the first target? Isreal. Who's the second, third and fourth targets? The United States.
Our level of tolerance as a nation needs to end and actions must be taken. Is the entire Middle East bad? No. Are all muslims bad? Absolutely not. But my warning for those who are not out there rioting, trashing, bombing or killing is this:
KNOCK OF THE BULLCRAP! Only you can stop this peacefully.<script src=