Hugh's statement that ancient man may have discovered how to make steel but a "Cost/Benefit Analysis" showed it was too costly.... Since we don't have any evidence that ancient man knew how to make steel, it's stretching it too far to assume that they would have done a cost/benefit analysis...when we have no evidence that they knew about iron let alone steel. I took that as Hugh's attempt at humor...which I thought was kind of funny.
Everything anyone says is just speculation and even the scientist are proven wrong from time to time. Why don't we just assume that the ancient man had computer, cellphones, cars, planes and even traveled into space on stone-age rockets 12K years ago.
Even if we found steel tools in this ancient buried ruins, it would not prove that man made them....and the fact that they have not found a single tool used to make these huge monoliths is even stranger??
I make my assumptions based on some rudementary facts or based on some scientific archeological research. I do not make assumptions that I just dreamed up to fit the occasion...So unless you have documented evidence that man knew about or even created steel 12K years ago your assumptions are just your opinions and do not agree with the majority of scientific opinions
Did some highly intelligent civilization exist on earth 12K years ago? Perhaps, but I think that is what the scientists and archeologist examining this buried ancient structure are hoping to find answers to all these questions. If they eventually find that they indeed had steel tools and drove cars, and planes and perhaps built a Space Shuttle, I can accept that if that's what the evidence shows.
It may also be a link that aliens landed on earth and either built the structure, or directed man to build it, for some unknown purpose. The TV show Ancient Aliens concludes that aliens visited earth many times and they were responsible for the unexplained leaps in man'is intelligence...Again, that's just their opinion...but they have done a lot more research than you or I have.
As for the Statement about mankind aquiring 90% of our knowledge since 1960 is not my statement it was attributed to a statement made over 20 year ago by the late Dr Carl Sagen, but I cannot find any reference to it now.
I repeat...You all need to lighten up, all of this has been tongue-in-cheek except KL's remarks. I make a joke about someone's statement by making an even more obserd statement, and you guys go off the deep end and think I am picking on someone elses opinion rather than seeing the humor in it.
Nobody gives a rats ass what you think of my "Assumptions" any more that I care about yours. You are free to think that ancient man invented steel 12K years ago, and they had laptop computers and cellphones then too.....I don't care. I am also free to ridicule your assumptions or opinions as much as a want. If you don't like it, I don't care, just don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!