Eddie said:
Exactly what I have been saying. That is holding people to your personal standard.
Guilty as charged. If I had my own playgirl centerfold page, on my stats would be only two "turn offs", and they would be: narrow-minded people; and hit-and-run soapboxers (those that jump onto a soap box, claim something, then jump off).
But consider this...are these really MY PERSONAL STANDARDS? As I said, people can believe whatever they want. I really don't care. Seriously, I do not. But if they are going to make their beliefs public, especially in some controversial way, then I really think they should have the common decency and respect for others and be prepared to discuss them. Their right to their beliefs in an unchallenged, non-discussed manner should be expected to end WHEN they make them public, in a public forum, clearly for no other reason than the sake of discussion (lest why else bring them up...right?). I don't think this expectation of discussing, trying to understand or even challenging beliefs is controversial, or "my standard". Nope, I think anyone that is going to put themselves and their beliefs out there, better be ready for what logically follows. Again, not my standard...just a pretty common-sensical, expected sequence of events.
What happens here often is some controversial subject comes up. People start discussing it. Some make some claim that is rather controversial or baseless, then rather than retract, recant, or modify it, they get all pi$$y and start name calling or take a jab and then go dark. I don't really even care when that happens. Heck, I see all the same people doing it here, again and again.
Also, I am not trying to convince anyone of my beliefs. About the only convincing I would like is actually more of "encouraging". I encourage people to understand whey they hold the beliefs they do, and if they are going to strongly convey those beliefs here to help me and others understand them.
You mentioned PC. I'm about the most politically-incorrect person out there.
BTW, your last post as an apology (guess I missed it, but accepted, thanks...but you never offended me), then this new last one essentially calling me a liar, all followed with a "now I am bowing out of this thread", seems like a really good way to stay out of the controversy. LOL
Anyway, I guess you don't understand me.
So, I will make it very clear: My issue, to the extent that I have one with people here, is with the people here that state these absurd, sarcistic things, and then can't or won't back them up. For them, I think they should either be prepared to discuss their ideas/statements/beliefs in a constructive, non-confrontational, unemotional manner, or they should simply keep their comments to themselves. There, that's pretty clear! It's not that I don't agree with, or even need to agree with or understand what someone is saying or believes. That's not it at all. I just have very little patience or tolerence for people that say these absurd things, sarcastically, and then can't/won't back them up, without just more of the same, tired, sarcastic rhetoric and rancor.
Happy 4th, Eddie.