the 10 most american cars

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Above I said and Eddie quoted me as saying:
If Toyota bleeds it hurts the average American as much as if Ford does...or should I say, when either bleeds, you can bet the average American is bleeding as well.

To which Eddie said:
Last year,Datline NBC has already prooven that, toy sends 90% of $$ back to japan. Also they are about 10yrs behind in fedral income tax. Loop holes becaause of forgien owned. What is American about that???


What exactly does your point above have to do with what I said? So they send much of their money back to Japan. So they aren't paying all their taxes owed (lot's of domestic companies are guilty of that too.

But I fail to see how that either of those facts you mention counters what I said, which is if Ford or Toyota are hurting, you can bet that both hurts the average American; and vice-versa.

"facts are facts..."

i count 3 toyota, 2 honda, 2 ford, 1 jeep, 1 dodge, 1 chevy

"Give me a break!"

BTW: the swagger wagon made the list :banana:

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Facts are still facts. A Toyota is less American than a Ford but gets a higher rating.

Fact is that this is a bullcrap article.

Thomas,, My point is. If corporate is not paying thier taxes. You and I have to make it up. The dateline article chose toyota. Because they were the worst of all the auto makers and the worst of forgien. They didnt get into who has the best cars. Only tax evasion. IMO if 90% profit is going home. And they arent paying taxes. I dont see much reinvestment into the country, That allows such a large trade deficet.
Caymen, Eddie,

If both are going to quote me out of context, then continue to make your own points about the article, when the things I have been saying and that you have been quoting aren't about the article, per say, then there really isn't much to talk about.

Whether we believe the article, which is clearly subjective in its content, or whether or whether we go off on a tangent and talk about tax evasion of foreign companies...neither of these were about the point I was trying to make.

That point is that if Toyota or Ford is doing poorly, the average American and our economy is doing poorly...or vice-versa. That's all I was saying. That, and this "Made in America" mantra is rather naive for most things, especially cars.

If some of you idiots would "READ" the article closely, it says:

These are the top ten American-made vehicles, according to, which ranks them according to how many American-made parts they use and where they're built.

You will then see that the Toyota and Honda have two factories making these vehilces in the US so they are employing more US workers to make their cars.

That is why Ford may have more American Made parts but only have one factory making the individual cars and thus emplying less US workers so they only rank 3rd.

Just like Wal-Mart...They may buy a lot of cheap crap from China to sell in their stores, but they are one of the largest employers (if not the largest) in the USA. That contribute a lot to our economy and to the individual communities throughout our nation.


Eddies point is that we Americans believe buying a Toyota is good for America. While that may be 5% true, the fact is we would be better off bying from a company that keeps its profits in the USA and pays its fair share of taxes.

Still, I think we all can agree, except Gary, that the article is bullcrap. Most American is exactly that and something that is 90% American should not be rated lower than something 80% American.

"that the article is bullcrap"

it is only bullcrap in your mind.

the truth hurts :sad:

as rich said, read the article. also the post was that you would be surprised at the results not a pissing contest.
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Richard L, said:

Isn't it ironic that the most "Made in America" vehicles are Toyota and Honda..which is more American Made than Ford or GM???

Not true as two Fords have more "American Made Parts"

He also said:

If some of you idiots would "READ" the article closely, it says:


These are the top ten American-made vehicles, according to, which ranks them according to how many American-made parts they use and where they're built.

RichardL, which part of your own quote did you not read?

"which ranks them according to how many American-made parts they use and where they're built".

They ARE NOT ranked according to how many American-made parts are in them, they APPEAR to be ranked according to sales, although the article is not specific.


I read the whole quote and cut & pasted into the quote box. Perhaps you should reread it! You are ignoring the last four words: "and where they're built" part of their statement. You may read that as where the parts are built, but they already qualified that by saying "American-made-parts. I read "and where they are built" as to where the cars are assembled. That's further clarified by why they indicated the location of the factory/s where the vehicles were built.

