paypal hijacked

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rob moore 2

Active Member
Oct 23, 2002
Reaction score
lenoir city, TN
well someone got me for $55 bucks using my paypal account to purchase some software off a site.

Paypal caught it after the fact + it put me in the hole in my checking account. called the bank they said come by and sign some papers and they would give me my NSF $ back.

Paypal is investigating, so my question is do i wait on them or do i investigate on my own and contact the web site.

Access to your Paypal account is protected by your password. The Paypal site is encrypted but no necessarily hack proof. Your connection to Paypal may have been over the airways via WiFi etc. Here you are vulnerable. Be careful when transmitting over the air. Immediately change your password.

To answer your question Paypal has a great incentive to close any breach in their security. Give them a chance to run down what happened and identify the hacker. Keep in touch with Paypal to keep up on their progress.
Mine was jacked a few years back. I called and they told me to change my password immediately and that they would contact me the next day since it was so late.

Next day they called, and asked me what actions I had so far taken. I replied that I had only changed my password to which they said I should have not done so. Said something like they would have liked my account password to be the same because if it was breached again, they'd be able to track it easier & quicker. Said they would have set up a new account for me but leave the other open and monitored.

Don't see much of anything you can do about it. Leave it up to Paypal but expect a possible long delay for your $ return. My hi-jacker purchased over $7000.00 worth (I used to sell a lot of high $ items) of electrical tramsformers and power supplies. If I'm remembering correctly, took about a month to get my funds back!!!

Good luck...
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my account was recently comprimised too. I dont think I lost any $ but I could not access it or send money until I went through a whole bunch of steps to a) change password b) confirm address c) confirm vital information


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