San Francisco is filled with IDIOTS!

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scott r

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2005
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potosi, MO
During the election on Tuesday, San Franciscans outlawed private gun ownership. This new law will require all people within the City limits of San Francisco to turn in their guns. Am I the only one who sees how IGNORANT this is? Do the voters of San Francisco think for ONE SECOND that johnny gang banger/drug dealer is going to drop by the local police station and give them his handgun? NO! It's going to be Joe Q. Citizen, who would never think of shooting anyone for their tennis shoes...the guy who obeys ALL laws (well, maybe he speeds once in a while, but so does everyone else). Joe Q. Citizen and the people like him will give up their guns and GUESS WHAT?!? People like johnny gang banger/drug dealer are the only ones with guns.

How in the WORLD did the anti-gun folks market this to the voters to get it to pass? I don't know who they are, but I think I'd like to hire them to educate people on the stupidity of allowing criminals to have guns in the first place. If the current gun control laws would/could be ENFORCED, we wouldn't have this NEED to make new laws and take guns away from law-abiding citizens. I was a police officer, so I know that getting guns from criminals isn't easy, especially since there's plenty more flooding the market all the time. I do know that taking guns away from law-abiding people isn't the solution. If only criminals have guns, this country (and our own personal safety) is in SERIOUS TROUBLE.

What *I* want to see is a town who FORCES every person to have a gun (everyone who isn't mentally deficient or doesn't have a criminal record), then see how many robberies, murders, muggings, and drive-bys we see! I'd be willing to bet you dollars to donuts that we would see extraordinarily LOW crime rates...not HIGHER rates.

The voters of San Francisco have just seriously screwed up the fight between the "good" folks and the "bad" folks. What WERE they thinking?!? I don't know if we have any voters here from San Fran, but I would LOVE to hear from you if you voted for this law.

I hope that it's overturned, like the 1982 law that SAN FRANCISCO made, which tried to take away the guns of lawful citizens. Has everyone forgot about the RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, which was granted to us by our incredibly wise forefathers in the 2nd amendment?!?

I think someones second ammendment got stepped on. Let's watch the crime rate go up now in SF.

I assume this includes ALL residence including congressmen etc. Let's not have favoritism now.
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Fmarano...what if thy vote to take away your sporttrac? Would you feel the same?

Your speaking of one of the most liberal states in America, so this news doesn't surprise me.

I think it is funny how people think that making new laws will help protect them against someone who is already breaking the others!

Aren't we supposed to enforce laws and not make new ones because we can't control one law?

Gun ownership is a wonderful thing and the sport of hunting and target shooting is fun too (I do both). I also own many guns, including a .223 modeled after the AK47, and I also own a 7.62x39 AK as well... both guns can be looked at as "weapons" and "big combat," and I just about guarantee you that someone will ask why anyone would need a AK47, .223 "assault rifle," or any type of stereotype "weapon." It's no different from owning a faster, suped-up car... you don't necessarily "need" it, but it's nice to have. And I do want a . 50 Cal BMG too.

If a 10yo child can not control himself from stabbing a classmate with his/her pencil, then take the pencil away from him.. not the whole class!

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"This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" - Adolph Hitler, 1935

"From my cold, dead fingers" :angry:
I know, very little which comes out of California actually SURPRISES me, but it frequently ANGERS me because it's also not uncommon for things which happen in California to spread, like a plague, to other states.

I just can't understand constantly punishing law-abiding Americans for the ignorance of criminals. I am sure if it was legal for law-abiding citizens to take the law into their own hands every now and then, we wouldn't HAVE this huge crime problem that we have now. I'm not advocating vigilante killings, that's not the way to go either. However, if someone breaks into my house and I shoot that person, I should not be taken to jail and treated like a criminal for protecting my family and property. A criminal has FAR more rights than a law-abiding citizen. If you don't believe me, take a look at all the lawsuits filed each year by criminals from prison. It's not only inmates who have more rights, it's any criminal. They gave up their rights when they decided to break into someone's house, pull a gun on a cop, rape a woman, molest a child or any other act that is illegal...THAT'S the way I see it, it's just a shame that others can't have that same amount of common sense. I think a little bit of common sense would go a long way in this country as far as lawmakers are concerned.

