Josh Langel
Well-Known Member
BTW, I'm a college student. I like to think I am very responsible.
re: Tragedy at Virginia Tech by Bill V,4/17/2007 16:38 CT
Additionally, using your logic, as soon as the first victim was discovered, no one at the site should have thought about the shootings or worked to save themselves until a they'd had a proper "time of mourning". Cops should not have been called in, and no discussions about what to do next should have ocurred.
That has to be one of the most brainless comments I've ever heard.
How in the world can you equate the response of proper emergency services and evasive techniques, used to deal with the immediate needs of a situation like this, with your immediate use of such a situation as a soapbox for your political drivel?
Your actions in this thread have been absolutely pathetic and classless. It's time for you to grow up a bit.
political drivel?
.I love my guns, but a college campus is no place for kids with guns.
The bodies were still warm, and already you were feeling the need to try to turn this tragedy into a political argument, and even making lame smart-aleck jokes. Nice.
More Right-to-Carry. The number of RTC states is at an all-time high, up from 10 in 1987 to 40 today.9 In 2005, states with RTC laws, compared to the rest of the country, had lower violent crime rates on average: total violent crime lower by 22%, murder by 30%, robbery by 46%, and aggravated assault by 12%.10
TJR--The national news, for the most part (at least the news outlets I saw), simply reported the news the first day or two, without trying to immediately turn someone else's tragedy into a political footnote.
TJR--The national news, for the most part (at least the news outlets I saw), simply reported the news the first day or two, without trying to immediately turn someone else's tragedy into a political footnote.
Beg to differ... Rosie was spouting off the first day about gun control.
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