That does not imply to me that they are ranked according to sales. It just means that Toyota and Honda are operating two plants for each vehicle and that would indicate they are employing more US workers to build that vehicle than the single plant that Ford and Chevy are using.

Simple logic tells me that if 90% of Ford parts are made in the USA while Toyota and Honda only have 80% and 75% respectively, then they are getting a higher rating for operating two factory vs Fords single factory....and that makes perfect sense to me, but they could have explained it a little better.

I read the whole quote and cut & pasted into the quote box. Perhaps you should reread it! You are ignoring the last four words: "and where they're built" part of their statement.

RichardL, the article is about cars produced in America and what percentage of American-made parts are in them.

For the second year in a row, the Toyota Camry ranked as the most American car sold in the U.S. Of the top ten most American cars, half were from Toyota and Honda.

This is the reason I suspect the ranking is related to sales. These are all cars produced in America, nothing is said about how many plants make them.

Regarding your question.

"Per say", as in the Latin "per se", meaning "by itself."

Some type it in the formal Latin as "per se", others type "persay", for which there is really no such word.

I don't do Latin, so I type it as I say it..."per say".


the article is about cars produced in America and what percentage of American-made parts are in them

Again you leave out the last 4 words of the opening statement in the article !!! "And where they're built" That tells me they are not just counting the parts but where the vehicles are made.

Yes, you could infer that if more Toyotas and Hondas are sold than Fords, so that would imply that the sales volume is included to get those rankings yet that is not stated as so.

Sales volumes may also account for why Toyota and Honda are operating 2 plants instead of just one like Ford?

My point is that the article clearly states that the rankings were based on the number of American-made parts and where they were built. If Ford has more American-made parts than Toyota or Honda, the difference in ranking must be tipped to where "Where they are built". Since each vehicle has the location of the factory/s where that vehicle is built, and Toyota and Honda have 2 factorys and Ford only has one, then IMHO it implies that there are more American workers building Toyotas and Hondas than Fords.

Remember the article is titled (very poorly) as "The 10 Most American Cars". Unfortunately, the articel is poorly titled and poorly written without explaining how they derived at these rankins, so it leaves too much up to the reader to just fill in the gaps with there opinions.

My own opinion is that Toyota and Honda emoploy more American labor to build their cars while Ford uses more American made parts, and since in the end we are talking about the American economy, it gets a bigger boost from American Made Toyotas and Hondas than American made Fords.


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Interesting, but understandable given the ranking system. I can agree with the numbers as they are presented.

I would like to see a list of how much of the cash paid for the car actually gets into the American economy, including labor and outside parts sales and services. That would be a better indicator of where the money goes.

Why, if they are made in Greenville, SC, didn't BMW make the list?
Simple logic tells me that if 90% of Ford parts are made in the USA while Toyota and Honda only have 80% and 75% respectively, then they are getting a higher rating for operating two factory vs Fords single factory....and that makes perfect sense to me, but they could have explained it a little better.

Are those first two cars made in two factories or just 1? My bet is that each car is produced in 1 factory in the U.S. and the other factory produces something else. I could see using the point of two factories versus 1 if they are talking about the entire auto company, not just a certain model. I hope I explained it right!
Why, if they are made in Greenville, SC, didn't BMW make the list?

Odds are, the BMW is assembled with parts imported from Germany or they are 99% American and according to Gary, that is less than 80%. He already knows that 90% is less than 80% and 75%.


your right i was never good with math, but again i count:

3 toyota, 2 honda, 2 ford, 1 jeep, 1 dodge, 1 chevy


Andy C,

My bet is that each car is produced in 1 factory in the U.S. and the other factory produces something else

???? I have no idea what you are trying to say by that statement

Each vehicle's manufacturing plant is listed....The article clearly states that the Toyota Camry (including the Camry Hybrid) are made in two factories in the USA. Assembly location: Georgetown, Ky. and Lafayette, Ind.

The Honda Accord is made in two factories. Assembly location: Marysville, Ohio and Lincoln, Ala.

Why would you assume that the Camry or the Accord are not made at both plants??