As for my guns San Francisco and everyone else...

you may pry them from my cold, dead fingers. :angry:
I would hope this law gets taken down by the supreme court...I have only been to san fransico 2 times in my life....some of them are very strange indeed...
It'll never go into effect. The 2nd amendment prohibits any law that restricts the ownership of guns. period. there'll be lawsuits galore... I'm not a gun fanatic, or an NRA zeolot, or a proponent of guns.. Just pointing out the way it is.. JMO :wacko:
Ya!! I am still smarting from the beating that the silly labor unions gave me on Tuesday!!!![Broken External Image]:

As for the folks in 'The City'... WAY to freakin' liberal for me!!! Johnny Moonbeam and his gal Pumpkinseed are running amok down there! I guess they feel that the criminals will leave S.F. if they outlaw gun ownership.
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Wasn't it also in California that a number of years back they tried to pass a law allowing all illegal aliens citizenship or something similar?
LOL. If they tried to pass a law like that here in Texas, I guarantee there would be a lynching! Actually I think it's against the law to NOT carry a gun here.
There actually was a town in Texas in the 80s that required gun ownership to live there. I guess it wasn't a town, it was more like a resort-type area that had their own special rules in addition to the state/federal rules. The crime rate was ZERO. Chances are that it was an affluent neighborhood though, so I'm not sure what proof that provides that having a gun deters criminals. I do know that if I was a criminal, and I KNEW someone was going to blow my head off, I might think twice before stealing their TV.

TomT, the law wouldn't fly here in MO either, and we're not quite as conservative as you texans. All hell would break loose if someone tried that crap here. We did just pass our concealed carry law here too, which I was heavily in favor of. I am looking forward to seeing how it affects our crime numbers.

For the record, I agree with O'Reilly this time. hehe
It'll never go into effect. The 2nd amendment prohibits any law that restricts the ownership of guns. period. there'll be lawsuits galore... I'm not a gun fanatic, or an NRA zeolot, or a proponent of guns.. Just pointing out the way it is..

Sadly, it will go into effect. In cities like Chicago, NYC, and other cities/municipalities around the country, handgun ownership is either totally outlawed, or there are laws in place requiring law-abiding, responsible citizens/gun owners to jump through so many hoops and get so many permits that it's more hassle than it's worth, and many people who could and would own a gun don't bother.

I'm just glad that Virgina is a shall issue Concealed Carry state. And if you don't have your CCW permit, open carry is also allowed in VA.

Here's a good site with info on gun laws around the country:
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MANDATORY GUN OWNERSHIP - There is a municipal ruling in kennesaw, GA which requires residents to own guns. When I was in Europe in 1984, every able bodied Swiss male had an M16 and ammunition in their homes as part of compulsory duty in the army. Apparently those guys carry more than knives with tweezers.


Kennesaw's gun ordinance, adopted in March 1982, reads as follows:

Code of Ordinances & Gun Law

Sec. 34-1 Heads of households to maintain firearms.

(a) In order to provide for the emergency management of the City, and further in order to provide for and protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants, every head of household residing in the City limits is required to maintain a firearm, together with ammunition therefore.

(b) Exempt from the effect of this section are those heads of households who suffer a physical or mental disability, which would prohibit them from using such a firearm.

Further exempt from the effect of this section are those heads of households who are paupers or who conscientiously oppose maintaining firearms as a result of beliefs or religious doctrine, or persons convicted of a felony.

The Kennesaw Ordinance is unenforceable just as Israeli law passed in 1974 was unenforceable.

Both are a line in the sand for criminals, terrorist, anyone wishing to do harm to law abiding citizens.

"In Israel in 1974, the government had this debate. Terrorists took 100 kids hostage at a school in Maalot. During the rescue attempt, 25 people were killed and 66 wounded. There was an outcry in Israel to get rid of the guns and-or at the very least make them so restrictive that no one would even try to go through the hoops to get one. But the government wisely chose a different course. Instead of taking away the guns and keeping them taboo in schools, Israel made sure they were more plentiful. All military reservists were issued personal weapons. Anyone (civilians) with a clean record was given a concealed-carry permits. Teachers -- even kindergarten nurses -- began carrying guns (all concealed). Schools were protected by parents, not after-the-fact SWAT teams. No school group went anywhere without armed guards (concealed). At 15 years of age, kids began receiving gun safety lessons. Guess what? No more school terrorism in Israel." There has not been one attack since this unenforceable law was signed. No one knew who was armed in the schools and who was not, since all weaponry was concealed. No one could be forced to carry concealed, no records were kept on who was carrying. Not one attack on the schools. There was no way of enforcing individuals to wear their guns and to bring them onto the school grounds. Just the law on the books worked as intended. Our homes are no different than a school. This unenforceable law can and will work in Loris and the county, guaranteed.

MORE ARGUMENTS FOR THE UNENFORCEABLE: Also as with concealed-carry permits, that are also unenforceable after issuance, yet towns, counties, and states that publicly announce that they are behind the armed citizen see extreme drops crime, for example Orange County CA-population almost 4 million. In Florida, violent crime is dropping. From 1996 to 2003, the rate of murder, forcible sex offenses, robbery and aggravated assault in the state decreased 30.7 percent, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Evidence for the unenforceable, which includes concealed carry permit states, goes beyond the pale to substantiate the passage of the Safety Ordinance.

To date, Kennesaw has not had one crime committed with the use of a gun, had not had one child shot accidentally, and their domestic violence crimes are nonexistent. This is what happens when you get rid of the garbage residents and transients bent on not following the law and lack of respect for that law and community and replace them<

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