What's it cost you to go to work these days?

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40 miles to Florence, 40 miles back.. If I don't do anything at all other than drive to Florence and back it costs me 5.33 gal of gas at $2.99 = $16 to do nothing..... If I can do 1 auto lockout at $35 that will pay for 2 days travel.
I go to work on Wednesday and come home on Sunday. :eek:

It is 5.5 miles to get to the truck, 11 round trip @ 16mpg.

So, a little less than a gallon whatever $$$$ I am paying for it.... :angry:

Then I drive 2606 miles at an average of about 5.75mpg diesel.

About 450 gallons for the drive, and about 35 to 40 gallons for idle time.

Lets say about 500 gallons @ $$$$$$$$ per gallon for diesel.... :unsure:

I think that comes out to "I am sure glad I don't have to buy it"! :p

All that cipherin "calculating" made me thirsty.. :rolleyes:
I live 1.5 miles from my office, and it's all downhill. All uphill coming home, kills the mpg. :lol:

Seriously, I drive a fair bit once I'm AT work, doing estimates and checking on my people. (I'm a contractor of sorts.) I burn about a tank a week, about $60. Upside of being self-employed is that gas is mostly a write-off. For that matter so is the Trac. Still gotta pay for it all first though.

41 miles each way, 82 round trip to work each day, that doesn't include


My Wife:

60 miles each way, 120 round trip, doesn't include errands, either,:

We both have 2005 Sport Tracs, and average 20 miles per gallon!

We've had to give up the T-Bones and Ribeyes for Hamburgers and Hotdogs!!!

30 miles each way, spend about $55/week on gas...just bought a new house (for the first time) and can't even afford to spend a little money on fixing it up and "making it mine". I had one weak moment when I considered trading the trac in for a focus....would have saved $100 in payments each much and probably that much in gas too, but last I check a focus couldn't pull my boat. Yikes!
$8.00/day, tolls included if I drive the ST

$4.50/day, tolls included if I ride the HD

...and I'm starting to work from home 1-2x/week, at a suggestion from the company to save fuel.
Dang, I forgot about Florida's little gems....tolls. All major roads are tolled to the max and I drive 3 of the major ones here in Central FL to get to work. So I also add about $30 in tolls a week to my total, bringing it now to $85 a week for gas and tolls. Double Yikes!!!

Anyone in Central FL remember when they put in the 408 (East-West) and had the $0.25 tolls ONLY until they covered the cost to build. HAHAHA Then it went to $0.50 to cover the new construction ONLY until it's paid off. Now it's $0.75 with not many new additions and they get MILLIONS every week. It's $2.50 to drive from begining to end, and it's only about 15 miles long.
Work is about 12 miles if I go directly there; 16 if I go to Wawa on the way. So on the average day, that's a 28 mile round trip, or two gallons of gas in the L. When the gas prices peaked, it was costing me about $6.50 per day. It's now about $5.40.
I drive about 70 miles a day (6 days a week).... Before I lifted my truck I spent about 80-90 dollars a week, and now I spend probobly about 90-100 a week in gas.. not too bad for havin lifted my truck 8-9 inches with 35's